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<br /> � �� �
<br /> ����,.., D��D UIIL��O�D UU�o �lJn
<br />� ii6��U--KLOPP cE BARTLETT CO.�I'rinting,I.ilhographing and County,Yupplies!Omaha. ___ _ . _ _:_ .=.� ,_- .__.__.. ___.� __., :-_- - . _—
<br /> p , ._-_ .. , -,-- �
<br /> Fx�� I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on JV'umerical
<br /> Index and filed for record this_______13___________._daz�of____F8br1?ar_y_.______
<br /> --Fre�.erick H.S��ichelson-&�-wife__------ Warrant �. n., zs_13-----, at----------. 3.15 ._ - -- -------_o°caoc�--�?-•----.�•
<br /> ------ --- - -- -- - - - - Y
<br /> TO Deed.
<br /> -------- ------- - - ,��_ ���_
<br /> _-- --------------- -
<br /> Re�i er of Deeds,
<br /> -------- ----I±1a,c�.�.6----A,_�_QUt�- - - -- ------------
<br /> B�- ----- - --- - - - - - ------ ---- ----------------------
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> �.�.o� �YY �e� �p ��je�e ��e�et�t�:
<br />' ����----------Fraci�rick--H..r;"ich�lson---ana__�thel �ichelson,---husband__ard_.;�ife�----------------------,-- -- ------------- - -
<br />� -------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ��
<br />'' of the C'ounty of--------------H&11.---------------_a.rz,d State of-- -------------1'T_eb�'_aS_k3------------ - __._(3rantor--$------, in consideration
<br />' of the sum of------- - CTI�--c�� _210 100------ --- --- ----- ------------------------------------.DOLL�FIRS,
<br /> in hand paid, do--------------lzereby GR�1NT, B�RG45tI�1�, SELL, �ND CONVEY'urato--------LU,C118----A�_�CO�t------------------------------------- ----------------- '
<br /> ------------ ------ --------- ---- --- - -- - -------- --------------------------- ------------ -- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
<br /> � �J f ------and State of_----- - ----- I`I9bTu,8ku-- ----------------- --- -- - - ---- ----,(�rantee--------, the following '
<br /> o the Courzt o ____._____B1a,ff_�.10___,______ _
<br /> described premises, situated in the County of_.____.__.._._________��11_____.____._____._______________.__and State of Nebr�t�ka, to wit:
<br /> ._---...��zmm�n�ing_..at_...�.h�....Ssz�z�-h---East_._ _cc�rner.-of--�_lo.ek_._E_leven....(.11-}.---in..�.indol�hs---gd.dit_i�n__.�.�...�x.and.............-
<br /> -�----�I�land,-..N.�l�.x_as-k-�-,--t_hence._.�u�n-�� -N�?�rt.�.er�.y--�.4Q- �-�-�-'�---Q-r�---�_Y�e_..���t-:��-�y---1_in.e----o-f----s_ai_d.._.�lo.�k.3- �- - -------
<br /> ____,_.t,henc�_runnin�__�e_s ue_rly___c6___feet___on_._a,__lin�_..�arallel___��ith..th�...�ot�therly.._1_ins__.of__ sai_d___Aloel�_;________
<br /> ,....._.thence_._rLmning,_��uth�rly_..140___feet...on..a._.line__�aralle_1___e�vith__the, E_ast_er_ly____line__.of._.said___Block.;,______
<br /> ---.-.-:._and :th��_cQ--�_��t.�r.7 y-66 - fe a�_.an--��='--.."Q.u:��P.x.ly.--.�._ax��----o�---�a�s�...�.�.a.�k- -�-a---t_kae..--p�a�e._of___�eg.3�x�n_3.ng-=----
<br /> ----------------�---..---..._.--- ---�-�----- ---....._.. -- --- -------_...------..._.....---------------- ...----------.....----------------�-------------------�------��----------�-�------..._._..._... --------------�-------------_..----------------------
<br /> -------------------------------�--------- -......-------- ------- - � -�-- ------ - - . . . ....... -�-- -----------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditame3zts, and appurtenances thereunto belori�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dou�er,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and 7�emand whatsoever of the said Grantor.__�B_.,and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> �0 �A�1C A1�C� t0 �OY� the aboUe-described premises, with the appurtenances,unto the said�rantee________and to___�1�� __ heirs
<br /> �_
<br /> and assi�ns forever. �nd_.__�hQ_Y__hereby covenant_._____with the said Grantee________that_______________�h$.Y__.________ hold____________said premises by�ood anc�
<br /> perfect title; that___.____"�hBY____.____ha_q$_�ood ri�ht ar�d lawful authorit,y to sell and convey the same; that they aTe free ar�d clear of all liens
<br /> ' and incumbrarcees whatsoever---6X���t--t-�e-�---fq�__the---ye-�r----191�--�.ncl--t.hereaft�x-,------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
<br /> ----------------------------------------------- --- ----------------- --- ---- - -- -- - - ------- - -- - ------- --- -- ------------------- ----------------------- - -- ------ ---- --------- ---
<br /> --- -- -- - ---- - - -- -- - - -_ - - -- -------- --- -- ------------------ ---- -- --- - - - ------ --------------------------------------------- ---------------------- --- ----
<br /> �nd______ ____________.__t h�_y__.._________ ___ _______ ___ covenant_.______to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all person,s '
<br /> whomsoeUer-------- - except__as_ �.bove-- �t at_ed-�------------------------•------------------------------------------ ------------------- -- --------------------------- --------------------- ---- :
<br /> ----------------------- � - --- - - - -- - - ---._ - - -- ----- -- ---- ----- - ------ --------- ---- ------ -------------------------- ----- --- --------------------------------------------------
<br /> Dated the--------------_13th----------------da�J �f�- - -Febru3.ry- - - ---- - -- -✓1. D.,191�-------•
<br /> u�IT.NESS ----�'x�_c3.ss_a._ck---x-._��i�h�1_�Qn-- -------------=-------------
<br /> ------------ -- --- ---- -L.�_.�jr inin�er.---------------- ---.��hs_l__�9i�h�l��n------------- --
<br /> - - --- �
<br /> ST.gTE OF NEBR.<1SK'�,
<br /> ss.
<br /> --- �311----------------------County, , On this------------13t h----------------da�J of----------Fe br uar-y-------------------------�. D., 19----1�'- , before me,
<br /> the unclersi�ned, a.Notar�y Public___________._________.____.________within and for said County,personctlly came_.___.__._.______-______.____________________._ ._ :
<br /> --------Fr ederi�k__H_.P�,_icr�e 1�0i�__a��---E�h��._;•,�i�2�e���?�---------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ..
<br /> ; to me personally known to be the identical person___fi..____whose name__$__8T_@____________________czfj�ed to the above �
<br /> ' instrument as�rantor_�_____, and______�hgY__.________________severally acknowled�ed the same to be__�hQ�T____._.voluntar�
<br /> ��EAL} aet and deed for the purpose therein expressed. '
<br /> I,N'W7TNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afj�xed my ofj�cial seal at._______________.______
<br /> ira�ld__Ts1�21d___�__I�?!�br_�.8ka_________________on the date Zccst above written.
<br /> --- -----------------------------------L t F_�Hr i n i_r__ge r-------------
<br /> .Notarz�Public.
<br /> ,M� commission expiTes---------------------------------- ------����r c�--].���h--------------r9_�4------•
<br />