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<br /> of the sum o}'_____ Tnr_e�___Hun3red__and_.T��ent_y_ r ive (�3�5_.OG�_______ ________.�oLL.qRS, �i
<br /> in hand paid, do__-____ _____ ____Iz,creby GR�/1Jv'T, B.9RG.gIJ1%', SELL, �4�N'D CO�NT�°EY'zan,to_____C:�c1S_._�T_._HL1TIlphrey___________ �
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<br /> � deseribed premzses, situated irL the Coun,ty of __ ______a��d b`tate of JV'ebral�ka, to rvit: �
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<br /> � To�ether� with all the terzerrzer�ts, hereditamertts, arLd ccppurteizar�ces th,eTeurzto beZoro�Sirz�s, ar�� all the Estczte, Ri�ht, Tit,le,Iraterest,Doioer, 1
<br /> I
<br />� � Curtesy,Claim arZd De»zarzd whatsoever of the scci,d Grarttor______,arzd of either of tTiem, of, i,ra, or to the same, or arzy part theteof. �
<br /> �0 �A�1e �,1�C� t0 �0�� the aboz�e-described prerraises, u�ith the appurten�crzce,s, unt,o the said�rarztee_______ared to___________��._8 ___ yzeirs '
<br /> j
<br /> and assi�ns forever. ✓IrLd____4�_e_______hereby cove,fzant_______zvith the said Grantee__.__that_______Y�e_________________ hold________said prerraises by�ood and �
<br /> perfect title; that__________V�'G______________haVg___sood ri�ht and laz�rful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and elear of all Zien-s ;
<br /> �
<br /> and incumbrances whatsoever-------- -- --- -- ------ - -- - -- --- ---- - -- - -------- ---------- ------ ---- -------------------- ------------------------- �'
<br /> ----- --- --- - ------- -- -- - ------- -_- -- -- - - - ---- - - --- --- - - - -- - -- -- ----- - - - -- - - -- - -- - -- �
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<br /> .grzd______ ________W_e_________________________. ________________ __ c�ovenant___.__to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all person,s �
<br /> s
<br /> whomsoeve,r_ ----- _ _ - -- _ . - - -- -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {
<br /> -- -------------- - -- ----- ------------ -- --- --------- --- --
<br /> ----------------- __ _ - - - - -- -_ - -- -- �
<br /> - ._._- -- - - - - - -- - --- ------ ------ -- - ------ ---- -- --- -- - ------ -- - ._
<br /> Dated the---- --------1_7_��1- -- --- - ---�a�J vf_ - ivq2�T�h _ --- - -.g. D., 191� -----• :
<br /> W7TJV'ESS ----r'.�--�.�l�I..e_��mann- - ---- !
<br /> T.P.Bo ehm ------Edi._th -�T�umann---------------- -- -- ----------
<br /> -- - - - ---- ---------------- --- -- -- -- -- i
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<br /> ' ST�?TE OF NEBR�SK✓1, �
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<br /> ----------------H�1.1------------------riOibYLf.l�v a On this--- - -- - 1_7 th- ---d�J �}�--------'�=�aTCh-- --- ---- --------------�. D., 19_�.3_ _ , befoTe me, i
<br /> he uricler°si�rzed, a,Notc�ty Public-- _.----__witlr,in,an,d for suid County, personally came--___--._ _ __- ._--_------_-__-__- -_-------___-__ --__----__- i
<br /> ------ ru�__�_,_PTeum�nn_ �nd__his---�`!-?--�e--->-�ith__Neumann----- -------------------- - - -- - - ---- �
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<br /> t,o m,e personallz� krcown to be the iderztical person_H_______r,vhose nam,e�_ �S8 ____________________ _ _.__czf�'ixed to the above �
<br /> �
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<br /> (�EAL� Lrzstrufnent as�rantor__�____, ar�d_______the_y_______________severallz�cr,eknowled�ed the sarrLe t,o l�e__the��_____voluntarr� �
<br /> act arLd deed for the purpose therecrz ex�»°essed. � '
<br /> I.NW7T✓V'ESSN�'HEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my rzame and affi,xed mz� of)ici�l se�;l at______.______.__________ !
<br /> i
<br /> _�ranc�__Is_lanc�__r?zbrasl:.a____________on, the �late l�zst above written. �
<br /> - ---- - - -T_heo--k.�A_Q_�hm - ------- ----- -- I
<br /> ✓l�"otary Public. i
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