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D D C���OG°�D �100 ��� <br /> D��D <br /> _ �_ _ __ ._ __ __ _ __�. _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ <br />-- .,G�,U-K�dP7s&AA�TLPTT CO.,Printin9.T ilhngr�phting and Coa�nty S^upplies,'bntaha. -'° —� ___�-- � ��A -- -- – _ - - -- -- - <br /> :__ ._... . __, .: __._._ _. ____,. .__;_.._ � __._ ,_ <br /> �''���'1 I hereby certifz� that �his irzstrument avas entered on JV'umerical <br /> Irzdex and filed for record of_______�4�arch___________ <br /> �1. 1�., 19- -��----, at- - -- __ _ __ �.._�.�---o'cZock--�_�_,_�1. <br /> --ttt.o_ C3tt �- - -- -_ _- - --�Warranty ` <br /> ' Deed. <br /> TO ' <br /> ------- -- ------._...- - - <br /> ���''�---- --- ----- ------ - <br /> Re�ister of�eds, <br /> -------- ---------- ---T he_o__P_�Ba ehm - --- - - - - <br /> B�- ---- - ---- ---- - --- - _ __ -- ---- ------------- ------- <br /> Deputy. <br /> ��o�► ��� �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�.t�: <br /> ����--- 1� -Utt o Gt�,---- pac.he�or - -----__ -- -- - ------------ - - <br /> Hall crrzc� St;<c(c� c? ------- ----------------------�'TebTa.Bk� -----Grantor------------ in coresideration, <br /> of the Count�J �}------ -- - - --- - � , <br /> -- -- - --- - - ------- - <br /> of the sum of------- mv�ro_1�un�.red--Ty:�enty_ fi_ve--znd_rTo�lOQ------------- ---------- ----- ---- - ---- - - --------.DOLL.�RS, <br /> in hand paid, do_________._____her�eby GR✓1�''T, B�RC.�4I�r, SELL, �4ND COJV'VEY'��rcto.__._.__________TheO• P.Roehm <br /> --------------------------- - ---------------- -----•------------ <br /> of the Count�J��------- - H�1�. ----- -- - --and.State of_-- --- -- - -_---Ne1�Y'�,�1{�- - -- - --- -- -__.- ----- ----,Grczrr,, the followin� <br /> described premises, situated in the County o/'___ .___________?Aa11___,cl State of JV'ebr��ka, to wi-t: <br /> --------------L�t-s---���e-e-----�3.�----Eciur.._.�4}--an�._ _F'iv�- ��)--xn. �1�k---Eo1hx....(�:_}....a.f---.�-o��.�---.and---Hi.11s_.._Addi�_i�n--�Q---�h�- <br /> ....-----�- -c it-X--°.�...�'.x�nd I-s-�-a�d, ---�T�l�xa�k�.--��- -Aer. p�.at--no�--9n---�'ile --�.n_._t.hG--�._�g-�.��_��_...Q.£...De.�ds_...Qf_fa.a.e_._�f__ <br /> -- --- - - �al_1__C_ounty�- -�?_�'prask�•- ------�----------------------- - - - - -- - -- -- - <br /> ----------�--- - - - - ----- - ---- -- --- -- -- - - -- -- -- ---- --------- -- -- -- --�---------------- --------- - -----------------...------ ------�-- -----._.....................---------------------------- .._..- -� <br /> ------ - -- -------- - --- - - -- ------ - --- ----- ---- -_.._ __--------- ------------------------ ----- -- - ---�----._....._.. -_...---�---�---- -------------�----------- -- -----------�-----------------.........-�-------�---...-------- <br /> .--- ----- -----�---�--�- - --._.._...__... --- - - - - -- ----- ------ -_... - --- --- ---- - -- ------------------- - ----�-- ---- ----------- ......_..........----�-------------� ------�------........._...--�--- ------------ ------- <br /> - --- - - - ----- --- ---- - .. - --- --- - -- - - - - - - - - - - ----- - ------------ <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, heredita-ments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the F,state,Ri�ht, Title.,Interest,Doz��er•, <br />'i Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor______, -e��lee�s�-�e�t, of, in, or to the.same, or any part thereof. <br /> �fl ���iC Al�� t0 �0�� the above-described prem:ises, with the appurterzafzces, unto the said�Srantee________a12d to______��fi__________ heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. .�4nd_____�__________hereby cove�ant_______with the said Grantee______.that_____._____._Z.___._________.__ hold________._.said premises by�ood and <br /> perfect title; that____.____I________________ha__Y�sood risht and lawful authorit�� to sell and convey the same; that the�are free and clear of all liens <br />�I and incumbrances whatsoever--------------- - -- -- ---- - ------------------ - - --- ---- <br /> ---------------------------------------------- - ----------- -- - ----- -- - -- --- ----- -- --- <br /> -- - - ---------------------- --- ---- -------------- - <br /> --- ---------------- ---- -- --- <br />'� -- - -- - - - - - ----- - -- - ---------- - - - - ------ --- - -- - -- --------- --------------------- <br /> ----- --------- - - -------------------------- <br /> ,qnd_____________________I_________ ___________________..._______________ warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons <br /> whomsoever.---- -- - - __ - - _. - -- -------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ----------------------- -------------------------------- --�----- - --- ------------------- -- <br /> -------------------- -- - -- --- -- - -- ---- ----- --- ------ -- - ---- -- -- - - ------ - -- --- - -------------- ---------------- ------------------------------------------ <br /> Dated the------------_3_�.fit •------- ------daJ o�- - �_C_�Ql��r - ------- - --- -_,F�. D.,1912------• <br /> W'ITNESS �t t 0 Ott <br /> ---------------------------------------- --- -- ----------------------------- <br /> DavidAckerman ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------- - <br /> ST�1TE OF NEBR�SK.,4, <br /> �ss. <br /> --------------����.�.-------------County, On this-------�I.Bt---------------------daJ �}------S�G�Q�vT_-------------------------------�. D., 19.1�. ._ , before me, <br /> I the uradersi�ned, a Notary Public______________._________ f z�, p y <br /> ________witl2in ar�d or said Count ersorzall came_.________________________________ ___ <br />''� Ctto- Ct t, Rachel�r---------------------------- ---------------------------------- ------------ <br /> ---------- -- - <br /> ------------------------------ - <br /> ------------ ---- <br /> to me persanallr� knowr� to be the identical person______._____whose nume___._________18____________________.uf�'ixed to the above <br /> . . <br /> SEAL} instrument as �rantor________, and_____.___h�_____.__________.Xcl��c�acknowZed�ed the same to be____h1H__________voluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein exr�ressed. <br /> INW7TNESSWHF,REOF,Ihavehereurcto subscribed my name and af�'ixed my ofj'ieial seal at._______________________ <br /> ______________�rclT1C�_.If�l�t21�_____._ _______.______on the date last above written. <br /> -------- ��.vis�---A�ker�an -- <br /> �N'otary Public. <br /> .M� commission expires------ - ---- - - - -- -��°��'itdl�y- -1�-------1916-----• <br />