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<br /> ��.,4� DC�C�D C�C��Oo [�D �oo ��n
<br /> . __ _ _ : __ _ __ _ - _ — _
<br /> __.__._ 56��U—KLOPP&BARTLETT CO.,PrinCing,I,ithographing and Counly Supplies:C7�na3au. - _ __. _ __��_.�__�_.__�____�_,_. _____ ,.__ -._.__J_W�r
<br />__ __ -— ------ _ _ -----' _ _�. ____,_.._ � �
<br /> FR�✓� I herebz� certify that this iristrument was entered orL .Numerical
<br /> In,dex an,d j�led for record this_.________,�_'i____________daz�of____�`�iar_ch.______________
<br /> , ✓1. D., 19--1�----, at- - _ _.r_.�-� . _ - - .
<br /> ^ -------o'clock---P- ---.M.
<br /> ------- ------J�.S�IIr- �.���rs_. - - __ _ �Warranty
<br /> TO Deed. --- -------- - ��`/��----------------------- -
<br /> Re�ist of Deed,s,
<br />' --------Christ_ine--E�qoErs�---ii_i� -��if�_ ------
<br />� ��- -- -.__-- - -- - --_ _ - -- - I------- - - -------
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> ��o� ��� �e�c �p ��je�� �re�e�ct� :
<br />' '����- Jas7,�r__E��;�rs - - - -- -- .__._ - - -- ------------� --- -- ------------------------- ------------------------- --------------- ---
<br /> ----- I�-- - -� �- - - -
<br /> of the CountJ ��------ Fi3�.1 _ ---- /'--- - ------
<br /> -ar,� �S'trr.ic� o Ne!?_�1P��--------------_-----------------------------.---.(�rantor---------, in consideratiora
<br /> of the sum of_------Ffll� _1hQU�aT1d--��/_1_C�CJ- - ----- -- --- - ---- -------------------- ---- --- -- -------------------------- - ---- -------DOLL.IRS,
<br /> (
<br /> in hand paid, do_.______._______l�ereby GK�dI�'T, B✓1RG�FIIN, SELL, .FI�N'D CONVF,Y'unto__'�hrlSt 1T18_.L�.��TBr_____r_:?y___�11f6_______._____________..______
<br /> ------------------------------- -- - - -------- - ------- -- -------�--- ---------------------------- - -- --- -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -------- - --- ------------ ----- -
<br /> of the County of._ �� � � _ __._and State o ___.__ ____ _ _ Te�Ji 3S�d____ ___ ._____ _______,Gran,t.ee.______, the ollowin
<br /> - --- .��1. - - - - f - - f �
<br />� described premises, situated in the CouYCty oJ'.__. rI i1,i_ _ _________ _________ __ ____. ______ __arad Sta�e of JV'e.br��ka, to wit:
<br /> •�� ,� � ., .. .i-�-i ,� ..T�. „ � � .L �-f. � i.T � tt -^ C n-I- � � '�1.,ro �ay �ir.. �� Z�
<br /> ,_ .. • ' m
<br /> � -
<br /> •---•-•°--T'a`l.�i----�l..S-'i.;3i+---Z'�--5----`1 z---�...4 . '��J]..�"i_''1.--�i-'..a �.. :;;11t3t:.._u.�� ._�,�' . .. - -1• '`-.-t- ....;.?,i---,_:e.�_u...,.iI1.____xe_:�..- t °---._7.Z'i---... .�Y17.,;,.1 . - '3-`-.��''�'` -
<br /> ��
<br /> --- ---------lll..�....��:c�xth, -;�-f._�an�-e --�leven.--�11_}._:�r_�_�-� - �_f...t.he--ot_l�.__P.._;u�.�,...._.c_Qn.t.aining...'7.9._..9.�---a�x.e�,.----��^.Qxa_ir� -------
<br /> i ---- --t.o--�he__.�.o-vaxn.:lent---su�v.e-�z--t=�;.�.�;-�:;:;.;,_.._... - --....- - ... - _ �- - -
<br /> - --- -- -�-- ------------------------------------- - --- -�----------------...- ------------------
<br /> i
<br /> -----_--- - - ---------- - - ----- - - - ------- - - --- -- ----- - --------�----------------------------- - ------ ----....._ - --.....---�------ - --- ---------------- --------- ----------------------------------- --------�
<br /> ---- ---------- -- - - - - -- --- -- -- ------ --- - -----�-- -�-�----------------- ----------- - ---...------------....-� -----....._---��-�- ------�--._.-------..._....-- - ----=-�--�------ -------------�-----------------------
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<br /> -- -------�� -- -------- ------------ ---� ---�
<br /> ----------------- --_..------- -------- ----------�------ - .... � -------------- ----------�---
<br /> --------- --- --------- -- --- ---- ----- -- -- --- �- - -- - - --- --- - �-
<br /> To�ether with all tlze terLemen�s, jzereditar�2efzts, arcd ap�urtena�ces thereunto belon�i�a�s, and all the Estate, Iir'�ht, 2'itle,Iiztef�est,Do7��er,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand zvhutsoever of the said Gra3ztor_______, ,' , of, in, or to the same, or ariy part, thereof.
<br />', �D ���1C AlY� t0 �OY� the above-described prenz.ises, wit7z the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee__._____and to.__.___iZel______._____ h,eirs
<br /> and assi�resforever. �nd_____I_______�_hereby covenant______with the said Grantee______.that._____I______________________ hold___.______said premises by�ood and
<br /> perfect titbe; that._____.__I._____________,_ha__ve�ood rz-sht and lawful authorit� to sell and convey the same; that the� are free and clear of adl biens
<br />' and incumbrances whatsoever----------------- - --------- - ------------- ------- -------- ----�--- -----------------------------
<br /> - - ---- -- -- - --- - -- - -- ---- -- - ---- -- - - --- ---- --- ----- ----- -- --- ------ ---- --------------------- ---- -- ----------- -- ------------------------------
<br /> J1nd__________._.__________I________._._.______ _____._______._ _ covenant._____to warrant and defend the said premises a�sair�st the lawful claims of all persons
<br /> whomsoever----- -- - _ __ -- - _ - -- - -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ----------------------- --- ---- -- ----------------- - -
<br /> Dated the-------��'7t h---- ----------------daJ �f'- - --- �:$r uh - ----- - - --- - ---.g. D., 19---1-��-----•
<br /> T�7TJV'ESS ------.�a�i2QT..__��8�84--- -------------- ---------------------
<br /> ----- ---- ----J�hn__Allan----------------------- ----------- -- - - ---
<br /> ------------------------------------------------------ -------------------
<br /> _ _ST.1 TE OF ✓Y'EBR�SK�,
<br /> �ss. �
<br /> �.;,
<br /> ---------------�'i1�.1-------------County, Ora this---------------�-`�t�-------------da�J ��-------------'v=c'���h-------------------------------.g. D., 19---1-��- , before me,
<br /> the undersi�ned,a JV'ota�y Public_,___________________._________within and for said County, persorcally came_______�_a.�_jJ�x__k.�gge;^_�________,.__________________
<br /> ' -- ------- ------ ------------- -------- - ---- - ---------------------- ------- - ------------- --------------------------------------------- ----
<br /> to 3r2e personallz� knowrc to be the identical persorz________.___whose name_________.____.___18_________________afj"ixed to the above �
<br /> instrument as�rantor___.__._, and______________?'��___.___..__._�I�XIE'd�IIzcknowled�ed the same to be___.___�":zf,s_,_____voluntary
<br /> �SLAL)
<br /> act ar�d deed for the purpose therein ex�ressed.
<br /> ZN GVITJV'ESS tii�'HEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and afj"ixed mz� of�"ieial seal at___________________________
<br /> �rand _Is_l�nr.�____in.__said_c�1,.rL_y____________.__on the date last above written.
<br /> �ohn �!,11a�^_
<br /> ------- - -------------- ------- ------------------------------------------- -
<br /> �N'otarr�Public.
<br /> . . . .`hx:•--- ----- -------19----1�---•
<br /> ,My commzssaon expaTes----- --- --.. ----- -- - ----- -- -----
<br />