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� �..�_';..,.a <br /> D D ���OG°�D �Oo �Oo ' <br /> D�C�C� <br /> ._ _ _ _ _ __ _ _- µ <br />�_ u6oiU—KLOPP_c@BAItTLETTCO.,Prtinling,LilhographingandCoi�ntySzcpplies;�Om¢Ta¢. _ _ � . �� - -' - � - --�_._._______. <br /> �'K���'I 1 hereb� certif� that this instrument was entered on .Numerical <br /> Index and fi.led for record this---__--_1-9-_-__-----day of-------�`�����---_-------_ <br /> .,4. D., 19- 1-��----, at- -_ - _4_..50 ----- - -------o'cdock---P--,M. <br /> -___ F'rank-_�ork�n_�__�__�rif�__ -- -__- --_-_- Warranty � <br /> TU Deed. <br /> ---- -- -- <br /> ----- ---------------- - -- - <br /> ---- - <br /> - - <br /> Re�ister f Deeds, <br /> - ------ -- ---�dwarcl__I�;i_iner ---- - -- - -- - ---- <br /> ��- ------ - - - -- ---_ -- --- - ------------ -------- <br /> Deputy. <br /> �.�.o� ��� �e� �p ��je�e �re�e�t�o <br /> ����------- - _Fr__ank---C_o_r__k_ins and_h_�rr.iet_-�_._CQ_r_k_ans,---h��s_b_and--�nd---�_if_�----------------=-------------------------- <br /> n <br /> Y � -a�ac� b'tu,te � -- - -- ----------�y��r38kA-------- ------------- -- - -- -- -----Grantor�-------, in consideration <br /> of the Count�J �f------ - -- �;ct_�l_.- f <br /> - ---- ------ ------ - --------- --------.DOLL�RS, <br /> of the sum of---------- - �c�v�i___ThQU��nd -('7�0-Q):-�-flC��10-0- ------ ------ - ---- -- - - -- - ----- <br /> _ <br /> in hand paid, do--- _-----------h,ereby GR.g.h"T, B.f1RG.fll.h'', SELL, .g.ND C,ONVEY'unto-------------��'1W_3�_d_.�i_lri�r------------------------------ ----------------- <br /> ------------------ ----------- - ----------- ----- -- - ---------- --------------- --------- ------ --- ------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- ---------------------- , <br /> � �J f 'T __ - __and b'tate of---- -- ------ -- _- -.T��brB.Skd------- - -- - - -- --,Gran,t,ee,-------, the followin� <br /> o the Count o ---------��1-1-----___._.----- ---- <br /> described premises, situated in the County o/�___ _____________r�11__ _____ ___._______.__________.__________ccrzd State of JV'ebredka, to wit: <br /> _..,._____Lc�t..,FivE___(5)__._in__Flock_ Fifty_ Two ,�52), _ of, the ori�inal_, town,,it_y,__, o_f__:'_rar�d___Island__. _ _ __ .____ <br /> - - ---�---- - - - �------- - - <br /> -- -�----1'�e��'��k.c��.-- .2�.�___6.1��:7:v�yPdr --�a,r�t_�_�d �1�C�,__x'.��_Qx'C1eGl_.. -- -.. -- -. ......... . ..................._...... . . --- ---- ............ _ <br /> ----- -------� -- - ------ _.._ -- - --- -- - - - - - --�--.. .---- ---�-�------ ------�-------------------- --------- - - -- - - -- -- ----- ---- ------------- - -----------...--------...---------------------------------- <br /> ........ ................----._._.....---� --._.....---- ---- - - - - ---- --- -- -----�--� ------ ------------ �---.__..-- -- - ----- ------------------------------ -�-�------- ------ ---- - - ------- ------...-� �--------�� <br /> --------------- ---- ------ ---- - - -- ------ ---- ---- - -- - - -- -- ------- -- ------ --- -- ----- - - -- - �--------------------------------------------------------------- -- <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dozan,r•, <br /> Curtesz�,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Crantor.6_____,,x��,�e��#teref��m, of, if2, or to the same, or an�part thereof. <br /> �4 �d�1C �1�� t0 �OY� the above-described premises, with the aJ�purterzances, unto the said�rantee_______and to_______h�S-__- _._ jaeirs <br /> and assi�ns foTever. �lfzd____t_�18�'___hereby covenant.______zvith the said Grante�_____that.____��?ey__________________ hold___________said premises br��ood and <br /> perfect title; that________t�?�Y _ � 5 ful aicthorit,y to sell and convey the same; that thez� are free and clear of all lierzs <br /> _ha_V8_ ood risht and law <br /> and ineumbrances whatsoever----------------- ---- ---- - ---------------- ---- ----------------- ------- - <br /> --------------------------------------- --- -- - - ------------ -- - --- -- ._ .---- --- - - ------ -- - - --- -- --- ---- -------------------- -------------------- ------- ------- <br /> �nd____________________._______�heY__--__ -------____--------_- covenant.______to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons <br /> I whomsoever--- ----- - -_ _ --- --- ----------------------- <br /> -------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ------------------------------ ------- ------------------- -- <br /> ---------------------- <br /> Ii Dated the--- ----- 19th- ------ -------da�J �� --- �"SarCh- -- ----- -_,--./1• D•,19--1`-'-----• <br /> I'� W7T.NESS -------Er_ank--�nrkins--- ---- --- --- ------ ----------- <br /> T ------H�x'.x_�.e�---E-.�0 xk_�.17.s- --- <br /> -------- ------------- <br /> I' -------- ----- -- - <br /> ------?-'--.��_A�,1�----------- --�------ - ------ <br /> . <br /> I ---------------------------- ------------- <br /> ST.gTE OF .NEBR�ISK�1, <br /> ss. <br />'I,.. --------------------------I-i311-------------Count � Ora this-------------19�h--------------da o --------�riarch------------------------------------ <br /> y, y f _ _ _ �i. D:, 19_13_... , before me, <br /> the urzdersi�ned, a Notary Public---_-_-----_-_-_---_-_-----_-----_-within and for said Count�+, personally came-_---_-__----..__--__--_-_--_--_-- ----_--_-_-------_-__------- <br /> --------- --Fx_�nk---Co�l�ir��__ans�---�Saxx�..��---L��_oxk�x�.s,--------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------ <br /> t,o me personally known to be the identieal person_B____.____whose name__�___��'ixed to the above <br /> lSl'•AL� irzstrument as�rantoT�_____, and.________th�Y_______.__ .____severally acknowled�e�l the same to be____thelT____voluntarz� <br /> act and deed for the purpose the��ein expressed. <br /> INW'ITNESSWI3EREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and af�"ixed my ofj'ieial seal at____ ______ <br /> ��rard.___I�_�an�,____�1�'�T_,�__121___S_�1�__C_QL1Tlt� the date last above written. <br /> --- ----- -----�,-.�_.Allan---------------------------------- � <br /> .Notar�Public. <br /> ,M� commi,ssion expires----- - -- - ---- -- -- -- - - - ��t�t---- ��4- ----- - -----19_�.�------• <br />