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<br /> S. H37:1Pd ur Plopert� In�urance B�,rro,�rr ,ltal! I.�tip lh� �mpm«menn nu�� �rt.unL �,r h�rrattrr rrritr.l �m th� ` � r. .
<br /> Pnspcm in.urcd aL.�imt I��••M lirc. h,ver�1. in�luJ�d ��uhm thr trmi "<<ttn.i��i cu�crac�` and an> ��thrr hai�rJ.. mrludinL . < ,
<br /> fl���,d..�r flui�dini. �nr �+h��h [.�n.i�r rryuir�� in,urancc. Thi. m.uran�c•hall he n�intaut�d�n thr am��unt.an� t��r th�prn�,d. , ' . '--�
<br /> that I.rnJer myu�rc.- �hr �n.urancr camrr pru��dmL thr �muranrr .1��I1 h<<h�,.�n h� Burru��er ,ub�e�t t�� Lrn��r'• appru�al ` _y • .�.
<br /> ��h��h .hall n�u Fk unrr:n�,nahl� ��ithhrld. If 6orru«cr la�l.t�, m3intaui �u�eragr.i�ti�nh�d ab���r. Lend�r may. a[ LrnJer', . -
<br /> ��ptwn. uhtam rinerag�tu prut�i[ L�aJcr,r�ght.in tfir Prup�m in accuraf:uir� �+ith para,r�ph 7. , --— - - -
<br /> t,r' All imur.�n�e pul��ic� and rcnc��al+ ,h:ill tu a«�ptable to l.endcr.tnJ+hatl i�►�luJe a .tan�L•►rd m��rt�;agr �lau,r l,�n�lrr . . _. . ` _
<br /> -� ,hall hav�thc right tu hulJ the pulicie.and rene�+al.. It'LenJer rcyuires. Barn�a�er+hall prumpth g���tu LenJrr all rrcripts of � , �
<br /> paiJ premium.,and renew�l notice,. In the rvem uf lo.s.Burrower shall gi�e prumpt notire tu th��mur:nc�ramer and L.enJer. r,. `r: :_",� 1:��=5'�. �-'
<br /> ' Lender may make pm��f of loa,i[not m:i de promptly b}• Borrower. . • `�
<br /> Unle.� Lender:u►d Borrow�er uthenvi�e agrce in writing.i:uuranre prixe�is,hall be appli��i tu r��toration or n�pair uf the L ,` ^_>__..___-_-__
<br /> prc�perty damaged.if the restoration or repair i�eronomiu�ily feasible and L�nder'.�cxurity is not l�.UCneJ. If the re.turation or �� ,,e = -.:`;��. • ��_
<br /> �".
<br /> repair is n6t ecanomicaily featiible or L.ender's�ecurity would be Icssened,the intiurance proccxds,hall br applicxi t�� the sums -
<br /> sa:ured by thi� Security Itutrument, whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Borrower. [f Burtower aban�ons the ,^;=,;,,�TS_�
<br /> . Piropeny.ur daes nut an.�ver within 30 days a nutice from L.ender that the in+urance carrier hati offered to setde a claim.then _�v,,;,�_
<br /> [.ender may wllece [he insurdnce proceeds. Lender may use the procceds to repair or restore the Propeny or tu pay sums ;Y,,_�_
<br /> ' secuted by thiti Secunty Instrument,whether or not then due.The 30-day periuci will begin when the notice is given. _ �s�.�
<br /> • Unles. Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in �vriting. any application of proceeds w pnnciP�l +nali not extend or �
<br /> '' postpime the due date of the monthly payments referred u� in pxragraPhti 1 and 3 or c hange t he:u n��u n t of the pa ymcnt+. lf ,. . �_��
<br /> _.� under paragraph 21 the Propeny i.acyuireci by LenJer. Borruwer'+ right to any imuranre p��lirie�and prua�.-ds resulting from . _.'
<br /> damage to the Prapecty priur to the acquisition shall pass to L.ender t�the extent ot the sums s�curui by this Security Instrument �:-�T^:. ;,
<br /> immediately prior to the acquisition. •
<br /> 6. QQccupancy.Preservation,l�laintenance and Protection of the Property;Borcower's Loan Application; Leasehnlds. � � ��' '�•��
<br /> .. � Borrower shall accupy.�tablish,and use che Property as Borrower's principal residence�vithin sixty days after the execution af ; :z,r. �
<br /> �� 'j this Security Iiutrument ar►d shall continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principa'residence for at least one year after
<br /> �; the date of accupancy. unless Lender otherwise agrees in writing. which rnnsent shali not be unreasonably withheld, or unless . '�•r�
<br /> ';`T� ,, :_:
<br /> •� extenuating circurr►Stances exist which are beyond Bortower's control. Borrower shall not destroy, damage or impair the .,��.� "�; � �`�_.
<br /> ' Pcoperty. allow the Property to deteriorate, or commit waste on the Property. Borrawer shall be in default if any forfeiture �;,.,�.�; . :• ��
<br /> j � : :
<br /> �'• action or proceeding. whether civil or criminal.is begun that in Lender's gocsd faith judgment could result in farfeiture af the �. +
<br /> ::� property or olhenvise materiaUy impair the lien created by this Security Instrument or I.e�er's security interest. Bo:r�wer may ':-.,�.
<br /> cure such a default and reinstate.a+provided in paragraph l8,by causing the action or praceeding to be dismissed ai:.1 a ruling „ ._ ,:i:� .,-
<br /> � that, in Lender's good faith determination, precludes forfeituee of the Borrower's interest in the Property or other material ;'`•'l . .r y�'.'e� � "`_-
<br /> -� impairn►ent of the lien created by this Se�:urity Instrument or L.ender's secuciry interesc. Borrower shall also be in default if ��w• �- �� , •�.�
<br /> .: .�t .: ..
<br /> � Borrower.during the loan application process,gave materially false or inaxurate information or�tatements to Lender{or faited
<br /> to provide l.ender with any material infarmation)in cannection with the loan evidenced by the Note.including,but aot limited ;
<br /> `• to,representatians concerning Borrower's accupancy of the 1'ropeny as a prirtcipal residence. If this Securiry Insw�rent is on a , . � �' �; , _'__
<br /> .� leasehold, Borrower shall comply with all the provisions of the lease. If Honower acquires fee title to the Property. the — �-
<br /> •�`..� leasehold and the fee title shall not merge unl�ss I.ender agrees to the merger in writing. �°" —
<br /> 7.Protection of Lender's Rights in the Pcopea'ty.If Bonower fails to perfortn the covenants and agreements contained in �; . u�--• -
<br /> ��'�.,-.,,1==
<br /> this Security [�strument, or there is a legal proceeding that may significantly affect Lender's rights in the Property� (such as a ,,A• .
<br /> proceeding in bankruptcy.probate, for condemnation or forfei[ure or to enforce laws or regulations),then Lender:*:ay do and - „ �
<br /> " pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and I.ender's rights in the Proprrty. Lender's acpons may ,�' ' =' " - _�
<br /> . include paying any sums secured by a lien which ha+ priority over this Security Instrument. appearing in coun, paying _ ��._, L_;;
<br /> ,;� reasonable attomeys' fees arni entering on the Property to make repairs. Alchough Lender may take action under this paragraph �:'� �_
<br /> 7,Lender docs not have to do so. :•;,:, � � �'=�'_
<br /> � Any amounts disbursed by l.ender under this paragraph 7 shall becomc acidi:ional debt of Bonower secured by this ;'�. _ !� --
<br /> Security Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment,these amounts shaU brar interest from the z,_ �.'
<br /> A
<br />� date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payabte, with interest, upon notice from Lcnder to Borruwer requcsting ^'��.;µ;,�,,,;:..:� :
<br /> payment. - • —
<br /> S.Mort�a�e Insurance.lf 1-ender required mortgage i:,urance as a condition of making the loan secured by this Security ,.,;,�,: ��.,,,..,,;,._ �:,
<br /> • Instrument. Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If, for an} reason, the ��r�;�ie�.•:.�i-�-.rrr�
<br /> mortgage insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect. Borrower shall pay the premiurrs required to .;.,;:,, , "" -
<br /> obtain coverage substan[ially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect.at a cost substan[ially equivalent so the , `;'.,��� �f. . ._
<br /> cost to Borrower o f t he mo»ga ge insurance previously in effect, from an altemate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If -�.'• -' . ��:
<br /> substantially equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not available. Bortower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to . �.,;_' :.`;;
<br /> one-twelfth af the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to }:�„��Rr,���: >>cf�:� �d.,.
<br /> be in efft;et. Lender will accept,use and retain these payments a, a loss reserve in lieu of martgage insurance. Loss reserve . . ..,, •.. ,
<br /> Form 3028 9190 , • , . -
<br /> • , �
<br />� Pago 3 0l B - , �
<br /> . �'
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