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� �� �:t�,�r"' <br /> , <br /> � �.1 ?"_/ <br /> D��U ���lJ�� �oo ��❑ ��!` <br /> ,._._� .. _ _ _ - - --- _ _ -- - - - -- - - - ---- - -- -- -- - --- - -- --- --- — <br /> __ � - - - __ . ---A._-- —__ _ . —� _.�: <br /> _. _ . _.. _i. <br /> ------ _ — <br /> _ ..-`Si�F=�RT�PP'i�c-I�A7t'f"f,F7'T�'6-Pririt%ng,�t�qra�pe%ng'ancTL`ounly.'Strp�zes;_�lan.�--�____�_ ___ _-- <br />�._::-�—_„_ �.-- -��.__ ,___ � . � , �-__�-=� -- - --- - - <br /> =.__.___ _..__ _ __._._._ - _._ — .--_— ��—�------ - -- <br /> .__ � __ �..�—�-,_ ___.-...__-__.----_-__`_- ---- <br /> i <br /> �� � FR�'M I hereb� certifz� tlaat tyzis irzstrurraertt wa,s entered ora ✓Y'umerical <br /> ! _____ Indea;ar7d filed for record this__________2�___________day of____4`�?arch <br /> �, ---- - - .----- - ------------- ----- - - --- -- - - ------------- � <br /> . r � .fl. D., Z9-1'�-- , at -- - - - - _- 10- -----o'clock - .�s_.M. i <br /> ------ --�_i�_7�_i��r--�.�_S_�ri��9�- - - -- �Warranty _ � <br /> i Tp Deed. ����°-y�-�_��� � <br /> ----- - --- --- -- -- ------------- ---- ; <br /> � Re�siste of Deeds, � <br /> ---- - - - Cl�x_is�a--�:�am�aon - - - - - -- ' <br /> � �� - -- ------- - -_ - ___ _ --------- - -- --- ' <br /> Deputy. � <br /> --- _ - - ____ -- _-----—-- - <br /> -- --- --- . ------------------ _----- - -- <br /> I _ �__ ----- — _—_ _ _.. -- - <br /> ---- ---- ------ --- -- -- --- -- � <br /> � <br /> I <br /> �.�o�a �Yr ���t �p ��e�e �re�e�t�: � <br /> ; <br /> ` ����-- - �i�li_arr,._x_._�arap�_on. ___ . ___ __ - ; <br /> � -- ------- -------- -- - --- ---- ---_.----- ------ - --- -- -- - - ----- ----- -- - ---- --- - - - <br /> - - -------------------------------- � <br /> of the Count� of- -------Ha�.-�-- -----------------ccrrcl .Stcfte of------_._. N�_�T�3 kc^i- - -----------(�rantor---- -----, in eonsaderatiorz <br /> , of the sum o}_----�nE ._dollar_--and--o_th_er--valuabl.e--�on$_�.d�sa�_ions------- ---- ---- -------- --- --- ------ -- ------- --- -------------DOr,L�tKS, , <br /> in harad paid, d.o_____ _ _______ Ir-e��ebz� GR���'T, B./�.RG.RI�", SELI,, �<N'D CO�N'VL'�^ri.rzto__�i 1ciT 18 8&___E_._�SIIi_p80Y1_____ _____ _ <br /> - - --- ------ --- � <br /> � <br /> --------- ----- ------ -- - - - --- --- - -__-- - --- -- ------------ - - --- - -- - - - - . ------------------------- --- ------------------ --- - -- ---- - ------- ----- � <br /> } y f f _____,Gran�tPP._____� the follo�uin�s � <br /> o the Count o -- - �:311_ _ ----a,rzd�S'tate o ---- --i��L�.r_1S_�.�_ - ---- - - - <br /> i <br /> described ��remises, situate,d in, the Corr.iat,y c>f.___ ___________ .._ _ H8,_�]„_ __________ _________ ________afr,d �St,ate ��'JV'e�ir��ka, to wit: i <br /> � <br /> --------L.4t---��lx-----��?�----i??---�-�-Q-cx--�i.g�t.---�$�,-- �n-�-h� -o.r_�.g�.nal,--t_own---n�_w_..<it-Y---�zf...a�and_..Island,....iv'.�_�.r.as_ka, - -- � <br /> : --� --�� . ...... .. ......- - ..... - -_.... - ---- --------- --- - ---- -- - ---- --- - - - ...- - -- -- ---- ----........ - - -- ........ � - - � --- -- -----�------------------�---- -- j <br /> � � <br /> �� - --- ---- - --- - --- - -- -� --�------- --- - ------------ -- --�--- -�--- -----�- ----- -�� -- - � - - - - �---- - - -- -._..... - ---- --------------�� - - - ------------ -------- --� -- ---- -- ! <br /> ' i <br /> ------ ----- -- ----- ------- _- - -- ------- -- -- -----� - ---------------------------------- ------------ ----- ---- ---- - - - ---- - -... -�- --- ...----------._._...-- ------�- -�-------------�-------------------- ------- i <br /> I <br /> --- ------- -- -- - - ---- ----- - ------ ----�- --- --- -- - --- -- - ---- -__�------ ------ -------------- ------------ ------------•--�-- - -- ..._._.---- ------- --- ------------- �----- ----- -- -----��------------ � <br /> ...._ ------ - --- ---- -- ------ �- ----- I <br /> -------------- -------------------------------------- ------------ ----- --�------------� I <br /> --- - - �---- -- -- -- ---- - ----- -- ------- -- - --�--------- <br /> -------- �------------�----------�- <br /> ------ , <br /> ; <br /> -----------�-- -- - ---- � ---- <br /> --�--�--- -- - -------- - - - - ---- --- -- - -- --- ----- - - -�----- ------- - -- ----� <br /> . - ---- �--- --------- ------------- �------�-- --------_- � ----��----------------�-- --�-�----- <br /> � <br /> � <br /> ' -------- -- ------ - - - - ----- -------- - - --- - <br /> ---- - -- -- --- - - - - - -- - - - ----- --- ------ ---- -...-------- --------- <br /> i <br /> ------- ---------- - -- i <br /> � 2'o�eth,er with all the ten,em-erzts, hereditcc�fzerats, arzd appurteraarzees thereurzto belor�QirL�, aracl d�l• the Estate,Ri�ht, Titl,e,In.terest,Dou�er, i <br /> � <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Derrzartd z�shatsoever of the sa.i,d Grantor__.___,arad c�f e,it.h-er of thern,, of, irz, or to the sarrte, or�n�part thereof. <br /> � <br /> �0 �d�1E AIY� t0 �0�� tTie ccbove-described prem,ises, zvith, t,h.e appurtena.r�ces, urzto the said�rantee__._____and to_____heT_____ ____ lzeirs ! <br /> i <br /> ' arcd assi�ns forever. �1nd____Z__________herebi�coUen,ant______with the said Grantee_______that________I________________ hold_________said premises by�ood ancl ! <br /> � <br /> perfect title; that_______________I___________ha__IYBsood risht and Zaiaful autTzority to se7l and r,onvey the same; that thez�are free and elear of abl lien,s � <br /> and incumbranees whatsoever----------- --- -- - _-- --- - ---- - - ------- - --- -- --------------- ---------- - ----------- -------------------------- � <br /> -- ----- - ------ ------ - - ---- - - _ ----- __ - . - - - -- - -- --- - - -- - - --- <br /> - __ - ----- - -- - -- -- - � <br /> - - -- - -- - ------ - -- -- - - - - ---- - -- - -- -- <br /> �nd______. __ _____________�____._.______ ________________.. ____ __ covenant______to warrant and defend the said pTemises a�airzst the lawful claims of all persons � <br /> whomsoever----- -- - --_ - - <br /> _ -__ - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- ---- ---- -- --------- - - -- -- -- ----------- -- <br /> i <br /> ' Dated the-- --��--e-v UI��3. --- -- --da�J u/�-- --- __ ;=��.T_Ch_ --- -.�. D., 19---1�---• � <br /> _ i <br /> I , <br /> u�zT.NESS -------�_�,lliam--H_.��m��on----- - - -- -- --- - { <br /> I <br /> -------- --- -- - -- - --------------- --- - - -- -- - ---- -- - ' <br /> - - ----- _�'_._A_._�'x_a�nc.�--------------- --- -- -- � <br /> ----- ----------- -- --------- - - -- -- -- ----- <br /> ; <br /> ST.gTE OF NEBI�.lSK�1, ! <br /> �ss. ; <br /> , -----------------H-�-�-�-----------------Cour�ty, Or� this---- -�_�_C4ri�------ ----da�J ��-------------���_asIIh---------------- -----�. D., 19_1�- _ , before m,e, � <br /> the urc�lersi�ned, a,N'otary Public__________________________._.._________wit,h,ira a-rad for said County, persorially came_'�p_1111�'A___H_._�u221p5Q17______________ ___.___ 1 <br /> j <br /> --- ----- - - - - <br /> - - ------------------------------------------ -------------------------------- - ----- -- --- <br /> , ------- -- ------ - ------- <br /> - ----- <br /> � <br /> � <br /> to rne personallr� knou�n to be the identical person____.___zvhose nam,e___ ___.______18----- -__ ---_-- _-u f�'ixed to the above � <br /> , <br /> ��EAL} z,yzstrumen,t as �Srantor_______, arcd__._.______ ___._____..___. __.severall;y acknowled�ecl the sarrze to be____.__�?_�_�_______volunt�ry <br /> - � <br /> � act arcd deed for the purpose ther�e�n, ex��r•essed. � ! <br /> T.NW'IT.NF,SSWHEREOF,Ih�zvehereui2to subscr�bed my name and afj'ixed my of�"'icial, se,al c�t____._______________ <br /> _^_ , i <br /> �rctTld__IS_laT1C1 ___Ne�TaS�a____on, th.e clnte, 1�r,4t ccbove z�vritten. � <br /> ----- ----- - a ---- � <br /> � <br /> - - - ---�i_.A_._P_xir.c e- ----- ----------- - <br /> JV'otarr�PuUlic. <br /> ! .Mz� commi,ssion expires--------- ------__ _ _ JL21_e_.---3--------------------r9_14----• � <br /> - --- _ --- ---- ` <br /> i <br /> i <br />