L.w �'-_�
<br /> ,r- o o C��C��C�� �o❑ ��n
<br /> DC��D
<br /> - �tio7O-KLOPP&BARTLETT CO.,Prinling,I,ititoyr¢phireg a�td County Supplies;Or�+a)aa." � - � `_ -- _ = . __ _ - —- - _ - -
<br /> ��.__. _. ____.. _.. _.. �._. . -,-��-�._-.-��_._�..
<br /> F��� I hereby certify that this instrument was entered orc Numerical
<br /> Index arad fcled for record this________________$_________day of________�_��Ch____._______
<br /> ------F�s�_rac-�--�T_.H�lme�--and �ife- - -- .�. n., r9---1�---, at-- - -- -__ - - - 4-------o�cao�k---P-=---�•
<br /> �Warranty _
<br /> TO Deed. �
<br /> - - _ ._-- � ------------ --------------- ---
<br /> --------- ------ -- - -- Re�ist of Deeds,
<br />� -------- -- --�t at t i e_G_,J ohns o n - - ---- - --- --
<br />� B�------ -- ----- - - - - _ _- -------- ---------------- -----
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> ��o� ��� �e� �p ��je�e �re�e�:t�:
<br />�I ���t-- -- ---�x-�,- -Horac e---J_.HQlmes and .�iith__��.H_olme�.,--._hu�band-and--wi.f s------- - ---------------�---------- ----- ---------
<br /> of the County of_----__D__OU.�11£�---------------rcrt,cl Stat,e of---------N_ebTaSkcl------------------ --------------------Grantor--�--.., in consideration
<br /> of the sum of----------F_lV�__Th9118.3Ti�--°�^.--T10�-00------ -- - ------------------------- ------------------------- ---------- ------ -----------------------------------.DOLLJIRS, :
<br />, in hand paid, do_________________h.erebz� GR.g✓VT, B�1RG�lIN', SELL, .qND CONVEI''urato. �1��_1_�___�.�QhT1�911 _________________ _____.___________
<br /> I ----------------- ---------- -- - -- --- - -- ----- - ----- ------- --- ----------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> of the Count�J��---------- --H-3,�.1- - - -- --and State of------rT�1_2�A_�ka. - - --- --------- ---- ------- ---- - --- ---------,Gran,t.ee--------, the following
<br /> described premises, situated in the County of___________________HSll______________________----____--__...---arcd State of Nebr��ka, to wit:
<br /> ------Fract i onal...Lot---�?umb er--Tw�--(2�--in----Fr�ct.i�na_�,_..$.�._9_�k._.�T�r:�er.--C,ne.--F�.��,d.x�d.._�v��eza.�.y_.._�.12Q�---.R�il---�.Q.a.d_._.
<br /> -.----Addi�irrn---t.o�--th.e--ar-i-�inal--to�un,-- - r�ava--c�-t-ys-.�f--Gran.d__Is�land,-----and---F°rac:�ional__.I�ot---I�Tumhe.r.---Two-----(.�.)--------
<br /> -..---�-z�--Exact_ianal---Flo.ck---�uinh�r.__T��.ent-X----LG-�1-�.--.Ar.n�?1d_.-�r�..Abha_�_t_�_�__.Additinn__.tA.--�r.and--.I�land,-----ac.Qr�ing
<br /> .-----'�_U.__t.hG._�.�.cQr.d�_d_r.1at.�,. of---��.ic3...Addi.�i_ons....�_o�r...Qn.--fi-1-�---in_.�.h�_..�_f.f3.c�....of.--�-h-e---R�gis.t_�r_---af---��eds---------
<br />', �-----Q.f._.�aid..Ha.1.1---Cpunt.Y, - --1l.ei�raska-•----...-�--._------- -----------------------------------------------._.----------•------- ----------- -
<br /> I -------------�-----.......:..---------- ----........- -- -------- ----- ----....--- --- �---�--�-------...--------------..._...�--------------...----��- ------.._......------ --- -------- -----..........- -......---------�---------
<br /> ----------- -----------------------
<br />� -----�.............................-�- -_.......-- -�----... =- ---.... �-- ---- - ..___....- -�---�-------�----�-��----------------.......................---------------------�-------�-------�---��-----------�-�------ ------------ -----�----------------�---�
<br /> --------------- ------------- ----- - � - - ----- -- -- - - --- - - -- - - - ._...... - .._......-�----- --------- �- ------- - ----- --- ... - -------�------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dou�er,
<br /> �
<br /> Curtesz�,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_.�__.,and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> �0 ���IC Al�� t0 �OY� the above-describnd prern.ises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�Tantee_______and to.______�1_��________. lceirs
<br /> and assi�ns forever. .h(nd___._V`r_8_____hereby covenarzt_._____with the said Grantee________that______,______VY_e______________ hold__._________said premises bz��ood and
<br /> perfect title; that____.____._K!8____________._h,aV e_._�rood ri�ht and dawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all Zien,s
<br /> andincumbrances whatsoever----------------------------- --------------------�------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
<br /> ------------------------------------------------ ------ ---------------- --- --------- ----- -------- --- --------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ -- ----
<br /> �nd_______________________�r-�._-__-----___- ---__---__--------_ eovenant_____.__to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons
<br /> whomsoever------------_ ------ - - - - - _. .- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---- --- ------------------------ -
<br /> --------------------- --------- ------- - -- -- - -- ----- - - -- --- ------------- -- ------------------- --- -- ----------------- ---�- --------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Dated the----------------�Zth--------------------da�J ���----- ?,��TCh- ------------ - - - -.g. D.,19..1.�------•
<br /> W'ITNESS ----�.Qr��--J_._Ho_1.2Ti�S--- - ----------------- -- -----
<br /> --------------- ---�v,_�tin--��-._��v�n-�h--- ----�d�.��i---��1_.HQ�mes--------------------- --------------
<br /> - -- -------------------- ------ --- - -- ---------- - ------------ -- - ---
<br /> --------- Charl6s__�.Haye� - - --------- --
<br /> ST.1TE OF NEBR.1SK.g,
<br /> �ss.
<br /> -----Dauglas-------------------------county, On this--------------��h---------------da�J �f-----------------�-��-1----------------------------•/1. D., 19__l.�_ _ , before me,
<br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Public._________________________________within and for said County, personally came_____________________________________________._______________________
<br /> --------�Qrac_e_�7_.and--Fr.�.�_th---��t„�Q�r�.�s------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------
<br /> to me personallz�known to be the identicaZ person____S_____whose nameg___2�P_B________._________________afJixed to the above
<br /> �SF'AI'� instrumer�t as�rantor_�____, and___________________________________severally acknowled�ed the same to be______�h�.r____voluntary
<br /> actsand deed for the purpose ther•ein e�pressed.
<br /> IJV'W7TNESST�'HEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed mb name and a�"ixed my of�tcial seal at___.___________________
<br /> Cmaha, I�I.�bx__.___DQUg13�_._�_4_urit��_______ ________________on the date Zast above written.
<br /> ----------------------��c ar__F_.Ku rT�f-------------------------------
<br /> .Notarz�Public.
<br /> .My commission expires---------- - -- ------------- --------------�TQV-�----1-1---------------19_�.�-----•
<br />