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<br /> FRO�VI I hereby certifz� that this instrument was entered on Numerical
<br /> --- ----- Index ar2d filed for record this---------�-------------daz�of-------����$------------
<br /> ---- Dani el K.Cor_rac�-- & �rri-f e - - -- - Warranty .�. D., 19---���'----, at-- - --- - - - -- �---- ------.o°c�oek-----A_,..�r.
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<br />' ���t---_-_ ---_-w e�__ Dani_el_-K_,C onrad and ��agc�al ena---Cor._rad,-_husband_and �;i f e--__---------- . �
<br /> ---------------------------- ---------------------------- -- ------ ----- -- --- - - - -------- ------ ------ ----- - ----------- ----------- ------------------------------------------------------ ------------ -- --- ----
<br /> I'� of the: Count� of-------- - - ��1 ------ -�,jt,c� Stute o}'------ Ne�T_�l�k&--------------- --- ------- ----------------------- - --------(�rantor-- S - -, in consideration
<br /> of:the sum o�----------Ei�;ht_een__ihousand--arld__no�lOU-------------------------- __ DOLL�FIRS,
<br />�, iro hand paid, do_____.__.______J2ereby GR�1NT, B✓1RG�IJV', SELL, �.ND co�v'v'��'unto_______J chn_I�.��i3rt�Tl___________________
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<br /> o the G`ount o --------- 7a11.-- f TTBN_r�Ska- - - --- - ----- ---- --- - - -- - , followin
<br /> deseribed remises situated in the Count o .___ _ _ ��='-_11 __and State o JV'ebrq�ka to wit:
<br /> A , �J � . - - - - ----------------------------------- f ,
<br /> ------------The...i�'orth-t�re�t___-�,'u_�rt_er_ -{�:-�� ��)_ of--���tion...twenty_-cne-----��.7-_)...in..�'.�.I�n�hip_..���ven---(11.} -h?orth.--- - -
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<br /> -- ------------ --- -------------- --------- -----...._..---------- ....__- -------- ---- -- --- - - -----------------------------------------------------
<br /> To�ether,with alG the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenanees thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Irzterest,D�zve.r,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said. Grantor_____;artet�vfzitlierof-��tes�a, of, in, or to the same, ar anz�part thereof.
<br /> �0 �A�1C AIC� t0 �OY� the above-described premises, with the appurtenances,unto the said�rantee____._._and to_____._�_1�._�:___________ heirs
<br /> and assi�sns forever. ✓Lrzd____�_8_______hereby covenant.______.with the said Grantee________that______.__g!e___________________ hold____________said premises bz��ood and
<br /> perfect title; that___________W�._._________.h,aV�__�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all lien,s
<br /> and ineumbrances whatsoever____.___________________
<br /> - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------
<br />' ---- --- -- -- .__._- --- ---- -- -- ------ ----- ---- -- --- -------------------- --- ---- --- -------- ----------------------- ---------------------- ------------------------------- -
<br /> .gnd_____.______.___________.__�J�___________. ______________________ covenant________to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all persons
<br />�, whomsoever_--------- ----- --- -- - - -- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------�----- -•-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
<br /> II -------------------- - --- ----- -- ------ --------------- -- -- ----- - ----------- ---------------------- - ----- ------------------------- ---- -- ------ -
<br />�i Dated the------------fl�5-�------------------da�J �f�---%i_r�TCh ---- ------ - - -.,4. D.,19-�3------•
<br /> I'I W'ITNESS -----Aan�_el---��_._�Qn�'�d.-------- -----
<br /> ------------ - --------�'-._L.��ragu e-------------------------- - - -----�Yta�d�,7._�n�.___C_fl_nr_ad------------------- ---------------
<br /> ------
<br /> ------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
<br /> -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------
<br />', ST.S(TE OF sN'EBR.ISK�4,
<br /> Ha.11 ss.
<br />� ------- ------------------------------County, � ' Orz this----- --------f 1_TSt-----------.da� �f--------�JlaY'Yh------------------------------------�. D., 19__�3_ .. , before me�
<br />�� the undersi�ned, a✓l�'otary Public.----------------.,-------------------within and for said County, Personally eame------------------------------------------.--,--------------
<br /> I�' -------:D�ni_el--K_._��_o�_�a;�_ �ns�---�t,a��3.a1_�rka.---�_ors.�,,-----h�.��ban.d--a.ncL--�xife--------------------- '
<br /> to me personally kriown to be the identical persor�_S.._______whose namefi___a.rf�__________________________af}'axed to the above -
<br /> . �
<br /> ����� instrument as�raritor__6__._, and_____________�h�y____ severally acknowled�ed the same to be______t$�j.r___voluntary
<br /> act and deed for the purpose thereirz expressed. `
<br /> INW'ITNESSW'HEREOF,Ihavehereunto subseribed my name and af�"'ixed my ofj"ieial seal at__________________________
<br /> ,
<br /> , *? • • ca�r_ y
<br /> �i00C1 R7.V��}____�=_Eb�3.���ur.___�?1___5_�1C�__ _______._______orz the date Zast above written.
<br /> -------------------------------------��-.L,S�rague----------------
<br /> Notar�Public.
<br /> .Mz� commission expires----------------------------- ---------- --------- ---t�c3.x�----�i' 19.1$_----•
<br /> � r---------
<br />