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<br />�. �b.,�0—KI.OPP&$AR�1'LrTT�G°O.,Prinlinp,Iith�prctpzhtinpandCoainty��ipplieaiOmdhrz. �� --. ,-_�_, � �.:__ _ � _ s_ � ��� --- ._ � _ --_ .�____�_ - __-- --- —
<br /> FR��� I h,ereby certif� that this instrurrzent was entered on ✓l�'ume�°ical
<br /> In,dex arid fcled.for f•ecord this_______._1_'7_____.____day of.___�,+�3�C_h____.________
<br /> .�1. P., 19---�.-�--, at-- __--- 4,1.5__ ___--- ---------o'clock---P-�--,�•
<br /> -----��9r�t._�rav_es�--z�i;�au� -- - - ---- Warranty
<br /> �.� I)eed. ���,,�/ �
<br /> -------------------- — -2�"`""'V`=---�_��!-� --- -
<br /> ------ — --
<br /> Re�ister f Pee,ds,
<br /> ---- --- - ------ �he��er--C)meY_.- - - - - -- -- -
<br /> ��------ _ -- -- --_. - -- -- --- -------------- --
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<br /> Deputy.
<br /> ��o� ��� �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�c�� :
<br />''' �,���----- - - -�,- r�9�_a._�raves,--a_vaidn�r,_ - - -- - - - ------------ - --
<br />� ------- ----------- ----- ---- ------------ -- --- --- ------ - -- - - - ----- --- -- ----- -- ---- --- ------ --- - ------- ----------------------------------
<br />', of the Count� of-- P_1�1��1Q..-- ------- -- _ _usrrl �S'tcr,tc� o/'--.C9_1_Q��C�O--- --- -------Grantor-- -------, in eonsideratiorz .
<br /> - - - - - ------ ---- -- ---- -
<br />'
<br /> I of the sum of_ SiSle �- U9--_._._._,_--------------- ---_-------------'--- --- ---- ----'- --------_-_--_-_----------- - --_.------------.DOLL�RS,
<br /> --- -- ------ - -- — --- -
<br /> and lave and affection and otl��r �onsiderations
<br />', in ha�zd paid, do Iz.ereby GR.FINT, I3�RG.�4T�", SEI,.L, ./1.ND COJ'✓'VEY'unto-____--_-(�`1�.C'�t-8x---�;Yt16Y------------ ----_-------_
<br /> ------------------- --------- - ---- - ----- ------ - --- ------- --------- --- --------- -- --- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------- ---- -------------- --
<br /> I'', of the CountJ o�---------- -.�_�11- - - - ---and bYtate of_---- -- -- --- - - Ne'�;rct6�a- - --- ---- --- - --_ - - ---------,Gran,t.ee,.------, the followin�
<br />''� deseribed premises, situc�ted ir� the Coui2ty of____ _____._Fj�11-----------------------------------_cr,rr,d State of✓li'ebrQ�ka, to wit:
<br /> II .__.....�nE__.thir�,-o-�:---my.__.int_eres�__in_-�.outh---Eas�--�u�.rt_er--Qf----�ec.�ion._Ea,��:�_�e �r�.._T_Qt��r�s_k��.p_..E�.eve
<br /> �-----� �, --- --- -
<br />', _..._....iIo.�:�h- �f---r�an.g.s -T.ws.l�r�,--�tas t _�f._.th.�.__Ct�h---Principa.l--�:ier.i.di_an.....- - -� --�---- -- ---------------------------�---------------�---- ---- ..._...-------
<br /> I''� _...--------_tiz�hich_-�esend.s...t Q-�1e --fx-�-tn--my_.._Fat.�.�r---�11���d--��'?J?ey.-d�c;_eas.ed_..- -------�------------------------- - -....__.. _ ----------- ----- - --�--
<br /> ------------- -----._._._---- --- - - - -- --- -- -- - - -- - -- --- -...........--------�----....------- - ----------------- ------- ------- -------�-- -- - --- ------ ----- - -- -- ----�------------------�---------------------
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<br /> _.___...-- - -------- --- -- - ---- -- - -- ---- - - -- - -- --- - --
<br /> To�sether with all the ter�ements, l�ereditaments, and appurte�zances thereunto belorL�ira�, and all the F.state, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Do7a�er,
<br /> Curtesz�,Claim and Demaa�d whatsoe,ver of the said Grantor_______,arzd of eith.G'T Of t�LP.3YL� of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> �0 �A�1C �It� t0 �OC� the above-described premises, with the appurtenar2ces, unto the said�rantee._______arzd to_�7.11T1__�___Y��£'z heirs
<br /> and assi�ns forever. �lnd.____I__._.____lzereby coverzant______with the said Grc�ntee_______that_______I__._____________________ hodd________._said premises bz��ood and
<br /> perfect title; that.__________z_____________.ha._Yesood, risht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and elear of all liens
<br /> and ineumbrances whatsoever_________________.__.____________________________._
<br /> ---- -- - -- ---------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
<br /> ,qnd_______._______________I_______________________ _ __ _________.___ ._ covenant.______to warrant and defernd the said premises a�air�st the lawful claims of all persons
<br /> whomsoever---------- -- - -- - -- _ .- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------- -- ------------------------- -------------------------- --- --
<br /> Dated the----- �$t-h----- -- ------------ --da�J o1�- - S;�arC�i_--- ----- -- - - - -.Fl. D.,19----�---• .
<br /> W7T✓V'ESS --------t�Dr-B--AImrB__r T_3u_68---- ------- -- ------ --- - -
<br /> ----- ------ --- -�?ohn---`-•-Th�r_?�s_Q�---------------- -- - --- -------------------- -------------------------------------- -------------------
<br /> ------------------------ -
<br /> ----- -- ----------------- -
<br /> .�
<br /> ST�TE OF NEBl��SK.fl,
<br /> �ss.
<br /> - n as
<br /> --•----------'t--1-��,.�---------------County, Orz this----------u8th-------------daJ �f-----'-1�r�-h-------------------------------------.1. D., 19__��_ ._ , before me,
<br /> the undersi�raed, a Notary Public--------------------------------within,a�2d for said Couratz�, Aersonally came--------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> -------------�'?ora_ xr_a_v__ess--- a--vrid�w--------------------------- ------------------------------------- -------
<br /> to me personally known to be the iderLtical persorc____.._.____whose name___._____________�.t�____._______._____u f)ixed to the above
<br /> (SL'AL) instTUme�ct as�rantor_____.__, and__________���_______ severally acknowled�ed the same to be___..__h�r_______voluntary
<br /> act and deed for the purpose ther�dn expressed.
<br /> INW'IT,NESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereurtto subscribed my name and afj"'ixed my of�"icial seal at...__________..___.______
<br /> __.�_x_T3,Xld,_I_�_��,Xl�_.___�T_���_.______ ___._________on the date last above written.
<br /> - -----------------------------�?-ohn--R_,_Thom��_Qn-----------------
<br /> .Notarz�Public. ��
<br /> ,My commission expires------- - - - ---- -- - -- --- --- F�by--2-��-------- -------19.1fi---==•
<br /> ��
<br /> i
<br />