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<br /> �.r�o� ��Y �et� �p ��je�e ��e�e�rt� : ' <br /> � <br /> � <br />' ����--- --- L�avitt -�_.Rollins . and es- H_.�.o_llins--- �- his._wif_�_) -- ----- --- ------ - --- ----- -_. ___- ! <br /> ; <br /> i <br /> ----- - - -- - -- <br /> -- _ - -- _ - --- - - - -- ------- - - - --- --• -- -- <br /> of the County of_. _._ �iall _carrcl :S't-crfc uf___ __id�braSka _GYrantor�__s_______, incon.sideratao�z � <br /> _ -- - -- i <br /> o} the sum- of--- -�'Q� Hundr_�d. - __. __ -- - -- ----- - - _ - ._ - __-- - --- --- - - -- -- ----DOl,r,.�RS, i <br /> ; <br /> ir� hand paid, do----.__-----_.__lzerebr� GR�g✓1�'T, B.9RG�lIeN", SE.LI,, .g�N'D CO.��'VEY'zan,tu-----------a`_�fa_ry___J_,_(;CT�et�----------------------------------- --------------- � <br /> ; <br /> .. ---------------..-----------------------7------ ----------------_-------- y -- -------------------------- � <br /> . - -°- ------ -- - - ---- ----°- ---- <br /> of the Coacnty of-- ---- �:a�l--__ ---and,btate o -----.__- ---- _ r?E�JT3Skcl_ _ -. _--- - i <br /> - } . _ ,Grcrratee,_______, th.e followin� , <br /> described premi,ses, si.txcuted in, the Coun,ty of.___ _____ _�?�111_ __________________.____________cr,rr,d �SYtate of.1V'ebra�ka, to zuit: ; <br /> ! <br /> ..............k'r��.�iona�---LQ_t....�?umUer_.�ix.._�c?}- 1� ��'�C t ional Elo�k__�Tur:�cr----Thre-E-----�-3-�----�?�..°.o.11 in'_�...Acldit ion -- -- � <br /> -------_-..-�a---..��rand....I.s.1a-nd,---���_�r_ask�___�nd__.i�-s---�nr�l.�m.en�t---fr��t.i�:nal---Lot...c.ix----��-��.c L_iQnal__�'�l�u.l�-------- I <br /> .____ _ _ �`_ev�nt_eEn__(1`�_)___o,f._�'�_allich!_s___�ciait_ion_..to___�rand___Is_land _..,:?ebraska. � <br /> � - � --- ---------------------- -- - --- - - -- ----- --- - ---- --- - ---- <br /> i <br /> --- - --- - -- -- --------- ---- ------ - - -- ---- ----- --- ---�-----�-- ---�---...--�- -------------- ------------- - - - � -- -- - - - ............ - --------------- -------- --- --------------------------------------------- � <br /> . . --- ----- -...-------- ---------------------- - -----------------•----� - ----�-- - ----- -----�--....- ------ -..-------�-------� ---- ---- --------- - i <br /> ..--- ---- - ----- ---- --- - - .... ----...------------------------ -•----------------------------------------- ---- ------... - -- - ---- -- -�--�---------- - --- ------- - -- ----------- ---------------�----------- ---------�- i <br /> i <br /> ---- ------- --- �--� ---- -------- �- �-- -- ----- ------- --- <br /> - - - ----- --�-- -�---.....---------�---------------------------- -- ----- - ------- ----...-� -----�---------.... ------ - --�--�-------------- ---�-�---- ---- , <br /> � � I � <br /> -- - ------- -- -- ----- ---- - - - - -- - -- - --- -- --- - -- - - - - -- - I <br /> --- - - -- _ _ - - ------�--- - ------------ -- ---------------- - ------------------------------ --------- <br /> To�ether with all the tenefrzerats, hereditam,erzts, ccr�d appitirtercarce,es thereunto beZ.orz�if2�, arzd all th•e Esta.t.e, Ri,�ht, Title,Inte,rest,Dc�r<��r, <br /> � � Curtesy,Clairn arzd Demund zvhatsoever of t.he,sai,c� Grantor__B_,and of either�of therrz-, of, i.iz, or to the same, or any part the,reof. � <br /> �� �D ���1Q Al�� t0 �0�� the above-desc�zbe,d pf�emises, with, the appurtenartees, urzto the said�Srantee______arcd to.____1�HS___ ___ heirs <br /> � <br /> and assi�ns forever. �-4nd____Y�_�_________hereby covenant.______iai,th the said Grantee_______that__________9'�'__�_______________ hold_________said premises bt��ood and i <br /> � <br /> perfect title; that____________R'Es___________ha_Y�_�ood ri�ht an-d lur��ful authoritz� to se,l,l and cor�vez� the same; that they are free ar�d clear of all lien,s i <br /> I <br /> and incumbrances whatsoever--------------- -- -- -- --- ----- ---- ---- -- - - -- -- - -- ---- - -------------------------------- --------------------- - -- I <br /> ( <br /> ---- ----- - - - - -- - --- - ___- - ---__ -- ----- ------- --- -- - - - - � <br /> - --- - - --- -_ - - - _ - -- - -..- - -- - ------ - - -- -- - --- -- ---- -- -- - - I <br /> i <br /> �ind________..___.__________SNe____________________ ____.________ __ covenant_____to warrarot and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all person,s i <br /> whomsoever-- --- -___ _ .__._- - - - -- - -------------------------------------------- ----------------- -------------- - - --- ------- ---- ---- - - ----- ----- - --- � <br /> a <br /> 1 <br /> ----- --- -- - -... - - ___ - -- - --- --- --- - --- - ---__-- - ---- --------- - --- --- -------- --- -- ' <br /> -- - - -- - 1 <br /> Datect the__�_�vent�enth----------------da� �1'---- ---Sept_embcr----------- -- ---_�. D., z9��'_-----• � <br /> � <br /> w'zT�v'ESS ____Leavitt__�',_Fo 11_i___n__s_____________ _ " <br /> ��a.�ies �;.D il l ---�=x__an^�-�--�7-•-�0 l�.in�-- ---- --------- -- - <br /> -- _ _ _ - -_____.__ ___-- ------------------------ -- -----.._ _ __- - -- � <br /> --- ------- ------- - - -------------------- --- ------ -- -- � <br /> � <br /> ---- -- ---- - - - -- -- - -- _ - ---- - - - - - _ _ <br /> � <br /> ------------------- -- - --- -- - --- - -- -__-- -- - i <br /> ST�TF, OF .NEBR�SK✓1, i <br />',, , �ss. ! <br /> u ---d� o ------�-��'�em'�er- -- ---- -- � <br /> ---------------------------�1�.�.---------Cozcnty, On this-- ------ -�.7 _ ---- ----.l1. D., 19_Qg___ , be ore me, ; <br /> _------- �J � � <br /> the urzdersi�rced, a Nota�y Publie-----__ _--_ ._-_-__ _-__--wi-th,in arzd for suid County, personallz� eame- _ _--_--- --------- -------__ _-___--- ------------__ ___.. __ � <br /> , Le�.vit_'�__'���fi:oll_in� �.n�i---�'��n�_e__�--H_,�nol�.in�t----7ii�--__v_rife ___--- ------ --- ----- -- - ---------- -- - - ' <br /> � <br /> -_- -- --- --- -- <br /> - - - --- <br /> _ ------ - - -- ----- ---- - -- ---------------------- -------- -- ----------- -- - <br /> ; t,o me personallz� known to be the identical persorL___fi__.__whose narne__$___S,T� __.__.__.____________afj"ixed to the above j <br /> �SEAI+� instrument as�Tantor_g___, arLd_________________t�hG_3t______ _.severally aeknowled�ed the san�e to be__.th_�_ls_______vol,untary � <br /> _ <br /> � act and deed for the purpose there�n expr•essed. � <br /> , INW'ITNFSSWKEREOF,I havPheretcrato subsc�zbed my name and afj"ixed mz� ofJicial ,seal at______ ______________ � <br /> i <br /> -----�TcZ21C�---SB1371,C1�----.1i:_��r_.__ _ on, th,e dczte l�est above writte�z, i <br /> - -- ---�7-.-'t::.D_11.1---- ----- -- ----------------------- - - I <br /> � h''otar�Public. ' <br /> .Mz� commissiora expires---- . - -- _ - - - _ --- - -- SILtl`�--l��h. --- J9-1�'------• ' <br /> f <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � <br />