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� �,� <br /> ,�,.,... <br /> if, DC�C�D G�C�C�O�D �oo �0� <br />_ _ _ _ . _ � .�. _ �.M__.� _____�_ _ __�___.__ _ _ _ ___ ___ _ <br />— ;u��0-KI0PF'&BAItL'LL'TT Cd.,Printing,Lithopraplzinp'andCo�lnty��uppLies;�Onia7ia: "� � ��-� �_�� � <br /> I''�n� 1 hereby certifz� that this instrzan2ent was entered on NumeTical <br /> In,de,x and fcled for reeord this.____1Q_________daz�of____�arCh______________ <br /> Hannah---Sharp,_ __Wi.c�o�t- - --- ��Warranty ./L. D., 191-�-------, at- -__ 3_�30_ __ ------o'cloek ---�'_._dYL <br /> �'O l�eed. ' � <br /> i <br /> -------------------------- t---- - -- ---------=�---------- <br /> -------- - --- <br /> Re�ister f Deeds, <br />� ------- - --------- -A,J_ac o}�--��rart�--- ----------- - ------ <br />! __ B�--------- ----- - ---- - --- - --- � - --------------------------- <br /> ---�--- ------ ---__.- - --- <br /> _ - ---- --- Deputy. <br /> �.�oi� �C�� �e� �p �C�je�e ��e�e�.t� : <br /> ���t---- I�-- Han__nah Shar�� a_wi�ow� - - - - <br /> f J f --------crnc�' b"tr,�t<> of---------------._ _._------------GTarLtor---------, in consideratiori <br /> o the Count o ------ - - ---�a11 -- �rg---�'a.s--�- - ----------- -- ------ ---- - - <br /> of the sum of-------- .___T��Q__�f�un��rEd--�_evan�y__--FiYa -°�__00�104- -- ------- -- - - ---------DOLL.�RS, <br />�!I in hand paid, do--__-- --__------h,ereby GR��°T, B✓�I���II,h�, SELL, .ELJV'D CONVEY'unto-_-_---_A.Jaeob-_Swart-s--_---_-_-_ <br /> _-- ------------ --- ------------------ <br /> I ---------------------------- - -- ---------- - -------- ------------------------------------- ---- - - --- ---- --------------------------------------------- ------------------------- ------- --------------------------- <br /> '�all Nebxaska . <br /> of the Count�J��--------- ` - - - ._ --- --a,nd,Stat,e of--- - ---- ------ ------------ - --- - ---,Grari,tee,-------, th,e follozvin� <br /> described premises, situated in the County o/'_._ ______ __ Ha�.l____ __________..________.__.__________arzd State of�V'ebre�ka, to zvi.t: <br /> --._._..�+.4.t.�---.Cne..._(1.�-...�nc�..TWO----�2�_,----in...�31�G.k..--(3ne--(1..} -°f---Pac_ker--��---Rarr!s---A1:.�ition.._to...�rand---I.slan�,.----------- <br /> ........T:3 ek�raska,._...�� s-ur-Y�yed,---�lat_t.�d_._and_.rec_o_rded•--- ------- - -- � -�-. ........ .........................................................-�----------------- ----- ---�---..... <br /> - ... --- - --- -- -- - ------ - ---- -- ---------------- ..................-- ---- - -- - - --_.......__.._- -__... - ---------�-��---------------------------- ------------- -------------- -...---- --...---- <br /> ------------�-----�- -- -- -- -- - - - - - -- --�- - - ---- ---�-- ----� ----------------� ------------------......--- -- �-- ---�-- -- .......-----�------ ----------- -------- - ------------------------------------------ <br /> - ----�-- �------ ------- - --- - � - ---- -- - --- . ... .......... - ---._... ---�-- ---- - - ---- ----------- --- -----------------•-----�- -------- - --- -------- -.._._..--- -----.._....--------------- ------ -------------- <br /> ---...-------------- - -- -- -- - - ---- - _ - - - -.._ ._. --- ------------------�----------------- <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaynerzts, and czp�u,rtenances thereunto belon�sin�, and all the Estate, Ri-�ht, Title,Interest,.Dozver, <br /> Curtesr�,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor____.___,��r,��ker�-t,�c�m, of, in, or to the same, or ar��part thereof. <br /> �0 �A�1C AIY� t0 �0�� the aboUe-deseribed preynises, with the appurtPrzances, ur�to the said�rar�tee______and to_____�1��____________ heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. �qnd_______.I_____-__hereby covenafzt_______with the said Grantee_._____that_______________I______.________._ hold_____.______said premises by�ood and <br /> perfect title; that_________I___________,___.haYg__5ood risht and lawful authoritr9 tp sedl and convey the same; that thez�are free and clear of all liens <br /> and incumbrances whatsoever--------------- -- ------- ---- -------------------- - ------------- - <br /> �nd____:___-_,___________________I:---_------_______----_-----_----- covenant..______to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons <br /> whomsoever------- -- - -- -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- <br /> ------------ - ------------------------- ---- -- -- ------------- - - --- <br /> ----------------------- - - --- -_ _- --- - ---- - -- ----- --- ---- - - - --- --- --- ---------------- - --- -------------------- --- - ----- ------- - -- <br /> Dated the---- ------�t�.-------------- ----daJ �r- �.��x'C.xl__- - ----- -- - -- - _._._�1. D.,19_�.�-----• <br /> W'IT.NESS ----Hannah--Sh��----------------------- <br /> ---- --- --------- <br /> ------ -------- --- -���_.AJ.�.ar�--------- -------------- -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- <br /> ST✓1TE OF NEBR�SK�1, <br /> ss. <br /> �ici.11 y, T;1`�rC h----------------------------------l. D., 19__13_.._ , be ore me, <br /> ------------------------Count Orz this----- -t------------------da�J af-----------== --- � <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Public.________________________________within and for said County, persorzally eame_____________._______________________________.________._____ <br /> ------------- .- - - - xannah---Shar_pr----e---s�idaw----------------------------------�-- ---- ----------------------------- -------------- <br /> --- ---- - ---------------- - -------------------------- - ------- -�--------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_____._____whose name___________________l.B_. a fjixed to the above <br /> �SEAL} iizstrument as�rantor____.___, and_______S1�,Q____._______________-se�ercedbg acknowled�ed the same to be______h@r__________voluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> I✓V'YVITNE'SSWH�REOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afj'ixed mz� of�"'ieial seal at_________________________ <br /> T . <br /> ____ax'�t�l�__I_�.��._1_"1��___���bT.,�____ ________.______orz the date Zast above wrctten. <br /> L.r.Allan <br /> ------ - <br /> - -------------------------- ------�-------------- <br /> �Y'otar Public. <br /> ,My commi,ssion expires----- - - -- - -- ----- - -- ---���t- -��- -- ---------------r�-lc�-----• <br />