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OBIIGATIONS. This Deed of Trust shall secure the paymeM and performance of all preseM and future indebtedness, Ilabilities, obligations and <br /> oovenarrts of Borrower or Grantor(cumulatively"Obligations")to Lender pursuarn to: <br /> (a)this Deed of Trust and the following promissory notes and other agreemerris: <br /> <:;::>::>::>::>:::.:..:..::....:.:.:.:.,.:.:.;..:..:.;:.;:.;::.>:.;.>:.:,:<.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.> <br /> . . ; ;.:><:<;::,:::;:;:>::::»:<:>::>::»:::::�ttl�:;:>::::::>::>:<:>:::::::::::::>:<::::z::..,`..: .'."::»::::>::::>:::::>::::>::»::>::>:<::;:::�>::::::::>::»>:: . ;::>::>::>:>:::<:::>::::;::»>:::<:>::>:: <br /> :>::::>::»pM�l�''+0.#,<�tMil!DUN�`�.;:::::::::::>:..::::::::.::::::.:::::::::::.:..::............... <br /> �J1't14�t1`it.>:<.;:.;;;;:::::<.;;;:;,:.;:<,>:;::««.>::ILv;A►�::;;;;:.;>;;:.;;;;;;;:.;;;;:.;;; <br /> i:i:::<::::><::»>::>::»::>:.................. ..::::::::::.::::::::..::: <br /> ::::::::::::::::::.: <br /> >::>:<:::>:<::<:;:;.:><,. : >:«:>:><:::>::::>:;::::>::::>:::<:�l�M&MF:�#A7�::::>:::::z<:<::>::::::c::: ..?:::<:>::>::::>;::::>::<:>::;:;::::::::>::>::::>:::<.'::::: >::»:<:s>::»>::>::>::>::»:: <br /> ......�R�pi��T................................................................:....:::::::�T�::::::::::::::.:::::::::.:::::::::::::NE�IC6�#3.:::.;:;.;;:<.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:;:.;.: <br /> 10,000.00 O1/21/98 O1/21/03 4190080805658055 <br /> (b)all other prese or ure,w en agreeme s w r a re er y o s o rus s er axecu or s same or differsnt <br /> purposss than ths forogoing); <br /> (c) any guaranty of obligations of other parties given to Lender now or hereafter executed that refers to this Deed of Tn�st; <br /> (d) future advances,whether obligatory or optional,to the same exterrt as if made contemporaneously wfth the execution of this Deed of Trust,made or <br /> extended on behalf of Grarrtor or Borrower. Grantor agrees that lf one of the Oblig�tions is a line of credit,the lien of this Deed of Trust shail wntinue <br /> umil paymerrt in full of all debt due under the Iine notwithstanding the fact that from time to time(but before temiination of the line)no balance may be <br /> outstanding. At no time during the tertn of this Deed of Trust or any extension thereof shall the unpaid and outstanding secured prindpal future <br /> advanoea,not induding sums advanced by Lender to protect the secx�rity of this Deed of Trust,exceed ihe following amount: $ •,o oon_o0 <br /> Thia provision shall not constitute an obligation upon or comritmerrt of Lender to make additional advances or loans to Grantor;and <br /> (e)all amendmerrts,extensions,renewals,modiflcations,replaoemerrts or substitutfons to any of the foregoing. � <br /> As used in this Paragraph 1,the tertns Grarrtor end BoROwer shall indude and also mean any Grantor or Borrower if more than one. <br /> 2 REPRESENTATION3,WARRANTIE3 AND COVENANT3. Grantor represents,warrants and covenams to Lender that: <br /> (a) Grantor has fee simple marketable title to the Property and shall meintain the Property free of all Ilens,security interests,encumbrances and daims <br /> except for this Deed of Trust and those described in Schedule B,which is attached to this Deed of Tn�st and incorporated herein by reference,which <br /> O�au�tor agrees to pay and perfortn in a timery manner; <br /> (b) Grantor is in compliance in all respects wfth all applicable federal,state and local Iaws and regulations,induding,without Iimitation,those relating to <br /> f{azardous Materials,"as defined herein, and other environmeMal matters(the"Ernironmerdal Laws"),and nefther the federal govemment nor any <br /> other govemmental or quasi govemmental emity has filed a lien on the Property,nor are there any govemmental,judidal or adminisirative actions wfth <br /> respect to environmental matters pending,or to the best of the Grantor's Imowledge,threatened,which invoNe the Property. Nehher Grantor nor,to the <br /> best of Grantor's knowIec�e,any other�rty has used,generated,released,discharged, stored,or c�sposed of any Hazardous Materials as defined <br /> herein,in connection with the Property or transported any Hazardous Materials to w from the Property. Grantor shall not corrxrit or pemit such actions <br /> to be tak�en In the future. The term "Hazardous Materials" shall mean any substance, material, or waste which is or becomes regulated by any <br /> govemmetrta!suthority indu�ing,but not Umited to,(i)petroleum;(li)Mable or nonMable asbestos;(fii)polychlorinated biphenyls;(iv)those substances, <br /> materiala or wastes designated as a"hazardous substance"pursuarrt to Section 311 of ihe Clean Water Act or listed pursuant to Section 307 of the <br /> Clean Water Act or any amendmerns or replacements to these statutes;(v)those substances, materials or wastes defined as a"hazardous waste" <br /> pursuarri to Section 1004 of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act or any amendments or replacemerns to that statute; and (vi) those <br /> substances, mate�lals or wastes deflned as a "hazardous substance" pursuarn to Section 101 of the Comprehensive Environmemal Response, <br /> Compensation and Llability Act, or any amendmerrts or replacemems to that statute or any other similar state or federal statute, rule, re�lation or <br /> or�nance now or hereafter In effect. Grantor shall not lease or pemit ihe sublease of the Property to a tenarrt or subtenant whose operations may <br /> resuft in oorrtamination of the Property with Hazardous Materials or toxic substanoes; <br />