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� � � <br /> . <br /> �� QC��D �C�C� .Oo �D [�oo _��o <br />- ,� ....... �6�:0--KI.OPP&BART7 ETT�CO.,I'rtinling,�Zithopr¢phi�ig and Coatiity Supplies:OrnaTa.�.:... ... . ..�.... � _ :...._ ___..: ....._. _._.._ . .:� -,--__ . -. ..___�.__ ... ___._..__._..�_ .-- . ..-_. <br /> _ ___:.. _ ... .. ....... . ... . . <br />_. .. . _.. . . . . . . . _. . ...... ..__ . ..,_ . _,_... .. . .... . _w..,_. _-._,_, _.-.�:--,-._, .�..�.-- - <br /> I'R�� I hereby certifz� that this irastrument was eratered on JV'umerical <br /> Index and filed for record this._________4 _____daz�of___��°�rGh________________ <br /> --------- --�i_lli am---La�f;:.ers--F-__tix�ri_f'_E - - - - .�. D., 19--13----, at--- -- -- -- - 9- -------.o�ctock----.�,_.Nt. <br /> w��ty � <br /> �.0 Deed. • <br /> � <br /> --- --- ------- -- --------------- ---------�---------- �--- ---- - <br /> -- - - --- <br /> Re ister Deeds, <br /> Jarties H.��or an <br /> ------- -------------------------- ---- -�-- - --- -- ------ ----- <br /> ��---------- ---------- - --- -- --- -- - - ------------- - - ---- <br /> -------------- <br /> ----------------------- --- -- - - . -- -- <br /> Deputy. <br /> ��.o� ��i �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�.t�: <br /> ����-- - - �6'illiam__L�.mz.��rs--a�ci A�;ne�--��«_._La�.ri��xsr.--hus_�and_--�.nd. t�3.-f�-- ----------------------------------�-�---------- -- --- -- <br /> �;111------------------cxai,cl State o --------yd8_�Ia.�k�. -------_------------------------------Grantor--$------ inconsideration <br /> of the CountJ �f------- -- -- � - ------------ -- --- ------- , <br /> �' - 'k ---------DOLL�IRS, <br /> of the sum of-------------- �-�ht_._1 rloU.��t�.-��?80_40,�Q�--- - ----------------- ----- <br /> irc hand paid, do___________________hereby GR�NT, B�RG./IIN, SELL, .FIJV'D CONVEY'urzto_______J_��1E8__.f?�,�:i�r���_.__________ __ _________________ <br /> .r <br /> � �J � �i 1 -----a,nd State of--- -- --- - ----- -- i:�:�raSk$ -- --- -------- -- - - --------------,, the followin� <br /> o the Count o ---------- - �"�-1------- -- - - <br /> described premises, situated irc the County oj'______,____.___.__H311__.___________________________-________and State of JV'ebre4ka, to urit: <br /> .....---The__.�outh---��'.�--h�,lf--o-�--�he -Tti?orth---L�a-�t--Quarter---��---�-._af-.._?'?_,_�,�_�)_----�r-�---�he...1`T4�'��.....�.ne__.��7,�...c?f...the------- <br /> --------�:cut.h...�.�.st...Qu.�rt_er- -��?�:- -°-f--�-•E•=4-�-�----�ll...o.�...�ection--Eitht_e_�n_._.��:8.}....of._To�en�h��?---�?�.ne-----�-°)---�`Tox�.�:------- <br /> - -._.c f _�:an�e--T en--(10_}__�-est--of--th e---si$t h._P..":� G c;urtva-- T=?ebraska..----�------ ------- ---- --------------------- -------------------- <br /> -------�----------------------- --- --- ---- -- - -- � .._.. -�-----------------------------------�---------------------------------.___.------ ---- --........-----------�--------------------- ----------.....__.------------------------------------------ <br /> ------------- ---------------�--- ------....----- - -- -- -- --- -- -----..-------._--... ----- ---�----�--------�------��-------------------�--------�--------...-----...-----------�------------------------------�-----------------------------�------------- <br /> --------------------------- ......_..- -- ----- - -- -- �------ ---- -----.._...-�------�-�--._....__------------...-----�-----_....---�-----�--- ----�------�-----�---------------- - --------��-------- - ------------------------- -------- --------------- <br /> -------�----�-�-- ---�........................... ��-�-�------�-- -�- -� - ----- � ---�-------- ----�- ----�- �------�----------------------.....--�-----------�--- -- -------�--------�--.....---..__..-------...------�--------.....--�-�-�--------------------...------�--- <br /> ----------------------------------- ------ - -- ----...----------- - - - --------... ----- -... . -- - ----- - -----. <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,I)o7��er, <br /> CuTtesz�,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_B.____,and of either of them, of,in, or to the same, or anz�paTt thereof. <br /> �D �A�1C �IY� t0 �OY� the above-described premises, with the appurtenances,unto the said�runtee._______and to_____._____hlfi_._____ heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. ✓lnd______��_�___.___hereb�covenant_______with the said Grantee________that_________________�d$__._________ hold._____.____said premises by�ood and <br /> perfect title; that_____________�`Te___.________ha_v�_sood ri�ht and lazvful authoritz� to sell and convez� the same; that they are free arcd elear of all lien,s <br /> i� and incumbTanees whatsoever----------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ----------------------------------------------- ----- - - --------------- - -- --------------- - -- --- ---- ----- -- ----- - --- - -- --- ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- <br /> I ---- - ------- - ---- - ----- - -- - ._. -- ---- --------- ------ ----- - -- <br /> .11nd______________ _�!E_.___________________________._______________ covenant._______to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons � <br /> whomsoeve,r--------- - -- - - --- -- - - ---_ . --- - -----------------------------•------------------------------------------------- <br /> ----- -------------------- ------------------------ --- ----- ---------------------- -- <br /> ------------------------- - ----- --- ----- - -- - - --- ------ - ----------------- ------ --- --- --------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> Dated the----- ------------2-5th-----------------da�J ��- --._OCtOb e_r----- --------- -- --_�1. D.,19--1�----• <br /> W'IT�'ESS ------�'_�_7,11.AII1---T��,�1?8��_ -- --------------------- <br /> ------------- -- -----�_._�.Ftank----------------------- ------ - -------- ------���--��._Lanur�ss--- ----------------------- <br /> ST✓1 TE OF NEBR,fl SK�, <br /> �ss. <br /> ---------------------H 2L��----------------County, Ore this---------------�-�t h--------------da�9 �f----------L��Ob�?�-----------------------------.1. D., 19��__ _, , before me, <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Public_________________________________within and for said County,personally came________ <br /> --------F!_illsam--Lamr�Ers --�n�---�i?-e�---'=;_._L�_r._u;.e��__��_Sb�dt--�x��t�---xt_i_�'�_--------------------- <br /> --- ------------- - ----------------- ------------------------- ------- -- ------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person___&..____whose rcame__fi__�I'8______________________.afJ'ixed to the above <br /> , instrument as�rantor___�__, and__.______._�h��_________________severallz�aeknowled�ed the same to be__._t.hP.�,r____.voluntary <br /> ttiEAL) <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN W'ITNESS I�'HEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and af)ixed my ofj"acial seal at_______________________ <br /> 7�Qril�?h_a21r___��_��ir�.Sk_3___________ _____________on the date Zast above written. <br /> ---- --------------------------FI-,�E•-�'it��--------------------------- <br /> ' Notary Public. <br /> .My commission expires--------- -- --- --- ------------- ----- ---��� -----�.'7 191'.z------• <br />