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_ _ _ � <br /> � <br /> �� � ' <br /> ��� <br /> D�C�D C���O�D �oo ��� <br /> �.. _ _ _. _ _� s� _ __� . �_ � _- . _ __ ___ _ <br /> 5b"a�U—KLOPP c�BA$TI.ETT CO.,Prin.ti�n LitFcn a lain ancl Co��nt A'u �Z�ies;� � � � <br /> . ' - 9, fP' P 9 b PP Om�tlua. ... . .�. ��. . ... - � -- <br /> FKU� I hereby certif� that this instrument was entered on Numerical <br /> , �� <br /> Index and fcled for record this------_---_1g-_---------daz�of-----���.axC-�l,----------_--_ <br /> -------''�in�ie ii-,_�s�u�Qr_, '�;nrriarriet�--- - �Warranty �1. D., 1913----- , at- - _ - __ 1�0 -----dc�ock-----A_._,M. <br /> TO Deed. �� <br /> - - - -- ��('� ------- ---- ------------- -- <br /> Re�ist r of Deeds, <br /> ---- -- ------- _�harles--iJAacha. -- - ---_ - <br /> �?�- ---- - ---- - <br /> -- ------------------ --- <br /> De ut <br /> -- --- -- ----- --- - - - - - -- - P �J• <br /> �.�.o� �.�� �ea� �p ��je�e ��e�e�ct�: <br /> ����---------Zr--.,,i inn_i e-.',i,Ho L,s_err- - U�mar�i-ec3�----- - <br /> f y f --------rrrad �Stccte of------------- jv�bT36ka----------------------------------------------Grantor---------, in eonsideTation <br /> o the Count o -------- xa11 - - ----�T- - <br /> of the sum, of_--------.�1Qht-h-L'S1Ctz'eCl--f3,ft_y__OO�lOG--------- ------------------.DOLL✓IRS, <br /> in hand paid, do__-__--_---_--hereby Gl�.fl✓1�'T, B.IRG�IIN', SELL, J1ND CONVEY'unto------_---Chc�Tl_2S-_�4$CYlO_-----------_-__--_----_-_-___-_ <br /> -- ----------------- <br /> of the CountJ��----------�x�11, -- - -----and State of_-- - -- --nlzbTaS�.d ---- - - - --- - __ _-- ----- ---,Gran,t,ee,--------, the followin� <br /> described premises, situated in th�..Countr� of___ _______�all _.__ _ ____________________________________a.rr-d State of JV'ebreY�ka, to wit: <br /> ..............Lot__._�ix___�6�....in_._L�lc�ck_S�ven. _('7_), . in__Kernohan...�,__D�c.ker!.s_._A��.._C_it�r___of__�rand___Island <br /> I' ...............Fya11_..0 ount.Y., -�'ek�raska,- as--surveyed�- -platt ec� -ar�ci- r_e�arded-�-- ---� - -- - - --- �- ---------------------- <br /> --------- - -- -- - ------ ------ <br />�I -- ----... - --- ------_ - - -- - ------- ---- --------- --� ---- - --- - -- - -- - --- - ---- ---- ----- - -----�-- <br />�'I ------_------------ -�- --- -- -- - - ---- - - -- -- --- -- ----------------------�----------------------- <br /> - - --�- -. _ --- - ------- ------ ------------- ----- --------------------------------------------------.. <br /> I --- -�--------- -- ------ ------ - --- - ---- - -- - ---�-- --- - ---� - -- <br /> ---------- - -- �------- -.._....--�--------------��-- �-- _.-� --- - ----� ----------�--- _ ----------. --�-------------------._.. <br />�� --- ---- - -- -....- -- ------...._.. - - - - -�- -.... - -- - .._.. ------- --- - - - -------- ---------..._ <br /> ...----�---- � ----- ---- ------------------- ------------------------------ -- ------- -------- <br /> - ---- --- ------ - <br /> - --- --- ----- --- --- - ---- - - - -- - - - �- ---- - - - --- - --- - - - ---------- - -- - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> To�ether with alG the tenements, Tzereditanzents, and appurtenances thereunto belorL�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,�)o7ver, <br />�i Curtesy,Claim arLd Demand wlzatsoe7�er of t,he said Grccntor._____,-e����ke��-��ae�, of, ira, or to the same, or anz�part thereof. <br /> I; �II ���1e �IY� t0 �OYb th,e above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee______.and to.____��..&______.______ heirs <br /> . <br /> I and assi�r�s foTever. �lr�d_____I_________hereby coverzarzt______with the said Grantee_______that___.__________.I________________ hold____________said premises by�ood and <br /> perfect title; that____________I_______________hav�?__000d risht and lawful authority to sell arLd co�2vez� the same; that they are free and clear of all liens <br /> and incumbranees whatsoever-------_-__---_-_---_---_-____---_--------------------- <br /> -- ---- - - --- - -- - -- -. ..-- - ---- - --- - -- - ------- ---- - - <br /> ----- ------------- ---------- ------------- ------ -- ---- ------ <br />�', �lnd______:________._..__I_______.___________ _ ________________ _ covenant________to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons <br />'' whomsoever--- ------- - - -- - _ _ - ._ -- -- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- - ------------------------ -- --- - ---------------- -- <br />, --------- ----- — — — -- — — --- — — _ - +- r- -- -- — ---- -- --- -- -- --- ------- --- --- ---- -- — —---- ------ — <br />'� Dated the-----18tY1-- - ------ ----- --- ----da�J ��--.___�:Ia_�Cl�- ----- -- -- -.,4. D.,19.�..'�------• <br /> I, WTTNESS -----t==inn-i-�--P�i_,_HQU�_eT- -- -------- ------------------- <br /> Jchn Al lan -------------------------------------------------------;----- -- -------------- - , <br /> --- -- <br /> ---------------------------------------------------- - <br /> ----- <br /> ST�TE OF JV'EBR.ISI�'.fl, <br /> �ss. <br /> --------------F��.7.1------------------------County, , On this----------18th---------------day ��---------�,1z�S�-Y�------------------------------dl. D., 19__�,s�3_- , before me, <br />' the uradersi�ned, a Notary Public______.________________. _within and for said County, personally eame_____.______._______________________________.._____________________ <br /> ------- - --- - �;:i_r_.r�ie _a4a.Houser}---an__unr��rried__y�or�:an---------------------------------------------------- <br /> to me personall� known to be the identical persorz_.__..._-__whose rcame__________________�.6______________.___afJixed to the above <br /> �S�:•AL� instrument as �rantor________,and__.___�h8__._______________��3�7�'i ackrcowled�ed the same to be_._$_�S__.___.____voluntary <br /> ccet and deed for the purpose ther�ciiz e.c�ressed. <br /> I✓U'W7TNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afj'zxed my offtcial seal at.______________________ <br /> . . c ounty <br /> _���.t1�,__IB_�,�d,�____�.I'1_ Ed.1C,�_ ________________on the date last above written. <br /> --- - -- ---GTohn--�llan----------------------------- <br /> �N'otarr�Public. <br /> .My eommission expires------- - ----- - -- - -- - - -- - -----J�.�1•--�------------ -------79--�-�-----• <br />