<br /> , DC���D [��C�O�D �oo ��o
<br />=.� ,,__ - :G��U--KLOPP ik BARTLF,TT CO..Printing,LithogTaphing and County Yupplies:Omahk: , _. , . __<: . _._ �-. __ �:.=�__:�__:.�i__�_.—'= . -----.__..______ --- — _— -- -_
<br /> FRO✓ll I hereb� certifi� that this instrumerct was entered on Numerical
<br /> Index and led or record this___________________. __da o ._____________
<br /> -------------- ---- ---------�- ---------_- --- -- ---- - -- � � 1 ---- � f---�arch_ _
<br /> --Alber�ina--J-•--�'eax_cl__r_�i�.�.��r_.- - - ---- - Warranty ✓1. n., 1��-------, at---- -- - --- -- -- 4 -------o�c�ock-----P._�;
<br /> TO Deed. ��� �
<br /> ------------------
<br /> ------- --- --- -------�--- -------f--------------
<br /> Re i er o Deeds,
<br />' ------- -----K asp er_Hon_�s_�r:r:ei er-------- -- - -----
<br /> B�----------------------------- ----------- -------------------------------
<br /> - --- ------ ---- Deputz�.
<br /> �.�o� ��Y �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�ct�: :
<br /> ���t----- -- -I} -Alber_tina_J_,_Peax�.,-,-�E��.�o�7 -- ----------------------- --- ------------ - ------ -- --------------------------�----------------- -- -- -
<br /> of the Countz� °f----�3ri1a.1t021_.-------------ari,cl b�tate o}'----------Ne�raska----------------------------------------------------------Grantor-----------, inconsideration
<br /> of the sum of_--------N_�I1_e--�'h911�_�Sed---��Q90_..)---g=-Q_Q/1,U�J-------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ---------
<br /> - - -------------------DOLL.RRS,
<br /> in hand paid, do________._____lzerebz� GR�NT, B.,4RG�IN, SELL, .gND CONVEY'unto_____________�ias�?er_.H071$88rtT1el8r___________________ __________________
<br /> of the Courct�J o�--------- - -�Ta11 --- - - - - ._and State of_---- 2?�1Jr�.��.a--- - ------ -- ---- -- - ---- ----- - ----,Gran,t,ee_------, the followin�
<br /> described premises, situated in the County of__._______________H�11_________________,__.______,_________.___a�2d State of Nebr��ka, to wit:
<br /> ..Let.s...Two----(�_),_.._Thre e_._(3.)_._.and---�"our---(�_)-�---and--t he_._South---Ea-��---Q�za��.ex...�f---t.}�_�...�s�ut.h_..�1_ss t...�ua��_�x
<br /> --��-�--�=-���=--o�:----�-���_._4�-.�.f--.�_ect�.Qn--T�,relYe___��,2.�_._.�.�,- To�r_�.�h-�P---T_�n._.�.1�?.�.,....?`To.xtk�.,--...u_f..F�.nge.._�?ine----�.°.).._��.e��--�--._..
<br /> _of__the._.�t.h--P_,.�,:.t- -�Grt.��._�.i.r�g-- 17°.���J...�.��esr-- ��v_Qr.c��,.ng..t.� -t.Y�,_�.._rov���x,�.�4'sSl.j"i.._.5.17.7'.ZL��.._t�_�'il"_Er'Q�_�.___--__ -- --- --
<br /> ------�------------------------._.._..._ --_._- -- -- - --- - ----- --------.._._...----•---------•----------------------------- --- ----------�---- - ..._.--------�-- .._._�---------------------------...------------------------------------------
<br /> �------------------------------------�--�---� �------- - - - ---- ---- -- --- ------....:---•--------------------------------�._._..-----•----.....-••-- ....------ ----------- -- -- --- --�----------------�--....-----•----�-----.....
<br /> �-----------�----�------•----------�..................... .... ... .- ... � --- ---- •--- -- - ------...---....---.._....-----------------�----- ----�----�-------�--•-------------------••---�--•---------...---------�----...----....._.. --------- ------�---�--------...
<br /> ----------------- -----------.._..---- -------- ------ --- --- ----- -- --- --------- ---- --- ... ---- --------•----------------------------------•---------------------------------
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Doraer,
<br />'�, Curtesy,Claim arzd Demand whatsoeveT of th,e said Crantor______,����e��em, of,in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> I'�, �0 ���1e AIY� t0 �OY� the above-described premises, with the appurtenances,unto the sa•id�rantee____.___and to___.__�1_�._�________ Taeirs ,
<br />'' and assi�ns forever. �nd_____Z____.____hereb�covenant____.__�,vith the said Grantee________that_______________�__.________________ hold_________._said prerrzises by�ood and
<br /> perfect title; that__..._.____Z________________ha.v_��ood ri�ht and lazvful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and elear of all liens
<br />'' and incumbrances whatsoever----------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> -------------------- ------------------------
<br /> ------------------------------------------------ --- -- ------------- - ----------- - -- - ---- ---------------------- ----- ----- ---- - ---------------------- - -------------- --------------------------- -----
<br />'' -- -- - -- ---- - _ _ -- --------- -- ---- ----- ---------- - ---------------- ----- - ------------- -------------------------------- - -----------------------------------------
<br /> �nd______________.___________________I_________ ___ ____________ eovenant___.___.to warrant and defend the said premises a�airest the dawful claims of all persons
<br /> whomsoever---------- - - - - --- - - - -- - --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- ---
<br /> Dated the----------------ls-�--------------------da�J �}�- -���a.rCh - ---------- -- -- -.Fl. D.,19--1`-2-'----•
<br />, tiv'zT.NESS ____._Albert i__r_a._J_,P eard____
<br /> ----- - --- ----------L.__��__.Allan---------------------------- ------- ----------------- -------------------------------------- ------------------ -----------
<br /> ST�TE OF NEBR�SK�,
<br /> �ss. „
<br /> H�.11 �, �J f -------------------.g. D., 19_�.�-- - , befoTe me,
<br /> --------------------------------------------------Courat Orz this.----------��-�------------------da o ----------.�4����_�1.------------
<br /> �
<br />'', the undersi�ned, a Nota�~y Public.-___----_-_--------_------------_----within and for said County,personally came---------------------_-__---_-_----_--____--_-_------_-_--__--_
<br /> �
<br /> I'', -----A1b ert i na--J._P eard--y-�---v�i�,.Qt�-------------------- --------------------------------------=------------------------------------------------------------- _
<br /> to me personally krLOwn to be the identieal persore___._______whose na�ne_____.�El__________.___._______.czf�"ixed to the above
<br /> irestrument as�rantor__._____, and______._.__�h E_______________-se��blzj aeknowled�ed the same to be_____ht�T__._____.__voluntary
<br /> act and deed for the purpose therein ex�ressed.
<br /> �SI�AL} INW'ITNESSW'HEREOF,Ihavehereurzto subseribed my name and afj"ixed mz� ofjieiab seal at____.____.__________._
<br /> ��ari�__I�I?�n�___�.Tl__�ai_�1__COLtnt_y'i_________ora the date last above written.
<br /> L.r.Allan
<br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> .My commission expires---------- - "-e�-�---G4,---------------rs1�------•
<br /> -- - -- --------------------- ----------�% + �'
<br />