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� ��� <br /> Y _ D�C�D ���O�D �oo ��� <br />=` ` .,k�;:�ll-KLOPP&Se17iTLETT C0♦,Print$ng,Lithnpra.phinp and Coun� 8u -ttea;amaha. :_..� . ,. .:�.;__._ _ _ . __,_�._ ___..-- _._�.�__v_._._�__:�-i�,-_�- __ _�� _ <br /> -i/ PP� � . _ . ..,.. - .--.._,__.-- <br />, �,_�._...s____.... . . . ., . . . . . .. - _. _ <br /> . . ._ . .._.�.�.. -=--- . ��.:._.._..._� _,_.. _ _ .. _ __-_..,�.._ <br /> . . . . .. . . -__�..__�..._�,—._ _,.:..��.✓_..__.r.__�_�.._�_—...—�_._...__....�...�_.._�_:- ._._ _.._ <br /> F��� I hereb� certify that this instrumefzt was ertteTed on ,Numerical <br /> -- In,dex arzd filed for record this---------•---- 4--------da�J�}-----1-�--?�'�h----------------- <br /> .g. D., 19_ 1�----, at--- ____ - �•�0 - -------o'clock,--P•- --✓�YL <br /> _ H�nry_--�c��ibel..,_ �i�.�le - - Warranty , <br /> Tp � Deed. <br /> ; , <br /> - ------ -----(---- ����'���%I�------------------ ---------- --- <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, <br /> ---------- ------�.�exa�.�_��--�_�hzik�e� - -----_. -- <br /> B�------- - --- --_ - -- - ----- --. - ----------------------- <br /> --------------- -- -- -- - -- - Deputy. <br /> �.t�o� �.�Y �er� �p ��je�e �re�e�t�: <br /> - -I --�i�nT r • ti, ' ------------------------------------------------------- --------- ---- - - <br /> ����----- , Y _.,ch�i.�._$1 -� a singl_e__man.}- --------------- ---- -- <br /> of the County of------- h�f�11 - -- -ccr�d Stccte c�f--.._..--------------------- ---�:eKir2.6ka-- ----------- - -- - -----Grantor--- ---, ir�consideration <br /> of the sum of--------- - T�;�_Enty- Gne_Kundr_ed_&__no�lOG_------- ---------------------- ------------------ - -- ----- - ------------------ - - --- -------.�oLL.�RS, <br /> in hand paid, do---------------li:ereby GR✓1,NT, B.,4RG.FIIN, SELL, .gND CONV'EY'ur�to-------------__A1.�X_311$�x__�_��_��.1��1----------------- ------------------ <br /> � ---?,e'�raska--- -------- <br /> of the Count�J o}�-- -------- - �T311.- - - - ----and,State of--- --- -- - --- -- --- - ' - - - - -----,Grantee.-------, the followin� <br /> described premises, situated irz the Cou�zty o�"_.__________________�all_.___.___________________________.._.__an,d. State of JV'ebrs�tka, to wit: <br /> _.......Lo-t----S�-�----(6}�31_��_r�---r'umber--Twa-- (�-�----in---Eyar,�---Ac11it_ion---ta__�'Jr.�nd..Islan�3r----Ne�rask-a---as.--.surye�ed_. <br /> �:;latted � recardecl. <br /> - ---........_.----- - --- --- - -..._ -- -- - -- ---------- ---- ----....---�-----------�- -�---- -------- ---�-- - - -------------� --------�-�------------------------------ -- - �------------------------ -------------- -- <br /> ----------------- --- ----------- - --- - ----- --- ---- ----._.....---------- -------------------�----------�------------------------ --------- - -...------� --------�-�-------...--�--- -�------ -------------------------------------------- <br /> �--------�--------- - - - ----�-- --- ----.._.. - -- ----- - -.....-- - --�--- �----------�--------------- -------�--- ----�---------------------•------�-----�--- - ...----------�� ---- ---------------._�--------------------------..._ - <br /> ---......_..- -------- ---- --- --- -- - ------- -- ---- -...- �- - - ---- ----------------�-----------------------------------------.......... � -�------------- ---�----�-��-----------� ---.....-- -------------�--------------..._...-------- --------- <br /> --------�---.....--�--....-----... .............._ -- - - - - - - - ----- -- --�- --- --� - - ---------�--------�---...-----------�--------�-�------ --------�-�------------ ------------..._.....----�--�------- --- --------------------�------ <br /> --------------------------------- -- -- - - - .. -- - ----- -- - -- -� - - --- _ .. __.------ -----------------.....----------------------------------------------- -- <br /> To�ether with all the terzements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�s, and all the Estate,Ri�sht, Title,Interest,DoiaPr, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoeaer of the said Grar�tor___.___,and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �CD �A�1C AII� t0 �OID the above-descrihed premises,with the appurtenances, urzto the said�rantee___._.__and to__________his____._.__ heirs <br /> and assi�res forever. .,4nd_____.__Z__._.__hereby covenant_.__._with the said Grantee_____._that________________I_______________�__ hold__.________said prernises by�ood and . <br /> perfect title; that______._________Z___________,_ha___Y__��ood �i�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all lierzs <br /> and incumbranees whatsoever---------------------------- --- ----------------------- -- ------------------- --------------------------------------- <br /> --------------------------------------------- --------------------------- <br /> ----------------------------------------------------- - -------------- -------- -- - ------ - -------- ------- ------ ---- ------ ---- ----------------------------- ----- ----------- ---------------- <br /> �1nd_______.____________________3_________.______ _________________ covenant________to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons <br /> whomsoever-------- -- --- - -__ _ - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------•---- ------------------------------ -------------------------------- <br /> ----------------------- - --..-- - -- ---- -- --- --- - - - - - -- ---------------- ------- -------------- --- ---------------- ------------------- --------------------------------------------- <br /> �,; <br /> Dated the-----------�-�h-----------------------da�J ��-- ---- --- s�1arC-- - -- - -- -- --.g. D.,19.-----3---• <br /> W7TJV'ESS -------HenrX-S^he��?e7--------------- - ---- -- -- -- - - <br /> `'_C_.Hust_on-------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- <br /> -- ---- --- -----'�-� ---- <br /> ST.1TE OF NEBR.gSK✓1, <br /> �ss. <br /> �J, -----------�a�J ��------------F , , � , <br /> -----------------•----�s'��.�._--------------Count On this--------------- -'��_ Zr'i�'��---------------------------------.q. D. 19__�.'�_ _ be ore me <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notaiy Public.-_----_----__-_-_---___-_---------withi.n and for said County, Aersonally came_---------- ----_----_-_-__---_-__--------_--_----------__-------_ <br /> -------- -- --�-i�nry-�ch�ivel------------------------------------------ -------------------------- <br /> -- -- - --- ------------- -- -- ----------�--a---�_i_rt��e--.n�n-�--------- ---------------------------- ----------- <br /> ------------------------------------------- <br /> ta me personally knowrc to be the identieal person_ ..______whose name______________l-S---_----_-___---__afj'ixed to the above <br /> instrument as�rantor_______., and_____________Y'�,6.___.___________7��acknowled�ed the same to be______h1E3________voluntary <br /> (5��� act arad deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> INW'ITNESSW'HEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afj"ixed my ofjicial seal at__.___________.________ <br /> ____!iTe7,x:C�___I_S_1�,x1.dj____'1�,�i7r2;,SkS_____________on the date last above written. <br /> ----------------------------------�-•-�-•xtl�'�_451------------------------- <br /> .Notarz�Public. <br /> ,M� eommission expires.---- - - - --------- - ----------------�Tul-Y------�_5�h--------- -19-1$-----• <br />