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� � � <br /> DC�C�D �C��O�D �Joo �Oo <br /> _ _ � __ _ _- ._ - _ _ _ _ -_ _ <br /> � o�iO--KTOPP�BARTLE?'1"CO.,1'rinling,Lithopruphing arad�Coanty Supplies;O�n¢�a. - � . . . _ . _ . � � _ <br /> �_e;___._ . .._ . . _... . . _ .. . . . _ .,. _ . ._.: -:.- _......_.. . _._.. ,. __ �_�_ ___._ . . . .� <br /> FROJII I herebz� eertify that this instrument was entered ora Numerical <br /> Index and -led or record this_.________�______._____,_da o March <br /> � f � f----------------------------------- <br /> .q. D., 19--1-�----, at----- - --- __ - -1Q --- -------o'clock----��_�I. <br /> A,_L._Sc_uc�der--&__v�'-i_fe------------------- Warranty ,-_ <br /> ---- ro <br /> Deed. <br /> -------- ---- ----- ------------ - ---------- ---------------------- -- - <br /> Re ister of Deeds, <br /> --------- - ------- Phili�--��hro_eraer -- ---_- - <br /> B�----------- --- -- - -- -- -- ------ --._ - ----------------- - ----�- <br /> Deputy. <br /> �.�.o� ��� �en� �p ��je�e ��e�e�.t� : <br /> ����-�-- -- -g._L._S.�uddar _and_ �.�ary C_.Sc-u.:i�_err- hL�.sb�n�.__and---�i_fe--------- - --------------------------------_-.----------------- - -- <br />', of the County of_--------�=_3_1_1-------------_a,std Stc�-te of-------------- T.ebraska------.-------------------------------Grantor---�------, in consideration <br /> ------------ -?- <br /> I�' of the sum of_--------- - --FOxt3'---t�t�z__hL1rLClx-sLl--�-i1fl�100------------------ ----------------- ------------------- ---- ------------------------------ -----------._.DOLL�IRS, <br /> in hand paid, do--------------herebz� GR.FINT, B�RG.F1I✓1�, SELL, .��v'D CONV'E�'unto------Phi-�-ip---,��hx0 ed��------------------------------------------------ <br /> ----and b'tate o --------------- T�T�1JrEt�ka------------------ -.,C�ran,, tT2e ollowi�2 <br /> of the County of- ._Klm��ll_._----- - f ------- - --- - ----- f � <br /> described premises, situated in the County of_____ ___________�3.11___________________________.___._____and State of Nebrsaka, to wit: <br />'i ..............��..�_..S.Q.ut-h----ane...half--t�f--�-h-e---Nort-h---�ns.--half---�f---�h_�.._�o.u�h�r��:�...�ne_..c��5�---a-f---the---�?..�--af---�he <br /> r- 1�',.��----°f---��3etion--Two-----(2-}.--in__Townshi_p,-El�ven....(11�....rlorth.._G_f..Ran��9)---WE��--Q_�'..:�h.t----6�1�--. ` <br /> ---.._.... ..�,_. <br /> �-�------P_.�_.__..and...c_on�.ainir.g--F_�rtY--ac.r��.._mor-e-- -or....l��-s •.............. ...... ----� ---- ------ -------�-----------------------�-------------------------------- ------ <br /> -----------------------------------�-- ---- - -- --- --- -- --- - ----- ------------------------------....-�------------------._...--------------...-------.......---------......-----�----------------.._..- ----------�--------------------------------------�----- <br /> --�---------------- - ----- ------- � -------....... -- -- -----......_ - --------.._......--------........_....-----------...--------------.....------...__..-----�-- -�----------� -- ----- - -------� --------------------------------...----�-�------------- <br /> -------------------------�--------...._..-----....._.....-----�- �-- ----...._.._..---- ..._.._._.. - ------- -�---------...---�------------�--�---------�----------�-----� �------------------------------�-----------------......-------� --��---------�---------------�------�------- <br />� -__.-------------------------- ----- --------------- - - - ---...- --- --------...- - --�---- --- ------------� ------ ------- ---- -- - --------�--�--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> To�sether with all the tenements, hereditccmefzts, and appurter�ances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Titde,Interest,Dozver, <br /> Curtesz�,Claim and Dem,arcd whatsoever of the said Grantor.fot____,and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or an�part thereof. <br /> . . <br /> �0 �A�1C AIY� t0 �OY� the above-described premises,wath t,he appurtenarcces,unto the said�rantee________and to__________.hl_�_ .____ heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. �4nd_.__Y1 g.________hereby covenarct________with the said GTarZtee________that_____________.�Y_�_.__.__.__.___ hold________,_._said premises by�ood and <br /> perfect title; that___________�'Le____.__._______ha_,Y�sood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell arcd convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens <br /> arcd incumbrances whatsoever----------------_----___----__-_-------------------------- <br /> ------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- <br /> .gnd______:_____________y1!�___________________ ________________ ._ warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all person,s <br /> whomsoeuer--------- - - - ---- - - - -- -__-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- ------------------- - <br /> ------------------------ - - --- - - ----.. ------- - - --- ------- --- ------ - ---------- - -- --------- ------------- --- -- ------------------------------------------------- - - --- <br /> Dated the------ -5t h-------------------------da� �1�-- --D EC eI11�eT ----- ------ -- - -- -�. D.,1912------• <br /> W'ITNESS ----AfL_.-S�U.dd.82--------- - ---------- <br /> ----4:lar-Y----C_._S_cu�id_er------------------------------- --- <br /> ------------ - -- -----�-.H_,_P;t�nck--------------------------------- -------- ----------- <br /> _ ST.qTE OF NEBR.ISK�, <br /> �ss. <br /> - � � Orc this--------------------------���-----------da o -----------�.��_�Illk2�z'-------------------------.1. D. 19_l�_ ._ be oTe me <br /> ---- ------xal�-------------count , � f , , f , <br /> the urzdersi�raed, a Notary Public.-__----------_--__--_-_----__-----within and for said County,Aersonallz�came----------_-------__---___-_-_--_----___-------_---_--_----___ <br /> ---------A_._L_.�c_uddas--ar�d--.�I.axY---C._._S�udt�ezr---h�l�d_-�nd---w�f e------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_S_....____whose name___$___Ar_�________ _afj'ixed to the above <br /> ��E�� instrument as�rantor___.B__, and_._.____.�h�y________________severally acknowled�ed the same to be___��1_Q��_______voluntary <br /> aet and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> INW'ITNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and a�j"'ixed my of�'Ecial seal at______________________ <br /> _______�z'and I�land _______________on the date last above written. <br /> - -- -------------------------------------- - <br /> -----------------------------------------------C_,H_.Pvi en�k---------------- <br /> ✓l�'otary Public. <br /> ,My commi.ssion expires------ - -- -- - ------ ------------------�------���a�r.-1Q'_�-- --------19-�------• <br />