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,.�.�� <br /> �� o C�C�D ���O�D �oo ��� . <br /> D <br />_ _ __ _ __. __ <br />—' !�6�71}—KI b!'P h BAkfiLETT C(J.,Prinling,Zithopraphing hrid Coiinty$uppdies:Oma)�k. ' - - ___ _,.::. _ �--�—_��� -- - _ <br /> �R�� I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical - <br /> Index and filed for record this_._.______�_____._____._.___day of________,�����$_____________ <br /> . �. D., 191�------, at--- - - ----- -- 11�_�0 -----o'clock----�� --✓� <br /> - ----S�rah--��n�-x,---_t�d�.s�o�r----------------- Warranty <br /> TO Deed. � � <br /> ------ - - ----- - ----------�----- ---�--------- -- <br /> Re is r o Deeds, <br />' --- ---- -----�va_,_I_,_�las�- - -- - <br />', B�-------- ------------ ---- -- - -------------- - --- <br /> Depu�y. <br /> �.�o� �Y� �e� �p �C�je�e �re�e�t�: <br /> ����------ -- �,-- ��.rah -Rr�n��,-_a_.wi_cio�rr -------- - - - --- - -------------- -- - - ------------- ----- -- --- -- ----------------�---------------- - --- - <br /> . <br />�'� --------------------------- ------------------- - - ------ ------- -- ----- ------- ------ ---- ---------------------------------- -----�-------------------------------------------------------- -- ---------- <br /> �-Iall---------------a-rr.d �SYtat� o -----------------------2���bra�k2�---------- -----------------------Grantor--------, in consideration <br /> of the Count�J �}---- --- - --- - � <br /> of the sum of_--------- Tv�zQ --f�ila.11d�.�d__Tyo'�nt-Y_fiv-�---and--nQ_�IQQ------------------- ------------- ------------------------------------ --------------------DOLL✓1RS, <br /> in hand paid, do----------------hereby GR✓1NT, B�R(�✓lI.N, SELL, ✓IJV'D CONVEY'unto--�Y�t--�_._B18�6-8---------------------------------------------- ------------------- <br /> ---------------------�------- - - ---- ----- - ------- ------------------------------------------- ---- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- - <br /> f y f f '` - __--_---_-.----,C�rantee,------._, the followin� <br /> o the Count o -- ----------._.��all---- -- --------and,State o ,------- - -------�1L�rct�ka------ --- ---------- - <br /> described premises, situated in the County of______..____________xall___________.____._______.____._.___and State of Nebrs�ka, to wit: <br /> ------------------�k�.�_._N.�:rt.h._half.--Qf--1U�s----s_eu_en--�`�)----�igh� -{8.)�---nine-----t�-�----in...hlac.k_..t_�.�lus---�Gl�-)�-- ----- <br /> ----------------and._J�:�hnscn�....Ac�d�..t_�.Qn-t4--thE._.Va..���e ��---�?-�.�d.._R�,ver.r --TIebxasl��-=------ --------------------------------------------�-�-----....--�--�------------ <br /> ...._.. - -- - --- -- - - ---------- - ------ -� - - ----- -------------�-------- .....-- -- ----- --------......... ----- -- ---- ----- �-----�- ------------------- --- �------------------------------------------------�- ----- - � <br /> ----------------------- ------- --------- ---� - --- --- --- - - ----.-.__..-- -- -----....------�------------------------�-------------------------------•-�--�--�-�--�--- ------ - ----�------------------ ----�---------------�------�-------------- <br /> -------------------------------- --�------------------ � --....-- -------......---- - ---�- ----.........-----------�------�-------------.......---------�-�- � --- -----------------.......--------�---------��-----�-�- ----...-----------------�------��------�---------------------- <br /> ..---�---�--�---------------------------------- - ......._.. ...__. ....- -- --�-�--- ----- ---...--- -�--�----------------------------- ----•-----....---------�------�--�---�-------�---------�-----------------�--------....----- --------...----�---------------.... <br /> ----------- ---- ------�---------------- -- ---------- --------- --- - ------- -- -- - - - - - --�------ - --�------------------------- ---------------------------- ------- ------- -------------- <br /> To�ether with all the tenemerLts, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dorver, <br /> Curtesz�,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor______:_,,xr�lzTJ�it�eervf-�ice»�, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �G4 �A�1C �IY� t0 �OY� the aboz�e-described prem�ses,with the appurtereanees,unto the said�Tantee__.____and to____________klex_____ heirs <br /> and ccssi�ns forever. ✓fnd_.______I________lzerebz�covenant.______with the said Grantee.___..__that_____________I__�_._._____________ hold________._._said premises by�ood and <br />'�, perfect title; that___.___._I__________._:_.____ha__Vesood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens <br /> � <br /> I' and incumbrances whatsoever----------------- ----- -------- ---------------------�----------- <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- <br /> - - - -- -- - --- -- - ----- --------- - --- ----- - ---- ------------ - <br /> -- ------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> --------- - <br /> I'I ,flnd____:_________._____.__I____ _____________________________ __ _ covenant________to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons <br /> whomsoever--------- --- -- - -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------- - -- --------------------- <br /> Dated the--------�Ql��_��.---------------------da�J ��-- - - -.�13��$-- ---------------- __.fl. D.,191�------• <br /> W'ITNESS -----S�8t�1---�x1.1ri8�------------ ----------------------------------- <br /> --------�1_,_L_,_S�ar�.�ue---- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , <br /> --------------------------------------- <br /> , - ------ - --- <br /> ST.1TE OF NEBR.h(SK�, � <br /> �ss. <br /> ----------------------------I�.11----------County, On this--------4th------------------------daJ �f----------------Pyf��Ch----------------------------.1. D., 19_13_.._ , before me, <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Public________________________________.within and for said Countz�, personally came__________________________________________._.____ __ <br /> ---------- --�axah--�run_�r,. ---a--�ri�i.c��r------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . <br /> to me personallz� known to be the identical person____.______whose rcame_________._____________18_____.________afj'ixed to the above <br /> (S�AI�} irestrument as �rantor_._.____, and_____________��1_$___.___________XsX�7fe��j acknowled�ed the same to be__.___h8�__________voluntary <br /> c�ct and deed for the purpose therein expr•essed. <br /> IJV'WIT✓Y'ESSWHEREOF,I hdve hereunto subscribed my name and a�j"ixed my of�cial seal at.________________________ <br /> caunty <br /> �9ood RiY�r7.__N_e�r�s_k�__i_Tl__��id__ ________________on the date last above written. <br /> -----------------------------------�i-..L_,_S�rag_u�---------------------- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> ,Mz� commission expires------ --- - - - ----- ---- -- -- --- - -----i,,`s�___ch---2�i------------ ._19_�,.$-----• <br /> � <br />