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� <br /> � C,.� �.,� <br /> �i. D��D C���O�D �oo ��� <br />_ _ __ .. _ __ _ _�� �_._ _ _ _ _ <br /> ;6�;f}—KI.OPP c$BAK�LL�'7°IrG`0.,Priniting,I ill�.oyraphing a�ad C'ount,y Supplies;Omal�a. � � � ��� � � ��� � � � � <br /> F���� I hereby certifz� that this instrument avas entered on ✓l�'umerical <br /> _ _ Irzclex and led or record this__________.___18______da o �4�rch__________ <br /> �_-- - ------ - - ---------------- - - -- ...- - - - <br /> - - f f -- ✓ f-----------��, <br /> ----------�'i.�.liam-��_raig--&_ vri_f a--------_. ----------- Warranty <br /> �1. D., 19---��----, at- - -_ __ ---- __ _ 11- ------o'clock--A-� --�• <br /> �.p � Deed. • <br /> ----- - ------ -- --- - --�-------- <br /> -----�------- - - <br /> Re�ist of Deeds, <br /> -- -- ------E�a_ru.lton--L_,_Airney_- - ------ --- <br /> B�- --- - --- _._._- -- - - - --- ------------ <br /> _ Deputy. <br /> ��o� �Z� �lfe� �p �C�je�e �re�e�.t� : <br /> ���t---- - --��.�.�._ia_m__C x ai�_an3 ,�e�si�--A.�rai�,--hus��.n�.--and--�y�-�---- ----------- - ----------------�----------------- - -- -- <br /> of the Countr� of---------"aI1_------- ------- -----crrtc? Stut<� of----------------------i�e_praS__k2�--------.---------------- -------Grantor--s-----, in consideration <br /> of the sum o�--------- - -�_tiro- --Thc�usand_l�F,.o__�tundr-eci an3---no-�---- --- ------ ------ ----- ------- - -- --___- --------___=_�-------._.DOLL.�RS, <br /> in hand paid, do--------------laereby GP�1.T''T, B,9RG./�I�1�", SF,LL, �4ND COJV'VEY'unto--------------�i_�mi1tOT1--L_�B1rTlt��------------------ ------------------- <br /> of the County of_---------_?-i�11-----------.___ - .-----and State of_------------ ------._I�I��T_35_k.d--------------------------_--_---------------,Gran,tee.--------, th,e followin� <br /> described premises, situated ir� the Courzty of_.____________________ i�31�________________.________..______a,r�d State of�V'ebro��ka, to wit: <br /> ........_._Lot----F ive.--(5-}.--li?---El.o%k._Li�ht----��.�----o-f--� l ich_'.s...A�:��_it_ion---t_o.._the._.�it-y--o-�--�r�nd---Is.1a�.�,....-.-------,-.-------- <br /> � -------�r_��- �s_..sursreye�., -??�....�n_d.__r_ev.or.:��;:�•---- ----- --- ----� ---�-� ...............---- -- -- ----------.....-----------.._....- ------- - ------------------ <br />', . _..... .. ........ ...S_ubj_ec�.___t_o th_�_ un�ai�___balan�e__�cf a '�:1100 . ��_rt�a�e in fayor__of �he. Egl�.itable__Auildin� <br />, ._____._._aiz_a.__Loan_ Association, o.f. �_rand_ Islan�.,.__i�T�braska,____wh_ich,__bal_ance__.�r_�t_ee_.h_erein..__�.��ume_�_,__���1__.��r�es <br />' --- ------t o -�a�-as_._p�rt--o.�'...tn_e..^.on_s.i��xa�ion- -��.o.�t e--�ame�l-•---- - -- -�..............................-- ------ ----�-- ---�- ----�--._._........--------- --------------------..... <br /> ------ ---........._. -- -- ---- -- ---- --- --- --.....- -- --- ----- ------�---- --�-- ------------------------------------... -- - ----- ---..._......-------- - -----�- --------- - ...---�---------------------------------------------- <br /> -.............� ------- - �------ ----� � ..__.- ----- ---- --- -- - -�-- - - ------ --- - ---------------.._..----�-----�--� ----�---� ---...._... ------------�---------------------� ---�---... ---- - - --------�-----�--�------�---.__. <br /> ---- ------- - - ----- ----- -- -- - - -- -- - --- -- -- - --- -- --- ---- . . . --------�------------- <br /> To�ether with all the tenesnents, herecli-taments, af2d a�purtenances thereunto belon�in�, arad all the Estate, Ri•�ht, Title,Interest,Dou�e,r, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoe��er of the said Gra7ztor_@___,and of either of thefn, of, i�z, or to the same, or arcy part thereof. <br /> �CO ���1Q Al�� tD �OC� the above-described prervzises, with, tTie appurtenances, unto the said�rarLtee________and to_________h1f.i_________ heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. ��nd.____�.�.____herevy covenant_______with the sa-id Grantee_______that_____________________Yt_@___.____ hold__________said premises by sood and <br /> perfect title; that_.__._____ti'�_�____________ha__V��ood ri�ht and Zawfacl authoritz� to sell a�zd convey the same; that they are free and clear of add liens <br /> II and incumbrances whatsoever---------e�,tC-6p�---�..�__��_0_V�--�u_�y es�--�---�_�xes--f�x- -�a-�2----------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- <br />� ------------------------------------------------ - -- -------------- -- - _--- - -- -- _ - - - ---- - - --- <br /> ./lnd_____..____.________________��_�______________ ___________._____ covenant._______�o warrant anrl defertd the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all persoizs <br /> whomsoever---------- GXC�pt- �.�_ _2b0_ve--�t_��_��-•----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- - -------------------- -- ---- ------------ -- <br /> ry x;, <br /> Dated the------------------1-�-th--------------daJ �l'- - -- - - -t4�aTCh----- --.Fl. D.,19�,�------• <br /> W'ITNESS ----�_111iaTn-C-x-3��------------- ------ ----- -------- <br /> ----L_.R._Pr in in�er --------- --- ---- ----�?��s��--------------------------- , <br /> ST.gTE OF NEBR�SK�, <br /> t �ss. w <br /> ,, <br /> --------�all-------------------count�, OrL this----- ------- -!--------------daJ o}------------------.-=�4z'�-�----------------------�. D., 19_1�___ , before me, <br /> the urcdersi�ned, a dlY'otary Public-----------------------------------_within ccrzcl for said County, personally came----------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ---�G'i 11 i am_ C r a ig--and_.�_-;_��i 8---�_,�%s-�1�----- ------------------------------------------------------------- ---- <br /> --- ------- ------------ - ----------------- -- -- - -------------- ---- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> to me persoi2allz� known to he the iderztical person_8...____whose name__.8__.3r_�______________.__________afj"ixed to the above <br /> �SEAL} instrument as �rantor____�_, and____________�_�18;T__________ __severallz�acknowled�ed the same to be___th81r___..__voluntar�y <br /> act and deed for the purpose thef�eirc ex�ressecl. <br /> � IN W'ITJV°ESS I�VHEREOF,I have hereunto subseribed my name and a�"ixed my of�'icial seal at__________________________ <br /> r+ - . <br /> _____'�r�i�_____BL�.??_�.___T'�cbr_,___ ._____________on the date last above wrztten. <br /> -------- ------------------------�_._�b_._�x'1S17.ri�-�r------ <br /> Notarz�Public. <br /> .M� commission expires------------.---- '::a,�'C h---16 n-----�y---14---• <br /> ------ - - -- - - -- - -- - - <br />