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_ 1 <br /> � � f`� <br /> o �CD ���Oo �D �oo �Oo <br /> D <br />_ _____ _ _ _ _ ___ _ . <br />_ _. _ _ _ _� ,. __� <br /> . oU��U—KLOPP..&BfI RTLE1'T CO.,Prtinlinp,LilJaogra�pltinp�nd Coi��ety�upytaes:t)ina�i"a. `. . �' ��- .... `_.. � �� - . .- .- - _ ..'— <br /> FRO.iVl I herebz� certify that this instrument was entered on ✓1�'umerical <br /> Index and filed for record this_.__..___��_t______._____day of_____14�7r_11____,________-_ <br /> .fl. D., 19--�--��---- , at--- - -- __ � .�'D ----o'cloc,k--P. ---�• <br /> -------�ut_�_A._�i_a.l�r_on__P•._ hu�bar�--- -- - ,Warranty <br /> 7'O <br /> Deed. <br /> - -- ----- --���^'2'���-----=���-�---f-�----------- --- -- <br /> Re�siste of Deeds, <br /> ------ <br /> --J ul is- -;r{.�Smi�h - - - - -- - - _ __ _ <br /> I - 8�---- ------ --- - - - -- -- -- -------- ----- <br /> Deputy. <br /> ------ ------ ------ -- --- - - -- <br /> - <br /> - - <br /> -- <br /> , <br /> �.�o� �YZ e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�.t� : <br /> �;���----- - --Ftu�h A:�l_a_1drQr�__a.nd _I��a� -[�.�Val�rcznr -ti��_if_�__�nd- -hus-b-and ----�-- --- - ------------------ ------- ------------ - - - <br />'� ----------------- ------------ �-- -------- <br /> ---- - - ------ - - - ---- -__---- ------- -- --- ---------- ------- --------------------------------------- --------�------------- - - <br /> of the Countz� of-- -------c��ll__----------------__arz�� St�r-te of- --- - ----- re_iJi2l$ka ----- ------- ------ ------------Grarztor_8------, in consideration <br /> of the sum o�--------------�i�ht_�_�n_HU.ndrec�.---(-18_CU-)--:----SJG�1Q�------------------------ <br /> - ------------------- ---- - --------.DOLL�RS, <br /> in hand paid, do------------hereby GR.g.NT, B�1RG.gIN, SELL, .FI.ND CO�'V'EY'u,nto-------s�1111�--���.,�_Tlll�h-------------------------------------- ---------------- <br /> ---and Stute o -- -- --- - -- - - _---- ---- , , <br /> of the County af---.--�'L�.11 ---------------.------- - f ir$�r_35ks'L---------------------- __ Grara.tee-------- the followin� <br /> described premises, situated in th� County o�'___.__ ____._____�?s�ll__________.____________-,_______an�d State of JV'ebr��cka, to wit: <br /> ...----...,Lot--Tv�:°----��-�-�-----�?�--�lr�ck �'ort.y_-�EV�n. (4"7 -)---Gf F�us�e1.._.�-i�t�.1..e.�-�-�---.t��a.�.�_a..�.n_..�.o._.�.x_ancl---.�slandr--- -- - -- <br /> -,. _,_ <br /> -- ...._._?:y_��r�.ska,...__a�....sux_v���'�%dr- -�lat.��d.---and -r�c.or�..ed• - ------ -- ... ---� - --.... -- ---� ...- -- -----------�-------------�--------------------..-�---------.. <br /> - --- .... - -- --- --- - - --- - -- --- -- - - ---- ---- . -... -�-- -....-- - .- - - -- -- -- - -- --_. ---...---------- ----�----..---�------... -- <br /> --- ------ ---- - --------- - - - - ---- - - - - - - -- -- --- --- --�----�-----�---------------------------- ---- -- ----- -------------�-�--..-------- ---- ------ ---- - � <br />' ..----- -_-- - --- - --- - -- - ---- ---------�- - - ----�-- - --- - -- --------- ---------------------- -------�------- -------... - -� - -------------- - ----------�--- ------ ---�----- .....-------------- ----------...-----------------�--------- <br />� - ---- ---- ----- -- --- ----- - -� --- --- - - -- -- -- - ----- -- -- ---- - --- --- - - - -- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------�-------------- <br />� <br /> To�ether with all tlze tene.merzts, hereditarne�ats, arzd appurtenar�ees th-ereunto belon�in�', and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,IrZterest,Dozver, <br /> Curtesz�,Claim arcd Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_8_.___,��ebe�.e�t�e,r��e�a, of, ira, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> . . . • <br /> �CD ���1C AIl� t0 �OY� tlze aboue-descrabed prem,ases, wzth the appurtenances, unto the saad�rarctee___.___and to_.___h_�r_____.____ heirs <br />'� and assi�ns forever. ./�nd_�_Y�.cy_____lzereby covenant______with the said Grantee.______that_______________�h�.y___.___.. hold._________said premises by�ood and <br /> perfect title; that,_______�h eY-_______ha_V8_sood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free arzd elear of all liens <br />, and irtcumbrances whatsoever---------------- -- --- - ----------------------------- ----------- -------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- <br /> ----•------------------------------------- -- - <br /> - - --- ----------- -- - - ----- -- - ---- - - - -- ------ ---- - ----- ----- -------- ------ ---------- -------- - <br />� <br /> �nd_._______________uh�y______________ _______________ covenant________to warrant arcd deferzd the said prerr�ises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons <br />' whomsoeve,r------- -- - - - -_ - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- ------------------------- --- <br /> Dated the----------1 S t----- ---- --da�J �f--- -- --Abr 11-- ------ -- -- -.g. D.,19--�-��------• <br /> WTT�'ESS ------�_Ll_�kl---,�_..YY�.1�5_4YL- ------------- -------�---------- <br /> -------------------�-----�-��_._Allan---------- ------------ -- - - <br /> ------X_s�a�---�a=�'aldrQn--- --------------------------- ------ <br /> ST�TE OF NEBR./1SKg, <br /> �ss. , <br /> ------------•---- <br /> ----I`all-----------------County, ) On this--------�-��---------------------da�J o�--------------�i'-�-�-�------------------------------�. D., 191�'---- , before me, <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Publie__________________________________witlzin and for said Couraty, personally came_,__.______________________._____,_ _ <br /> --------I�uth__A._�1_a_13ro_n---and---Isaac---H._Wal�tron------------------------------ ------ -------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person__6_.____whose name_g__�_8__.__________ ___af�'ixed to the above <br /> �uEAL� irzstrumerLt as�ra,ntor__.�.__, and___._._.___��6y__._________.___severally acicnowled�ed the same to be_____th�lr_____voluntar� <br /> act arzd deed for the purpose therein expressed. ' <br /> IdY'W'ITNESSYVHEREOF,I have hereur�to subscribed mz� name and afJixed my of�'ieial seal at_._______.___________ <br /> ��aric�__IS_lan�___21e�j�_,____i�___S�i�:1 _v Ola.�_��n the date last above wTitten. <br /> ----�_.�_.Allan------------------ --------------------------- <br /> .Notar�Pubdic. <br /> ,Mz� commission expires----- ---- - -- ---- --- _ ----- - --- -- �-�F�•---�4----- ------19---1-c'----• - <br />