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<br /> F D D ° 0 ° � L� o �O�
<br /> DC�C�C� G��C�O�D o0
<br />___ A_ _�_ __ _ __
<br /> ,�G��U-1rC�bPP�I�ARR'T F�'P CO.,Printin9,7.ith,opra�h.a�ag and Coiin'ty,5`uppties;t7maka:__--- ;_:___ _ ,__ ,;..� _.._:� �: _ _�::---:.� __.____...__ __._,`.._.___ ___ . __ _�-- _ - -- -- _ _._
<br /> _.�_ _.. __ ._� _,:. .. �._ _ , �_.. _,, _.,....—_ __—..---.�- _ �
<br /> . _--_._.�� �__�__._...._.,. .. _..___.. ._.....—_<�.:��-:- _—�,_._.�
<br /> FR�✓� I herebz� certifr� that t.his instrument was entered on ,N'um,erical
<br /> i
<br /> Index ai2d filed for record thas________.zl_________dar�of_.____��_�rCh___..________
<br /> .Fl. D., 19 1�----, at--- ---._ 4_.5Q ._- ------o'clock P-•--�•
<br /> -----�n�--r en Qv�_ .�Q_�kh_art_,. __unmar_r_i ezl-�Warranty �--,�
<br /> TU
<br /> Deed. / //�� �_
<br /> -- - -- --------�� ------- -
<br /> ---------- ------ - ----
<br /> Re�si-ster of Peeds,
<br /> ------ -- ------------J�1111 am__RO s s � --- ---------- -- -
<br /> B�-------- --------- -- - _ - - ----- --------------------------�-
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> �.r�o�a ��� �e� �p ��je�e �re�e�.t�:
<br /> I ���t--------17 - �:na-G er�sua -I,oc'�Yiart, �nmar�i ed; -- - ----------- - -- ------------- ---- ------------ ------------------- -- -
<br /> of the Courzty of-----------H_�.11------ ---------,---crytd .S`t�et;� of--- --- At e�raska--------------------------GTantor.----------, in consideration
<br /> -- ----------- - - -- --- - --
<br /> of the sum of_---Ei�Le__�illrid�'-ed--fl_ftY-- QQ�l�Q ------ -------------------------- --------- ---------- -- ----- ------------------------------ - ---------.DOLL�RS,
<br /> in harzd paid, da--------- ---- ----h,er•ebr� GR�4JV'T, B�F1RC�.1IN, SI�'LL, ,��n co.NV�E�unta------------�Jilli_�m_,Roas----------------------------------- ------------------
<br /> ' - -- -a.nd State o --- -- - --�Zebraskct-- --------- - ---- -- -
<br /> of the CountJ�f_------- -- '�_�11- __ - f -- - - ----,Gran,tee,--------, the followin�
<br /> deseribed premises, situated in the Courztz� o/'___________.__�311-_______ ________________________._____.____ar1,d State of JV'ebrs�ka, to wit:
<br />�' -----------------L-Qt.�....Eou�----�4.)_--.a.nd--Eive -(5-}- i-n-k�J.Q_�k--�i.gh-t -�_$�_.._Q.�'._ac�.�.rrur;ex!-�----Ad�lit.a�a�..-t-�---��-�--C��-�� --4� --......- - -
<br />� -��---------- �.r.and_..I.sland,- �?eb_r_aska, - as- s.urv_ey.ed, - P1_at.t_ed---arl�.---r..eL.crd_e�.. - -- -------------------------�---.._------...._.._..---�---- ------------
<br />'I � --.....-�-- ---- ---- - -- - - - ----- - - -- -- --- ------_._----------� - -...._.------ --- -...- - ------- -- ...---�--�------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------
<br /> -----------------------------� - --- --- --- ----- - - - ---- -- -- --------------�----------------- ------�- ----- -----....._.. - �- -. _.._----...--�-�------------------ --------- -...----�-------------------------------------
<br /> ---------------... - --- --- --------�- ---- - --- - -- - ----- ---- -- -- -- -- -�---- ---�----� ----- -- ---- ------ -- --.... ---�---------��-- -- - ------- ----- ---- ---------- ------- -------------------�-------. .,.
<br />�'i ....-----�------ -- --.._.-- --�- - -....---- --- -...---- ------- --- -------�----------- ------- -------- -- - ------------._..... .----- ----------- ..... -..._ .._._.._.............._-------------- --- .
<br />� ----��-----�- -- -.....--�--- �-- - �� ---��- ---- --� ---- - - - ----- - - ----- ---------- - - ---�---�---- ------------�- - � --- -----------------------------..._-�-----......_...-- - - --�--- --�---------------- - --- ----�-
<br /> --� ------- -- -- ._ -- ---- - ---- -- - - -- ---- - -- - - - - - - -- ---- --- - - - - - ---- ------------------- ------------....----------------�--------------------------------
<br /> i To�ether zvith all the tenements, hereditameT2ts, and ap�ur�lerzances thereunto belon�in�, arcd all th,e F.state, Ri�sht, Title,Interest,Do���er,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of t,he said Crantor_____,��c7�-eat,7P,�s�-e�'.�, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> �Q �A�1Q AIY� t0 �OY� the above-described prernises, with, the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee_______and to____]�j,�-_-__-___ li,ei��s
<br /> and assi�ns foTever. .F�nd_____I________.__hereby covenant______with the said Grantee_______that_______________________Z_.____ hold_____.____said premises bz��ood and
<br /> perfeet title; that____.______,� _ha__VB�ood ri�ht and lawfu.l authority to sell and convey the same, that they are free and clear of all liens
<br /> andincumbranees whatsoever----------------- - -- -------- ------- ----------------- ------------------ ---- --- ------ -----------------------
<br /> ---------------------------------------------- ----- - ----------- --- --- - ----- - - ------ - - - --------- - - - - ---- - --- -- - - - --- ------ - - --------- - -------
<br /> - -- -- -- - -- -- - - --- - - ---- - - ---- --- - - -----
<br /> -------------- -------------------------------------------------
<br /> �nd__________________________I___________ ______________________ covenant._______to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons
<br /> whomsoever------- - - -- --- - - --- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ -� --------------------------- - ---
<br /> Dated the------------- 1���-------------dccy of_ .___�t�_��Ch -- . - --- -- ---�. D.,19---��---•
<br />' W'ITNESS -------F�t1a__�GTi_�P$---1'-OC kh�,Tt----------------------------
<br />' J ohn Al lan ------------------------------------------------ ----- -----------------------
<br /> ST�TE OF ✓l�'EBI�.ISK�, I
<br /> }ss.
<br /> -----------------------�311----------------CourLty, � On this------------ -�.1��7.----------da�J �}------------_.��G�7.-------------------------------.fl. D., 19_13_ .. , before me,
<br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Public----___---- --____-----._--__--_-within a,nd for said Countr�, personally came--_-----_--__-_____-_---__-.--_-_-----__--_--_---_---_-_----
<br /> __.___Ena_�_eneya_ Lockhart�,�___an__unmarrie�.__wor�an_______________
<br /> - - ----- ------- --- ---- - --------------- - --- --------------- ---- ----- -------------------------------------------- --- -----------------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical persorz____._.____whose name___________18--------------------u�"ixed to the above
<br /> ��a EAL anstrumerzt as rantor-------- and---------�h 8----------------
<br /> � ' � , _ -sc�er�zj acknowled�ed the same to be_____h_@�_.______.voluntary
<br />' act arad deed for the purpose thereirz ex��ressed.
<br /> IJV'W'ITNESSWHEREOF,Ihaveherezcnto subscribed my reame and af�ixed my offtcial seal at_________________._____
<br /> sr_a.T1L'L__I&larid�._________.____________ _____________on the date last above written.
<br /> -------------------John---,Allan------------------------ -----
<br /> .Notarz�Public.
<br /> . . . ---79-�------•
<br /> ..�1� comm7ssaon expares----- - -- --- -- ------- - - - - - .�LZl•-----5----- -
<br />___.��_. u
<br />