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<br /> m�. D�C�D ����O�D �oo ���
<br /> _ �_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
<br /> _ ___ _ _ __ �� _ __��_____�LL� ___ . _ __ _____ _ e _
<br /> 5b�7U--KLOPP c�BARTLETT CO.,Prinlinp,�7illaographinp�¢�rcd Caianty Supplies;�bnialaa. . - . . ". . � .. � . .. __
<br /> FRO.M I hereby certifz� tha� this instrument u>as entered on 'Numerical
<br /> Index and filed for record this-___----15_--__-_--daz�of----�y�arch_---------------
<br /> .�1. D., 19--1-'�--- , at- - -- _ ---� - -----o'clock-- �r-�•
<br /> ---Ja�'ie�---P.B�_�rson--and_ �rif�--- -------__---------�Warran�y
<br /> TO I�eed. �
<br /> -- - ----------- - - - - - - ---------�-- ------ --
<br /> Re�is r of Deeds
<br />'� -- -- ------C har�.es--F�_.,7u�t_i_c e- - - -- ---
<br /> B�------- __- -- -----_ ----------- -------------------- --- --
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> ��co� ��� �er� �p ��je�e ��e�e�r�:
<br /> �i���---- J_amefi. _Pet_�rs_on..ana An.na--C_.P�t_�_rs�nf --hus�and--and--�zi.�e.-------- -------- -- --------- - ----- - ------- -- -- - -
<br /> of the Count� of-----------N��1----------------carad AState of--.--------------------�1�b�a��1-----------.-----------.- -----Grarctor-fi------ in consideratior�
<br /> ---- -- - - �
<br /> of the sum o�-----Tv�renty- T��ro--Hundr��_.��__no-/1,00----�----- --- ------ ----------- -- --- ----- -------------- --- -------------------------------- -------.DOLL✓1RS,
<br /> /
<br /> ira hand paid, do------._------Tiereby GR,1NT, B.F1RG�lI✓li', SEI,L, ,�4.ND CO✓V'VEI''unto----�h's��'�6�---H_,,�U�t-�-�-_8__------- ----- ------------------
<br /> --------------- -------------- - --- - -- ----- - - - - ------------------------- ----------- ---- - - - - --- - --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - ------ ------ -
<br /> of the CountJ�f -------- -��dll- - - - .- --and State of-- -- - --- NEbI'21Sk8,----- ----- ------- -- -- ---- -- ---,Gran,tee-----, the followin�
<br /> described premises, situated irz the Courity o/'_____________Hall_ ________._______________._________._.___�zra,d State of Nebr��Yka, to wit:
<br /> ....---..-L�t----T?umber--.Two...-(2�---�-�--P�,ock__Nurnb.��--Five----��-}._�-f---th�---��iginal._.���rn,_---.no�r...�i-t-.y,.----of---rrand-..Island
<br /> --��---...��Y���xaska,.....�.�....�u�_�reyQd, -pl�t_�ed --�r.d -r_ec_�.rd.ed-• ------- --------------�..............................-- -------------------_...----------�------�- ------ ------ ---------
<br />' --- -- - -- ---- - - -- --- - ---- - -- ---- -- - ----- ---- ---- - -�� - ---- -- - - - - - - - - - ..__. _._ --------------- ----------- ------------------- ---
<br /> i _.....__-- -----�- -- --- -- --- - ----�- - --- -- --.... --�--- ------�---�---------------- ------------------ ----- ._.... -- -�----�--......---...--------- --...------ - --------------------------�---------..._
<br /> I -----�
<br />' -----�--- - - ---- - --- -- - - ------ - - - - --- ---- ---- --- -._ - ----�--- ---- -- -- ----- -�--------..--�----� ------------- ---- -- - ------ ---- -------------�------------------------------------....._.
<br /> ----..__._...... - ------� --- -- -........ -- --- -� --- - -.__-� - --- ..... -� -- ----- -- -....-- --�--------�- ---------------------------__...------...........--- - - -�----- -�--------�-�--�---�---
<br /> -- ----- --- --------- - -- - - - - -- --- -- -- - - -...'_ ---- - --- --- - - - --- - - - - ------ -- -- -� -- ------�--------------------------------------------�---------------------�-----------,
<br /> To�ether with all the tenem2nts, hereditame�2ts and appurtenarcces thereunto bedon�in�s a32d all the .Estate Ri�ht, Title,Interest Dor��e�°
<br /> Curtesz�,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grarctor_,____,and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or anz�part thereof.
<br /> �A ���1C AIY� t0 �O�b th,e above-deset�ibed pre�nises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee_______arzd to______Yll� _ heirs '
<br /> and assi�rLS forever. �<Ind_.__�h_e�___hereby covenarzt._______with the said Grantee__.____.that_____________��.1_��C.___________ hold__________said premises by�ood an,d
<br />', perfect title; that__________�h_�y__________ha_V8_sood ri�ht and lar��ful authority to sell ar�d corzvey the same; that ther� are free ar�d clear of all lier�s
<br />' and incumbrances whatsoever---------- ------------------------------------------------------
<br />',
<br />' ------------------------------------------- - - --- - -------- - -- ---- - --- - --- - - - ----------- ---- -- ---------------------------------------------- -------------------- ------ -- ----
<br />�� --- - -- - -- - ---- - -_ - --- --- - - -- ---- --- - - -------- - ----- -
<br /> - -------------- ------------------- ------------------- -----------------------------------------
<br /> �yLd__________________________th_2'Y________.___ _____.____________ eovenc�nt________to warrar�t ccnd defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all persor�s
<br />�I whomsoever--- ------ -- ._-- -- ---- - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- - ---------------------------- --
<br /> -------------------- --- -- -- --- -- - -- - --- - - - ------ -- --- ----- -- - -- ------- -- --------------------------------------------- ----------- - -------
<br /> Dated the----- 12'�h---------- ----da�J �l�- --- -.L&���, - -- - - ---.F1. D.,19._�.�_---•
<br /> W'IT�V'ESS ------�7�lt��B---�_6�_�;�HOYI------ ------------------------------
<br /> ---L,_Pt.Bri nin�er------- ---------- - -------- ------Ax�na---Q_�P__�t_�r_son------------
<br /> ST.qTE OF NEBR�SIr�l,
<br /> �ss.
<br /> ---------------------x�Zl-----------------Count � On this--------1�t-�---------------da o --------•----��i���_�7,_--------
<br /> �J, �J f ------------------.fl. D., 19---13-- , before me,
<br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Publie-----__-_----------__-__-_----_---withira and for said Courity, persorcall� came---------_-__-_------_-____---__--__--_.___-__-_--__------
<br /> ---------J-at�e_s.-P et_E r s on _ans�---��x?_�__�_��et__�x s_Qn------------------------------ ------------------------------------ ---- -----------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person8___._._._whose narrae_f�___�,r8____________.__.________af�'ixed to the above
<br /> (SEAL) instrument as srantor__B___, and________t�].PSt___._________ _severally acknowled�ed the same to be___�h81.�'----_voluntary
<br /> act and deed for the purpose thereirz expr�ssed.
<br /> I✓y'W7TNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afjixed my offleial seal at____.__________________
<br /> __�raY]Cl_I B 1ctT1_�.____iVcbT2l8 k3_:_____._____orc the date last above written.
<br /> -----L,_�.t B�ining_e_T----------------------------------------------
<br /> .Notarz�Public.
<br /> . . . �� - --------S7t9�c.---------•
<br /> ,Mz� commassaon expares---------�:���'Ch--�-�--.._�9�---.-----------------------
<br />