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<br /> described premises, si.tuate,d irz the Couraty of___ _ _____ Nall_ ____ ___ __ _____ __arzd State of JV'phr.s�lca, to r�vit:
<br /> _______Lots.._Three,__,�3�____�nci___Fc?ur_,___(4_}, ln__Pw.�lling___P_1_ace,__Addition___to.__th._�__C_it�*.._of__r�rt�nd.__Island,________________.____.._, ;
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<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand ivhatsoever of the said Grantor_______,-�a�rr,�3�e�c+a�i�rra��ee��;o-f, i�z, or to the sarrr,e, or ait�par��t,�-�re.a�. �
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<br /> and assi�ns forever. .Flrzd__________�______lzerebr�coven,ar�t________avzth the said Grantee_______that.________�__________._____ hold_______.____saad prPmises by�ood and (
<br /> perfect title; that__.__.._._____I__________ha V e.sood ri�ht and Zawful autTioritr� to sell and conver� the same; that ther� are free aavd clear of all lierzs i
<br /> , = ....
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<br /> and incumbrances whatsoever___._ . ______ ______ ___,___ i
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<br /> .Flnd__________ ____________ I_,_.___. ___.____ __________ . __ covenan,t_____t,o zvarran,t an,d defend the, said prern,ises a�ain,st, t.h,e lawfu,l clai,m,s of all person,s I
<br /> whomso�Uer_____exc ept__±.axes._ for__ thc _year__1904___ ._________ �
<br /> ------ ---------- - ----- --- . _- -- - -- - `
<br /> ;
<br /> - -------- ----- - - - - - - __-_ __ _ -- -- -- -- --- - -- ----- _ - --- -------- -- - -- -- --- - -- -
<br /> 16�h �
<br /> Dated the-- -- ---day o/'. --JL�1_S. ---_ - --_�I. D.,19Q4 ---
<br /> -- ' i
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<br /> u�'zT.NFSS ---------�Valt_er--A.Yot�ngS. - ---- - - --- - - - �
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<br /> ST.gTE OF ✓l�'EBR�SK✓[,
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<br /> -----------Ha.11-----------County, CJn, t,his---- - -- -16th- - - - ��?� o}�----------------`-?-�-e-- -- -- - ----- -�1. D., 19---Q4.. , before me,
<br /> ' the urrdersi�roed, a Notary Public---__- ___-_- -_-_--___ ___.__wit,hi,n ar�cl,fur said County, personallz�came- --___-- ------ ---- ------- __----__-_- __----_- -_ ------ -- --
<br />',, ------�Alt er_ A.Youngs,--an_�zn��r ri e�__man------------------------------- � i
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<br /> t,o me personally krzozvn to be the iderctical persora___________whose nam,e______ .__.___lf.�__._ ._. ____ _ __af�'ixe,d to the above `
<br /> (�EAL instrumen,t as rantor________, and___________h�__________ __ _
<br /> � � ___��acknowled�ed the sarr�e to be___h�_$__,_______voluntary
<br /> i
<br /> � aet arad deed for the purpose tTzereirz expressed. �
<br /> I I✓1�'W'IT.1V'ESSWH�REOF,Ihavehereu,nto subscribed my r�ame ccnd afJ�xed my of�"'icial seal at______________. .__ !
<br /> ---- �
<br /> .________,__�Y'.�.Yld__I6_1a71c�___��b._____.______oy� the date Za.st above written. �
<br /> �
<br /> --- _-- - Jnhn--Allan- --------- --- ----- -- -
<br /> �"otar�Public.
<br /> .Mz/ comm,i,ssion expires------ _- - --- - -- ---- -- ---sTaTlt.'.-ar-y -5----- . ._ �
<br /> ----19�6-----•
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