<br /> F�_ o �D G���O�D �oo �On �
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<br />—.�- ,,fi��ll=RL�?'P&BAIt!'TPTT`CO.,Printinp�T,ithoprnphinpanc�CoumtySupplies;Omaiaa.` _._ ---=" - -_;:_ ,��.,,— —_ Y _,_ �_ --- _- - _�
<br /> FRO./�7 I hereb� certify that this irLStrument was erztered ori .Numerical,
<br /> Indea;and filed fof�record this--------�----------------day of----•Aprll--------,-----
<br /> �.�_��.�%__�'.,_;`i1C=�.��t �nd..t�v_if'.e ---. _ Warrant �1. D., 19_ ��----, at- --___ - -- - - . _ 4-------o'cloek, P-� --�•
<br /> ------- �o Y
<br /> Deed. '
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<br /> Re�iste of Dee,ds,
<br /> i --------- -----------�i i 1aa- F i_ir_in�er----- ---- ----
<br /> B�--------- ---- ---- -- -- ------------- --------------------- ---- -
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> �.�o�n ��Y �er� �p �C�je�e �re�e�.��:
<br /> ���.�-----�5 Qhr.--E.._�i;k�r-�_ and__KaL_�_i_�__Ric_�>est, - hu�b.an;�--�.ncl z�if�------- --- ----- ---�---------------------
<br /> .� .t _ .-
<br /> ^ __________Grantor___�_____, in consideration
<br /> of the Count�J ��-----------�_�s�.11_ - - --rrrzc� S`tcrtc� of------ - -::_S_�x�.S_ �--- - --- ----- -------- ---- -
<br /> of the sum of_-------- S_��t een__'�-TLlndr�d- °a_.i;.o-/1G-1�-- --- ------------------------ ------ -- --- -----------.- ---------------------- -- - ------------.DOLL�2RS,
<br /> /
<br /> in hand paid, do_____________.__hef�eby GR�✓Y'T, B✓lRG�II�I�', SEL.L, ✓1ND CO�V'VF.Y'urzto_..____.___H il3a._�r 1111T1geT__________.____
<br /> - - ---- --- ----------------
<br /> --------------- -- ---- ---- - -- ---------- -------- --- ---- ---------------------- --- -------- - - - - - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ----------
<br /> of the Count�9 af------ r-311_ -- - ----and Stat.e of------ - ii.�:�r3Sk�. - --- - -- --- -------- - - -- -- ------,Gran,t.ee-------, the following
<br /> r;
<br /> described premises, situated i�i th� CouriLy of__ ____ ______ _��aZ�,____ _____________________.______._.arid, State of JV'ebra�cka, to wit:
<br /> ......r_x�c.�a.�n�.l.---LU-�---.�n�----�,1-)---in__.fr��,utinn�;-1--�l�c-k---T�r.en.t Y----m�.-a-.--l�F�=-�---o.f---�`dal.lich!.s..__Aci.�lit_i�.n...ta---�h.e.._�_it�_
<br /> _....o.�'...!�r.a�.d...I�.laxid,....�:;.�:�x��s,k�---_anu---it.s__�_o.m�le�i.ent,----fra:L.i_o.ral--L��...�n-e----�1-)-----in..fraut_i_o.nal...Blo.c.k---Eive
<br /> .__. --4�_)....�?.f..�unr�i e--��srae -A�:�_ai_4_i.�n. -�-Q-- �.�.�nd....��.�:�n��--..]!1e�;ras k�T-- .as-s_urvey��,-----�?�._�.�_�_ed....���.__r eu_o�';3ed•- - ----
<br /> -----_----- �---------- ------- - - ---- ---- - - -- - - ------ - -------- -----------------�--- --------------- ---------.._._.---- ---._.... -...----��----.._...----------�------ -------- ------------�----------------------------------
<br /> -------aubj_ec�---t.o---a---mor-�,-�.�-e--o-f---�_99�-•---�.n--.f.avQ�c..-of---�r.._�.---F�u.�..�.a�;le._.F3ui�.s�_ing----anc1---L�_an_..9�.:�.�c..i�t_.inn---...-------....
<br /> ------.e�--_"-r�.nd--I_s_l.�nc37.__...I?�=�:r_as_ka,----v��h�ch_..th�__�'�r��^_�_�A_.r_er.�_in.---as.sumP-s---and---a,�r_e�s....tm_...ra-Y----as....;�art---�f.._.th_e
<br /> __..---.�._�ozTe__c_a.:�.�.i_;�..ex.�.t.a.�n.- --- ------- - - - - --- -�----------�------ --------------�--- -� ----�---�-------------- ------ ----- ---..._.......- -�----- --- ...---�-�-----�-- -----------...----------
<br /> -------- --- - --- - ---- --- -- ------- - - - . . ----- �----------
<br /> To�setlaer with all tlze ten,e�nents, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ki�sht, Title,Interest,Dower,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoer�er of tlze said Grantor__�____,and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any paTt thereof.
<br /> �D �d�1C �T1� t0 �OYb th,e above-described prem-ises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee_____.__ar�d to____kl_�3r_____._______ heirs
<br /> and assi�sns forever. ��zd__�,"�ey____hereby coverzarzt______with the said Grarztee_.____that___________�`uh.��'__________._ hold____________said premises by�ood and
<br /> perfect title; that.._,______�h�Y________haV 8___sood ri�ht and lawfu,l authority to sell and corcvey the same; that they are free and elear of all liens
<br /> and incumbrances whatsoever---------------�XC-�-�?t--�S_ -��Q-Y-�--S_ta�--�.-•--------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------
<br />'� �Ind__________,______th_��.__________.______ ______________ _______ covenant________to warrant and defercd the said premises a�airzst the lawful elaims of all persoros
<br /> whomsoevef�----- ---�X�E��t_ �� �-�QY@--���f-��-•-----------------------------•------------
<br />'� ---------------------------- -- --- - -- - - -- -------- ---------- ------ - ---- -- --- ----- ------------- --- ------------------------
<br /> Dated the--------------------- -f-th--------------da�J ��---- - - - -- A�:,r].1-- - ----_�1. D.,19�.�------•
<br />', W'ITNESS ----=7�hn--F_�R i�k ert---------- ------ - ------------
<br /> ----�
<br /> I ----��.�_�i.�---i�7.�k��t---------------------------- --�- -----
<br /> ------ ----- -------- �J-Qhn---�_._�'�r�u�^n------------ - - --- -- -- --
<br /> I --------------------- -------- ----- - - --- - --- - ------- - -
<br /> ST.1TE OF NEBR�SK�,
<br /> ss.
<br />, -----�i�11---------------------County, On this--------'7t h-------------------d��✓ of--------A?�T 11-----------------------------------✓.�. D., 19_1�__. , before me, '
<br /> the urodersi�raed, a Notary Publie__________._________________________within,arzd for� said County,personally came___________________________________:__ __..__.____._ ___
<br /> •Tc�hn F.Ricl�ert ar.d :�at�;ie Rickert
<br /> i
<br /> ---- --- ----- -- ----
<br /> ------ --
<br /> - - --------------------------------------------------�-------------_ �
<br />' to me personally kizown to be the ideretical person___S___whose nameF,.__a,r-8-______________.__.____a�j"ixed to the above
<br /> ��;�;AL` •
<br /> � � instrument as �raritor_s____, and_______.___th��_______________severally acknowled�ed the same to be___�_�_e__lr_______voluntary
<br /> act arad deed for the purpose thereifz ex�ressed.
<br /> IN W7TNESS LVHEREOF,I have hereur�to subscribed my name and af'fixed my of�'icial seal at.___________.________
<br /> ___________ranc�___I�lan� 1`78br�Sl�c3______oy� the date last above written.
<br /> i------------
<br /> ------------------ ------J ehn---A_,_Fer�uson-------------------�
<br /> Notarz�Public.
<br /> ,My commassion expires----------------------------------------------------;`'�.���_h__�4_th_---------19-19-----•
<br />