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� �-,I `�..f <br /> D D ° �G°�D �Oo ��� <br /> D��C� ��� <br /> _ � _ . _ � _ _ : _ _ <br /> _ _ _ <br /> ;b;�(?—K7A1'P&f3AR?'1,�'TT CO.,Prinlinq,Litho�r¢phting a.nrl CounC,y 5�ipylies;Onial�a. ` � _ _ - — <br />— ____ __+.�_ <br /> Fl��� I hereb� certify that this instrument was entered on �1�'umerieal <br /> Index and filed for record this____,_______�6.________day of_______��ia�_�h_____________ <br /> � , <br /> .fl. D., 19�--�?-------, at- --- _ _ - __. _ - � ----o elock-----�_._�I. <br /> ----- --J G}`�n_Q�.l�ndt- �nd �1r_i�E -_ -- - -- ,Warranty <br /> �.� Deed. <br /> ----- - -- _ - ---- = - �'�------ <br /> ---------------- -- - <br /> Re�i. er of.Deecls, <br /> - --- -- --�-----�:arry-L.hick_Er - - - <br /> ��------- --- ---- - -- - - - ---- -__ ---------------------- <br /> Deputy. <br /> �.�.ob� �.�Y �e� �p ��je�e �re�e�t� : <br /> ����.---- vJe�_J,:>hn_�uan�t--�r�ci Clara Q?.�anc�t - -- - --------�- -- - - --- <br /> ---------- ------------ - ------------------ ------------------� - ---- <br /> -----------------__�------ -�----- - --. --- ---- ----- - ---- -- - ---- -- - --(-h_�,s�anc�.--�.nci_v�if e�---------------- ----------------- <br /> r y, r � <br /> of the Countr� of-- , ---ri.a.l__1------------- ------- �rrzcl ,S', �f_ r���r�.Ska. ----- ------- ------_ ------- ------ --------------Grantor--g------, in consideratiorL <br /> � ' - - s '-� -� - ------- ------------- - -- ---------DOLL.l1RS, <br /> of the sum of_---- -- '��._V_�T'i__t�1z.aTc�__a.T1C� �'�- UC- -- - ----- <br /> --- ---------- ------ - --- -- <br /> - �--------- - - - - --- <br /> in hand paid, da._---------------hereby GI�,f1NT, B�lRG�qI,N, SELL, �JV'D CONVEY'unto----------------�i�rTy_---.T-�-� i�i�k�T.-------------------------- ------ <br /> of the Courct�J�f---•----- -- �ct11-- - - - -- - �_a,rcd Sta.te of----. _�re�TaSka - -.--- _--- - ---.. ------ - - ------ ------,Grant,ee--------, the followin� <br /> deseribed premises, situa,ted in th¢�Countz� of___._ _. _ F'�al_�____._._____________ _____.____czrLd State of✓Y'e.bre4ka, to zvit: <br /> ,----...---LQt_s._..�'w,:_'�er---i.?ine----�`'-�---ana--;'�en.._�ZG)---ln -.r1c}cY--I'iur'�er--Two----�2-)----�-�h_ir:�r:_:ers---�cid.itian.--t.o-srand------------ <br /> T �,-� _ � e. 1 +t�. c�.r:C�--le4_GZ'Li�U..�...... ..... ........... - -... -- �----------------- ---- --------.....- -- - -...-- ------ - <br /> ----------I-s-lanc�,. --1;z�,�.ati;t�ar --��--sl.�_xvey c�,_ _.�'---a�. --- - - <br /> .. -- -- ..-- - - - -- -- - --- --- ----- -------- -- ----�-- - -_....- ---- --- -- - -- --- - --- -- - ---�-- ------�----------------�-------- -- --- ---- --- --...-------------------- - ------------- <br /> ----------- ------ ---...--- - - --- -- --- - - - - ----- --- ------ ---------------------------�-------...------..._ -- -- .... - - - -------��----- -----------�----�------------ ...------------------------------------------- <br /> _--------------- ---- --- ----� - - - - - -- ----- - ------- -- -- -- - - - -- - -�--......----- --- --- -----...._...._.. ------ ----------------•-�------ - - - ------ - -- -......_�--------�--._...----�-----------�--------------- .�.. <br /> ---------- --- ---- ------- - --- - -- ------- -- - - - -- -- -----� - - - - - --_ _ . _- -------- -- - �----------- �--------- <br /> To�ether wi�h all the tenern,ents, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�sin�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dorvei°, <br /> Curtesy,Claim arzd Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_S____,and of either of th,em, of, in, or to the same, or arcz�part thereof. <br /> �0 �d�1C �IY� t0 �OY� the ccbove-descri-bed premises, with the appurtena,faces, unto the said�rarztee_._____and to____r_Zg___________ _ lzeirs <br />', and assi�ns forever. .flnd_______Z��_._.__hereby covenant______with the said Crantee__.___that____�!8________.___________ hold____.,_.___said premises by.�ood and <br /> perfect title; that____.V�_�______.___________haY_�___�ood ri�ht and lawfzcl authoritr� to sell arLd convey the same; that thez� are free and clear of all lien-s <br /> and incumbrances whatsoever____________________________.._.__________ _, <br /> -------- --- -- --------------------- - - ---------------------------�------------------------------------------ --------------------------- <br /> .11nd---- - -- ---- ---- -�`�:--- - ----- <br /> __ ______.__________ covenant________to zvczrrant and de er� the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persorzs <br />' whon2soeve,r----- --- - --- - -- -. - - - -- ---------------------------------------------•------------------------- <br /> ---------- ---------------- ---------------------------- - ----------------- - --- <br /> ------------------- -- - - -- --- - - - - - - --- -- - - - - .._- ----- --- ----- - -- - -- -�-- --- ------------------------- --- - --------------------- - - ----------------------- - <br />, Dated the----- -15th--------- --------- - --da�J �}�--- -FEb�Ll�z'y- --- -- --- --- -.l1. D.,191�------• <br /> W7TNESS ----�TQh21--QL13I'i�'�------------ -------------------------------- <br /> �.C .Hus t on -----�lara---Quan�l'�---�------------------ ----- --- ----------- <br /> ST�TE OF NEBR.gSK.,4, <br /> �ss. <br /> ---------------�-�.��-------------County, ) On this---------15�h-------------------da�J af---•----Fe'brU.�Ty--------------------------.1. D., 19__l�_._ , before me, <br /> the undersi�ned, a Nota�y Publie--_---_-_----_-__-_____--___--within and for said County, personally came---__--_--_--_-_---_-_-_-_-_---,--_---._._-_------------_---_-- <br /> -------- J_ahn _Q�.l�ncit--and---�lar�.--��nd�-,------�. h�.s�and--$.r:xi-�r_i�e--�---- �--------------- -- ------- ------ <br /> to me personally known to be the identieal person_f:__._____whose name__S._3T_�_______________.________afJ"cxed to the above <br /> �w�AL� instrument as�ra,ntor_�____, and_________'��s_y_______________severally acknowled�ed the sarrze to be___t}a87.x_____.voluntar� <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein ex��ressed. <br /> IN W7TNESS GVHEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and af�xed my ofjieial seal at_______________________ <br /> , , <br /> `' or� the date last above written. <br /> __rand---s la--->--1-1c r�ras---at --------------- <br /> ------- ---------------------�-.�_.HL_1_�'�011-------------------------- <br /> .Notari�Public. <br /> JVly eommission expires------ -- ------ - - ----- - -- - --�T_'1113r--��--- ------r9--1-Q-----• <br />