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<br /> ;G��ii—KLdPP 1k BARTLETT CO.,Prin[in9,Lidhographinp 2nd Cou�idy Suppliesr C7maTia: > __._ __ _ .. ._ _ , . � �: __�._.____..:;,__. _:=-�_����_ _�_.____._�.__-_.,__._ --- . i-_,_ - - -
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<br /> �'R0� I hereby certify that this instrument was entered orz Numerica,l
<br /> - ------ Index and filed for record this--------�-----------------daz�of----1vi�,r�h------------•----
<br /> .R. D., 19--1-�----, at--- ---- - --- - - g- - ---------o'eloek---.�-•---�•
<br /> ------------------�?.H.F 1�'r---F"----t�.r3_f e --- ---- �warranty
<br /> T� Deed. • �
<br /> --- - -------- ------ ---�------ ---f-------------
<br /> Re ist r o Deeds,
<br />' - --- ------i-i_arm_Thad�_r_.-- - -- --------- ------------
<br /> B�---------- --------- -- -- - - - - ------------ ----------------------------
<br /> ------------------- --------- -- --- -- - -- -- -- - - --- --- -- -
<br /> _ Deputy.
<br /> �.r�obn ��� �er� �p ��je�e ��e�e�t�:
<br /> ����.------�l .H:_�'_J.y�_ _ar.�i Anna_����_.F1yrT ._hus�and---and_.�rrif-e--- -------- ------------------ ----------------------------------------- -- -
<br /> of the CountJ �f----- - ��11----- - ------an:cl .S'tr�t� of-- - --- - i1�bT��k_�- ------------------- ------ - ------ --------Grantor--�------, in consideratio�a
<br /> of the sum of_---------�'1�',h_t_�.83�1---��.�qus�d t�-7.8009_.C-Q-}-------------------------------------------------- -------- - ------------
<br /> ------------ -----------.DOLL�IRS,
<br />'' in hand paid, do-----------------lzereby GR.FINT, B.9RG.gI.N', SELL, .1JV'D CONVEY'unto----------H�,Ti21__Th�41�T?-------------------------------------------- -------------------
<br /> af the Count�J��---------- - -��11- - - -------arcd State of_--- -- - - --i'e�r�S�:� --- -- ---- --- -- -- - - - - -- ---,Grantee.-------, the followin�
<br />', described premises, situated in the Count� of_______.__.___ _��ctll_____________________..__.__________.______arzd State of.N'ebrs�ka, to wit:
<br />�� ' - - r� - �T t -��=��1�n- -T_�;r�_nt-y--Thxe�---��-��_--�f_..TQ�n�laa. .�,sns....�-�- --=�T of
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<br /> I'�� ..:T.�r......(.1�7�--._�G���...�f...th�1- -"-ixth P--r�----in- �all._�.�untY,----2,.eia�a��..�............................�-�-�---......----------------------------------�-----------........__...----------
<br /> ..___--------- ...._..---- -- ---------_._..---- - --- -------- -- ---._-------------- -----.................---......- - -- -- --..........-- ---._...-----�- ---------------�---...----------------------------------_......_..---------�--------
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<br /> I -------------------------- ------�_ ._- .._._-- - ------ - --- -- ----- --
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<br /> --------------- ---------------- -- --�---- -- - - -- - - - - - -- �- ----- -- - _.. ..--- --- . ..-- --------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditarnents, and appurter�anees thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri•�ht, Title,Irtterest,Do�s�Pr,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoe,r�er of the said Grantor_8____,and of eit,her of them, of,in, or to the same, or any part thereof. '
<br />' �A ���lE �.lY� t0 �OY� the above-described premises, with the appurtenaraees, unto the said�rantee________and to___hl$_________._ heirs
<br /> and assi�ns forever. .gnd____.�'_t g_______hereb7�covenarLt_.______with the said Grantee.___.___that___�?g__________________________ hold___________said premises by good an,d
<br /> perfect title; that_.__.________�!�_�__.____.___ha__Y��ood risht and l,awful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all lier�s
<br /> �
<br />' and incumbTances whatsoever________.e?cC_e�t___a___2Ti0rtg.�e___Of__.El�;ht__ThOU�_�12d___��:$OOQ_�QG_)___wh��h__���___�xan�.��___h�xc�;_y
<br /> �,�sume�----azzs�---agx_��s---�a---p�.Yr----s-aid---mc�r�g-�g-e---haui-ng--b-e-�n--�i_�t�n- t-�-Hen.xy---���kr�:an�--b-y---�he--g-r-a��a��---o-�.
<br /> 1�ov• --�Q,--Z�Q$,- ancl b-eir.g-c�u e--::-c�v-3D,-- 1-°1-�--. ------------- -- ---- ----- ----------- ------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
<br /> �nd______._____________�!�___________----- - --------_-_-_------ covenant_______.to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all persons
<br /> whomsoever--------- - - ------- - - - -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -•------------------------------------------ ---- -------------------------- ----
<br /> Dated the-------27th---------- ---------------da�J �f�--- --57_�riLt�x�'-- ----- --- - ------.g. D.,19---1-3----•
<br /> W7TNESS ------*�P--�H,Fly_r------------------------------------------------
<br /> �?_._�,�_�'un�------------------------------- -------Anna__:�_.F1_y_x--------------------------------- ------------
<br /> ST.qTE OF NEBR�SK.g,
<br /> ss.
<br /> -------------------�-��-11-------------------County, On this---------------�_7th----------da�J af----------------`-7�?ZU�rY----------------------_.1. D., 19_l3___. , before me,
<br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Public______________.________________.__within and for said County, personally eame__.__________.____:________________________.____________._______
<br /> ---------�!.H.F lyr--and--Ann�.-r=`1-._F�Xr,-----�us b�nd__�i_._�!i��------------------------------------------------------------------ -----
<br /> --- ------------- ------------- ----------------------------- - ---- -- ----------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identieal persora�.._______whose name_____3rfl________._______________af)ixed to the above
<br /> ��'��� instrument as�rantor_�.____, and______.____t 1?_�y______ severally acknowled�ed the same to be____�.hElr___.voluntary
<br /> aet arad deed for the purpose thereirz expressed.
<br /> INW'IT.NESSWHEREOF,IhaUehereunto subscribed my name and af�Bxed my of�'ccial seal at______________________.___
<br /> Dc niph�rn__}_i�t E;�k:r�S_k�___________ ______________on the date last above written.
<br /> H.�.Funk
<br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Notarz�Public.
<br /> .M'y commission expiTes-------- -- -------------------------------A�%r�----1-��"-�-----------------------19a.�------•
<br />