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� �x_d <br /> ,y. D��D -C���O�D �o� �0� <br /> ._ _, m . _ . __ ____ __ � _ _ _ _ <br />—_ ��—� uGa�0-I�7.01'f�BA�TL7:"I"l'�a.,Printang,I.iGlaopriipli%nqandCound���upp�esl�27nvali¢ - — - _ — <br /> _ . ,.._. __.__-_ _°_:.. __,,. ___-- —::-.__._. .___�_ —._—_ _ _ _ <br />�_�..::._ __ _ . ___ __.,_ _ _:n—..�__.__�� �---_._____,_.._.. __�i�____-___--�--_ <br />_� __ _ . <br /> �'R�✓�T I hereby certify that this in-strurnent was erztered on .Nacmerical I <br /> Index an,d filed for record this__________�____________day of_____Aj?r�l_,______________ <br /> ------- - -�"-e0 rg�_.B.B_�_�.1_.and_ t�_z��. --- _-------- Warranty <br /> �4. D., 19-�3----, at---. -- _ _ _ 4•30 ------o'clock --P._.M. <br /> TO ' ]�eed. �/��;C�%�� � <br /> - - ---- -- -----� - - --- ----------------------- <br /> Re�ister eeds, <br /> _�z�r-�e- J_,_Gu�b_ -- --- - -- -- -- <br />; B�------- . _- - -- - - - -- - - --- _ --------------- ------ <br />' Deputr�. <br /> ---- ---- ---- --- -- - <br /> — ----- ---- <br /> �.�o� �z� e� � � e�e �e�e�.t�: <br /> � p � � <br />, �,���- 7G e, �eo rb e-- r_.�el_1_._ana �mma_ E�:_,�R e�.1,--hus ti and and w i f e -------- ---- <br /> of the Countz� of-- ------ -'�_O.Ok---___-- --. ---���acl ��trr-te of-- -----I11�210.18-------------, ------- ------- --------- ------------Grantor--S----, in eonsideratiorz <br /> of the sum of_----- ---�1'��.�:_.�'-�z'-e-�'vn�r ad-�'�_ nQ�QO--- ----�------------------ ---- - ----------- ------- <br /> - ----- ---- ---- ------ -------- --------..DOI,L�RS, <br /> irc hand paid, do------------------hereby GR,�1NT, B.FIRG.RIN, SELL, �ND C'ONVEY'unto-----�z_��JT_�-6--,I_.�U.J�1�----------------------------------------- ----------------- <br /> of the CountJ�}�--------- -I�all__ --- - -- --and.State of_---- �'T-e_bra.ska _- - --- -- - --- ----- ----- _ -- - - --- --,Grantee--------, the followi•n� <br /> described premises, situated irz th�,Countr� of_____ __�all___ _ . _____________.________.__.____.______and S'tate of NPbreBka, to wit: <br /> --.I�o_�_.__�?u�.ex---Six----t-�.�---in---�31flc_k__��um�_er.---�i�?ht-y--r_iT�_e_..(��_)_.._�.n_._�h.�__a�_zg.zxza.l....t_Qwn,,.of_�.xand-.--- <br /> ...�s lanc�,. - o___tn e r ec_or1 ed-�lat--th�r�a f-�- --------- ----- - - -...... --- - -.........- - -� - ------�---- ...---�- <br /> - ------- -----....-------_._ ----- -- -.. <br /> - -......___ --- - - --- ---- - ---_ - ---- - -- ------------- -�-- �-�- - - - ----.....- -- - - - ..... - --- - --- ----- _...------------------------�-------- ----------------- -------- -- -------._... <br /> ------...--- ------ --- ---- � --- - - ---- -- --- -- --- -�. .... ... ...... ...---�-----�------------------------ ----..._- -�----- --�-� - -.._..._...--- --�------�------ �--- --------� -------------�--------------------------------� <br />, - - ---- - ----...------ --- -- -- - --- --- - - - - - .. . . ---------- ---------------- -.. <br /> To�ether with all the terzements, heredita77zeyzts, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Doz��er, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__�___,and of either of the,m, of, ira, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �CO �A�1C �IY� t0 �OI� the above-descr�ibn,d pr•emises, with the ccppurtenarzces, unto the said�Srar�tee,______and to._____�jg_____.___ heir�s <br /> and assi�ns forever. .11nd___t?!�______hereby covenant_____with the said Grantee________that_______________y�_�___.____._ h,old___________said premises by�ood and <br /> peTfect title; that____.___.W__e______________ha__Ye�ood ri�ht and lawful authorit� to sell arad convey the same; that thez� are free and clear of all liens <br />�' and incumbrances whatsoever------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ,qnd__________.______V�_E_______________.___________._______________ coveizant_.____to warrant and defend the said prernises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons <br />'�I whomsoever------- -__ - - -_ - -__- -- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- ----- --------- --- ------------------------ - -- <br /> i Dated the-------------1�-tn------------ -da� ��' - -T�tov er��b_er -- - -- ----- - - _�. D.,1911------• <br />, WTTNESS ----_.�a_BQrg-�---�-_s_�_k3_G11---------------------------------------- <br />� <br /> ---- ----- --- ----�'_x_ec�__A_._�at_�s---------------------- - ----�:mma--�3_._�?�11------------------------- � <br /> --------� -------------------------- - -------------------- - <br /> ----- - <br /> -------�----- - ---- '�-�o---�_._P_�ine-- _.-- --- ---- - -- -- <br /> ---- -------------- ------------------- -- ------------------ <br /> sT.�TE oF Il:lin�i ia, <br /> �ss. <br /> --�-Q�?��.------------------------Count On this----- ------------�.4:��.1----- ------daJ �}------�.1�7I_�i�i�_gS-------•--------------- <br /> z�, ________.1. D., 19.�.1__. , before me, <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notarz�Public---_---_-_-_-.--____-_-_--_--_---witlzin an,d for said County,personally eame_------_---___-_-___-----__-_-___-__-.--------_-_----____- <br /> ---------��Qr� s �"'._F�1_l_�nd---k�rrirr�a__Ii._..�_�11,,----hi�---�'�f_�------------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_S.________whose name___8.___3T_H_________ _____._.__af)ixed to the above <br /> (��Z� i�2strument as �rantor.s___., and_________�1?_eY_________..___ _severally acknowled�ed the sarrze to be___�_h@l.r____._.voluntarr� <br /> aet and deed for the purpose thereia2 ex�ressed. <br /> INW'ITNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and af�'ixed my ofj�cial seal at________________________ <br /> .__C h 1C 3�0;___I 111ri41� ____..._.__orc the date Zast above written. <br /> -------- -- ------------Fr ed--A.�at es-------------- <br /> ✓U'otary Public. <br /> ,Mr� commission expires-------..---------------------- "' . <br /> -- - --- ---- --- -�=�a�--7-1---- ----- -79-12------• <br />