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l <br /> :� �t� <br /> ;, o C�C�D ��C�C�O�D �oo ��� <br /> D � � <br />�_ : _ _ _ _ _,__. __ __ _ __ _ _- -_ __ _- _ <br /> LG��O—KI.OPP cF$AR'fLETT CO.,Printinq,I it7in�raphinp and CounCy�'upPlties;Omaha. --_ <br />---... _. _. ,_ ._ _ ___ �_,., <br />_. . _ _.__ �� ..:,- _ -�> - _._ . .—__ ----°�:�.___.�.__.�_._—. <br /> 1'RD✓N 1 hereby certi,fy thdt this irzstrument was entered orz Numerieal <br /> In,clex and filed for record this--------------�4-------day of-------�_9arCh------------- <br /> .,4. D., 19 _7�3----, at.__.__ _ - __ _ - 4------o'clock,- -P-�---✓lI. <br /> -- --- -'•-i�h3:°�--N�'.�_t er-- F.,�. vJ i f e - ---_--- �Warranty <br /> ro Deed. <br /> -------�/����`��l/'�= it��l/�-------------- <br /> Re ster of Deeds, <br /> Daniel Gt�L <br /> B�------ ---------- -- --- -- ----- - --------------- ------- <br /> Deputy. . <br /> ��.o� �YY �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�t�: <br />�' ����---- ----,-'. icha�i_-Saut er. an�- Kath�.r_ina_. �aut_er,---h'�$ban�__a�d_ti�i�-�------ --------- <br /> ------- -�--- -- ----- - --- <br /> � „ �' ______Grarttor___S_____, inconsideration- <br /> of the Gount�J °}---- -- - C%�.l_Z_ . - - _cr�zc� S'ta-t�� oJ'-- - -�-'i 6bT��-r'� - - - - - - -- - -- -------- --- - - <br /> T �� � � ' �` - � `Q ---------------- ------ -- - -------DOLL,�IRS, <br /> . <br /> of the sum o}--------- ----- T_hx��-- ��.tn�A�---�'�'v�,z�t-,I_---�'_�v�----l�u� ---�=--x�.Q __lUc�-- ---------- <br /> in hand paid, do 7zereby GRd4NT, B.gKG.glJlr, SELL, .gND COJV'VEY'unto------�`�'a21181---C��-'-------------------------------- ------- ------------------ <br /> ------------------------------ ---- - ---------- ------- -------------- ------------------------------ ------ - ----- -._-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- - <br /> --�.al�-------.--------,---and,State o' <br /> o the Count o -- ------ ;^ ' �:e_��`a�.l�?----------- - _ - --- ---,Grantee------, the ollowin <br /> � � �' r------ -- -- - - - f � <br /> described premises, situated in the County o/'__.______.__-��ll________________. ..____..___and State of�li'ebr��kc�, to wit: <br /> --------------------Lot---.Six___��?-).�-----in--�lc�ck--�ight-y--four -(84�� - .of_.�!�r.--8�--��n�e�t_!.s__..k'our:��?....Ac��..i.�:iQn--t4 - - --- --- <br /> - - ------------ -`'r�nd�...Is�.ar{.�, -1T�.�.x_a�ka,----as_.�ux_���ec�,_ l��.at_t_e�l_..�z?a_...}.e�_�_xc1.�c1........ - - ----------------- <br /> ...--------------- --------- ------- -------- <br /> -------------- ------- - -- - ----- - -- - - - -__- ---- - --- --- ---- --�-�----�-�----�-------------------....._.--- - - --- �---- -- .... ....__.----- ---------------- --- ------ -----�------------------------------------�--... <br /> -------------- - - - �-- -- --...--� ------ -- - ------ - - --- -- -- - --.--- -------�--�------------- -��- ------� ------- -�--- � ._..... �-- ---------- ---- -------..--------------------------------------... <br /> ------------------------------ ----- - - - - -- -- - - - -- - - ---- _ <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditamef2ts, and a�purtenanees thereunto belon�'in�', and all the F,state, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dozve�•, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoe��ef•of t,he said Gran,tor_�.___��.�-r,,�.Iwer-e�'-#,�Twe�, of, in, or to the same, or anz�part thereof. <br /> . . <br /> �� �A�1E �1�C� t0 �0�� the above-described premcses, u�ith the appurterzances, unto the said�rantee_._____arzd to__________his________ heirs <br />'�, and assi�ns forever. .,4nd_._Y��____.__hereb;y covenant_____with the said GrarLtee_______that___________________�.'i�___________ hold___________said premises by�ood and <br /> per'fect title; that___.____ti�'�______________.h,a___Y_��ood ri�ht and lawfu,l authoritr� to sell a•t2d convey the same; that thez� are free and clear of all liens <br /> and incumbrances whatsoever--------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />' --------------------------------------------- - ---- - _ ------------ - --- ------ --_ - - - - - ---- - ---- - - - ------ ----- ---------------------------- - -------------------- -------- <br /> ------ -- -- - - -- - ---- - -- --- -- ---- - <br /> ----- - --- - - - -- - ------ - -------- ---------------------- <br /> -- --- ----------------- ----------- ------------------ <br /> �nd__________________________�±�__ _____________.____ covenant._______to warrarct and deferad the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons <br /> whomsoever--------- - - _ __ ---..------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- ----------- ----- ------------------ -- - <br /> Dated the-----------22nd- ----------------daJ �f- - - --'"%a.TCh ---- - --------- ---.�. D., 191�-----• <br /> W7TNESS ---!`"�,��1_�._�1---�_aU�_eS----- - ---------- ------- ---------- <br /> . '_.�_ <br /> ---- --------- -------L-,-s-�-�411._�n----------------------�-- - --- --- <br /> ---- ��tharin�--�:-�L%4-er------- ------ ----------------- ---- <br /> ST�TE OF eN'EBR�SK�, <br /> ss. <br /> ,. <br /> -----------------•-------�a�ll-------------Count On this-----------2�T1:� ------------da o ,;idTCh-------------- <br /> __________ .g. D., 19.1�_._. , be ore me, <br /> �J, ----- �J }----------------------- } <br /> the undersi�ned, a NotaTy Public-----_-_----_-__----_---__--_----_-wi,thin arzc�for said Countr�, personally eame_----------_--__-__-_--_----..-__--------_-_--_-----__---__--_-- <br /> ---=_�ichael Sa��ter- a'"d---tia�h�rin�--�-�uter-------------------------------- ----------- <br /> - ----- - --- --------- - -------------------- - -------- ---�---------- ------- ---------------------------- ----------- ----�--------- ------ <br /> to me personallz� knowra to be the identical persorz___�.____whose nafne___8__.�.�8_________.___________,afj'ixed to the¢bove <br /> �ti�AL� instrumer�t as�zantor_s____, ared______________�h�Y_______.____severally acknowled�sed the same to lie__thelr___,___voluntary <br /> ccet and deed for the purpose ther�ein expr•essed. <br /> INW'ITNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subseribed my name and afj'axed my of)ieial seal at_____________..__._______ <br /> � ,-i , T r • • � <br /> �J z an1 I S��,��r___i�,�Nr_..__121___��1tI,__v_Q?�Ti�t yy___on the date Zast above written. <br /> L.�.Al1an <br /> ------------------- - ---------------- <br /> ------ -------- �, ----------------- - <br /> �. otary Public. <br /> �l� eommission expires-------- -- - - --- -- ---�-��-�--�4- -------------�--19_l6_----• <br />