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<br /> 56��0--7�I,OPP c�BAR7'I.E4'T Cb. Pr2ntinp,72thoprophang dnd Cm�nty Supplaes-Onza3ca. _
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<br /> l+l�OJYl � I hereby certif'y that this irzstrurrcerzt was eritered ori Numerical
<br /> � �
<br /> --- --- ----- -- - - - - -- - - - - - -- In,dex and filed for record this---�$--- ----------da�J�}-''G`�rC-h ------ i
<br /> r .9. D., 1913 ---- , at _ __:.. 9__ .. -------o'clock- A__•__✓YI. �
<br /> --- -�_s��in a�_._S esna an�_wi_f e - - �Warranty !
<br /> ��p � Deed. �
<br /> ,
<br /> ��;�%���� I
<br /> I� -- ------ - - -- - -------- - -------- ----- ----- �
<br /> Re�ister of e.eds �
<br />�' -- - -- Joseph_C_,PhilbricY - - �
<br /> ��J---- ----- - - _ -- --- ------------ ------- I
<br /> - -- --------- - ---- -- - ----- -------- -- -- Deputr�. !
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<br /> - ,
<br /> ----� - --- ------------------------------ -- - ----- -------------- - --- --- -- ---------- -- -- - -- - --- - --- - -------------------- ---------------- ----------------------------- - -- �
<br /> of the County of-- ------- -T�All-------------crn,� .5tat�� of----------- -------iTel�rdSk�.- -- - - - ---- - --_ __ ----------- -(�rantor--$.----, in corasideration, i
<br /> i
<br /> of th� sun2 of_------------C_ne__�'housand_.and--na�140.--- ------ --- -- - ------._----------�ol,L,�tts, ,
<br /> ----- - - - - - - --- ----- ----- ,
<br /> ir� han,d paid, do___________________la-ereby GR./1�A�'T, Ba9RG��I✓l°, b'F,I,L, .I�VD CO�N'T�'EI''r�-rzt,o______,________s7086 �1_C_�Philbric_k__.____. _ '
<br /> -P - - -- - - ------- --- a
<br /> ;
<br /> ---- ---------- ----- -- ------ - - - - -- - -- --- ----- ---------- - - -- - _ - --- - - ------------------------------- -------------------- ------- - - �
<br /> of the County of- --- H311_ --- -- -- -and b'tate,of----_ i�EbTASk3 - - -- - - -- -- ---,Grnn,tee--------, th.e follo�ain� �
<br /> �
<br /> described prerrzises, si-tua�ed iri th,e CourLt,y of.____ ___.._____ _H__al_l___ ___________._____ ___._ _ccn,d State of JV'ebr9aka, to iu�t: '`
<br /> ------- �
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<br /> �
<br /> To�eth-er with a-Zl the, tenei�nents, hereditarneizts, a.rad c�p�acrtenances th,ereunto belorc�in�, artd all th•e Estate., Ri,�ht, Title,Irzterest,DoT��e�r, f
<br /> Curtesy,Claim arzd Dem�zrzd whatsoever of tlze said Ci•antor_B.___,a.�ae�e#'-��'-���re, of, irc, o� to the same, or anz�pcart th-erenf. i
<br /> �0 �d�1C �11� t0 �OY� the above-descri,be,d premises, wi-t,h, the apprcrte,rza,n ces, unto the said�rarztee_______ar�d to_________�ig_____ ___ heirs �
<br /> ;
<br /> I
<br /> arcd assi�ns forever. �lnd___�t�.e___.___hereby eoven,ant______zvith the said Grarctee______that_____�8_____________________ hold_________sccid prem-ises by�ood arac� +
<br /> perfect title; that_______ _W6___.________ha__VB�SOOd rish,t and la7vful au,thoritr� to sell arzd convey the, same; that they are free and elear of all liens i
<br /> and incumbranees whatsoever------------------ - - --_-------- - -- - -- ----------- ------ ---- -------------------------------- --------------------------
<br /> .,Qnd_:________________V��___.______________ ___________________ __ covenant______to warrant and defer�d the said prernises a�ainst the lawful claim,s of all person,s 1
<br /> I
<br /> whomsoever----- -- _ _ - - ---- -------------------------------------------------------- --- ------------- --- ------------- --- ---- ------ ------ _ -- �
<br /> -_ __ - i
<br /> -------- ---- - - __ _._ - -- - - -- _ _ - - -- - -- - --- ------ -- - - - --- - - - -- - . -
<br /> ;
<br /> Dated the----�71d------- ----- --------- -da�J �l� - 4CtOb6r - - --- -_•,4. D.,191�---• ,
<br /> _ _
<br /> W'ITNESS -----`T OhYI---R_._►�. 6$21a-------------------.- '.
<br /> - - -- ----- -
<br /> ----�_1.as_3_L...�esria--- -- -- --- --- --- --------- - -- '
<br /> �--- - --- - -�•�+�-SP�-a�-�------------ - -- --- -- - -- - i
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<br /> � ------------------- ----------------- --- - ---------- - - - ,
<br /> ;
<br /> --------- -- -- -- -- -- -- - __ ____-- -
<br /> ----- ------------- ------ -- ------ ------ ---- -- ------- ---- --- �
<br /> STATE OF NEBI��SIr�, �
<br /> �
<br /> P��11 ss. CC t Ober------ ---------�g. D., 19__�2_ _ be ore mP �
<br /> ---------------------------------------------County, On this---- ----2Yld - - -- -- d�y �f--------------------- � f �, �
<br /> the uradersi�ned, a✓V'otary Public__ _. _ .__ ._______1�ithi.rr,and for said Cour�ty, personally eame._ ________ __ �
<br /> ---J�hn._R��e�n�--�nt�_ �l�ra__L._��snar---hu�U�?d---and__w i f e.--- - ---- ------ - - -------------- -- --- !
<br /> ;
<br /> �
<br /> - --- -- - -- - --- - ----- ---- -- - - -- -- �
<br /> -------- ------- -- - - ---------------- ------ _
<br /> i
<br />, t,o n2e personallr� known to be the idPntical person__S______r��hose reame_S. 21x6___________ ___.________ufj'ixed to the above ;
<br /> �SE�,� irzstrume»t as�rantor_S___, and.___._._t�'1_8�t___________ ___severall,y aeknowled�ed the sarrae to be___t�181Y'_____volzantary i
<br /> �zct a�zd deed for the purpose therei�z expressed. i
<br /> I✓Y'W7TNESSW'HEREOF,I ha7�ehereunto subscribed my name and af�'ixed mz� official seal at___________.__._________ '
<br /> Wood _River,_ _Nebr_._in___said__eount_y_�n, the �ate last above written. �
<br /> i
<br /> ,
<br /> ---- ------------------- ---W._L.Spragtte ------- ------- i
<br /> ��"otary Public. '
<br /> .M� commi.ssion expires--------------- - - --------�$z'Ch---27a-------19_1�-----• �
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> ,. _- �
<br />