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<br /> � D��D ��C�O�D �oo ��o
<br />_��. :_.__.r�a�D-7fLOPP�S:4Rfi'�ETTCO.�Yrinting�Lith�praphittgandf,`ount�/�cppliesF<Tmaha. -' " ___.._ _....._ �---
<br /> F ,,,__.._. . _ _,_ ,,. , .� _,,_ __ _,._ ;_. . __ _..,__ .�. _. _�._,�.._ _ _. _ � _ __
<br /> i+
<br /> 1''R0� I herebr� certify that this instrumertt was entered on. Numerical
<br /> Index and filed for record this._...__�__.____.__.________day of____.TZ_��Ch_________._._._
<br /> .g. D., 19---1�---, at--- - �_�GO _ ---- -------o'elock,----P_,_�M'.
<br /> ------ -------�'��i X---�,_D'1_x�r_�- Wi�loSf�r_ ---- --- Warranty
<br /> Tp Deed. �
<br /> ----- - ----__L_/'_,��G/d���,G.------'-r'r�(�''=-`-�---------------------
<br /> Re�is er of Peeds,
<br /> --------- - ---------hirar�____��_._.Craig-- -- --
<br /> B�-------------------- - ------ -------------- -----------------------
<br /> ------------------------- ------------- ---- -- -- -- -- - -- - --- Deputy.
<br /> ��o� ��� �er� �p ��je�e ��e�e�t��
<br /> ����---- - ----I� - 1i�a�y �.p_ixo�?- _�__a. �!i�l0�r.. } - ------ -
<br /> ------------ --- ----- ------------- -------- ---------------------------- ------------------- - -- -
<br /> o�the Count�J of---- -r''all- - -- - ccric�? St<xte of---- - --------------------�1��r1Sk�.- - -- ---------- ---------------Grantor-------_., in consideratiora
<br /> _
<br /> ofthe sum of.---------- �'lgh'�--�i_L1T1��_8d--�� T1Q��-Q4---- ---------------------------------------------- ------ -------------- -- ------ ------------------ ------------ ---------DOLL./1RS,
<br /> in hand paid, do--------------herebz� GR.g�N'T, B.RRC.gIJV', SELL, ✓1ND CONVEY'ur�to-------Hlz'd?�l---ti-.�_�_A�.g- ------------------------------------------------------------
<br />� of the Count�J of- -------- �''�c111 -- -._..- - }' ---- --- ----,Grarat,ee--------, the followin� :
<br /> _- --and State o ------ - ---- --- -l��k�ras_k3_---------- ----------
<br /> described premises, situated irc the County of.,___ _____._.______ __H�11_______________.___.______________and State of Nebre�ka, to wit:
<br /> --------Lots---�1N�?_..(�.�._:&.._�_OJ,'.x'-- (4)- -i�-- -I''1.�:�Gk___Eou7� -��_)-i- ix1__u_4_1.�,.�€�-�---Add7..i.i.S?�...t.fl...�4'.��t.....Laxm---in...�_h.�---�itY--.o.f.....
<br /> --�---�-'-rand---Is lard� �Tc�ras-k�}--�s--surv eyed_..plat t.ed_..��---�'_e�or.�:e�.........---�� �--�------ .....----�- ---------------------- -------------�-----�--........--�----- ---.....
<br />' . ................---------------- - ------ ---- --- -- ---- - ---- -�-------------�----....---------- - --- -- -- - .__._.._.._..._....._.-- ...------------.......-----....----------------------------------------------------------
<br />' ---------------��--- -------- -------...._._...._..----- -- - - -----------..........__....- --- - -----�--------------- ---------�---------------------------•�----�- --�--- ----- ----- ------------------._....... ------------------..._--------� --
<br /> ------------�---- --------- ---------- - ------ ------- ---------- --- - --..___...._.._........----�-------------...----------�-----------�-�------- ------------ --.....---------�---------� --�-----------------------------�------- ----------------------
<br /> --�----�----...__..- -------- ----- --------------------- -- ...-- ------..._ --- ------ ----- -----------�--------------�------...----.....--------------------.._...----------------------�-----�-- ��------ --...--�---�-------�--...----�-----�-- ------
<br /> --------------------------------....__- --- - -------- - ---- --- . ,.--- ----------------...---------------�----------------------------------------
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtercances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, TitZe,Interest,Dou�er,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim arcd Demand whatsoe��er of the said Grantor________,and of either of them, of,ifa, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> �D �A�1C AIY� t0 �OY� the above-deser•ibn,d premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee_._____arcd to.___$�.B___________ heirs
<br /> and assi�ns forever. �Ind._____I.__.____herebr�covenant._______with the said Grantee________that________________I___.___________._ hold___________said premises by�ood and
<br /> perfect title; that.___.____�______________________ha__Y_�sood r�i�ht and lccwful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free arzd elear of all Ziens
<br /> and incumbrances whatsoever_____._�xCe�?t__ t ax_es___fc;T___�h_e___y__E�'___19�.2___�__�3ub��qu8nt____.______________________________________.___.
<br /> -- -------------- ----------
<br /> --- ---------- - ---- - - - - - -------- - - - --------------- ----- --------- ---------- ----------- ------------------------------ -- --------------------------------------------- ---
<br /> ✓lnd___.____________-___�___________________ _______.___--_-----_ covenant__._____to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons
<br /> whomsoever----------�XC 6pt--�s a�ove. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - -
<br /> Dated the------------3T�,-----------------------daJ �r -- - ----A�rll--- -------..------./1. D.,19�.2------•
<br /> T�7TNESS ----.�ry---�-.-Dl-�CQ�----------------------------------------
<br /> ------c-�C .Hu st on---------- -------- --------------------------- ----------------
<br /> �ss.
<br /> -------------------------H_�11-------------Count � On this---- -----------3rd------------da�J ��---------��--'-ril---------------------
<br /> �J, -----------------1. D., 19-�.�- - , before me,
<br /> the urzdersi�ned, a Notary Public_______________________.________with,in and for said County,personally came_________._______________.___________________.__________ ________
<br /> --------------- �:ax_y_ _�_,�?i��Qx�.---------�---�---��dQw---)-- ------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------
<br /> to me personallr�known to be the identieal person____________whose name__________�E____________________af�'ixed to the above
<br /> tu EAL) instrument as�rantor..______, and______________fih8.__________���eknowled�ed the same to be.___�1_e�__________voluntary
<br /> act and deed for the purpose ther•ein expressed.
<br /> INW7TNESSWgEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and af�'ixed my of�'iciaZ seal at__________________._______
<br /> a_r_aT�Ci._IHla�2'1C�____sy t�br�s_ka________________on the date last above written.
<br /> -----------------------------------�_._G a H�s.�_�n------------------------
<br /> ✓V'otary Public.
<br /> .My commission expires---------- ------------------------- ------ -��4i1�y_--�-5-�h-------19.12------•
<br />