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� � � . _ , <br /> D D a�C�OG°�D [�00 �Oo <br /> D�C�D <br />_ . �6�iU—KLOPP&BARTLETT CO.,Prirating,Litlaographinp a�act County Suppliea;Omalia. � � - 4 — —' �� „_` �` <br />__. . <br /> _ ,. � . . _. _ _. _-_ _ __ ^ <br /> �'R�� I hereby certifz� that this instrument was entered on Numerical <br /> Index and filed for record this_..___._�.�_ _____day of__..__F_9.1�r11S.ry___._ ! <br /> Warrant .1. D., 19--1'.r`----, at-- _-- .__ --- � ------o'cloc.k,. -----1?-�• '. <br /> -- --- tdi�hIIl�a-I.►���r��-- - - - - --- -- y <br /> TO Deed. 0 <br /> --- ----------- <br /> -�/��.�------ ��- --------------- <br /> .l�e�sister f Peeds, <br /> ::i1riri1 _ <br /> ---- - ----- --------------------- -e -L�hann--- - ------- ---._. <br /> ��- ------ - --- - --- - --- -- - --- - -------------- ----- -- <br /> - - -- - --- -- - DeAuty. <br /> �.�.oi� �YY �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�.t�: <br />' ���t------ ---Z,- Ni chala�__Lahann_ - _ --- �- --- -- ------- ------------- - ------- ------------- -------------- ----------------------�--� ---------------- -- <br />�' -------------------- ------------------------- - ----- --�- - ---- ---------- ----- ----- ------------------ -------------- ----------- .__._--------------------------------------------------------�-------------------- <br /> II of the Count�J �f------ - - -uAZl -- -- - - .a-n-c� Sta.te of---- - - - Nabr_3�k3------------- ------ ---- ------- ---- - <br /> _______________Grantor.________, in consideration <br /> I of the sum of-----4n�--�s�_ll�r---�-- and--love_ �.nd--af�_e_c_tiQn---�--------------------------------------------- - <br /> -� - -----------•------------- ---- ------°��'$`�'� . <br /> II in hand paid, do______..______h,ereby GR./1NT, B✓1RG�1IN, SEI,L, .�.ND co�'VE�'unto_____?�li,.r__nie___L�hann,___m�_wife_________,________ _____._. ` <br /> -------------------- ----�--- -- -- --- -- -- - --- ---- ----------- -------------- ----- ------ ------ - -- - -- --- -------------------------------------------------------------------� --------- -------------- -- <br /> f �J � ----and State of------- ---- --N21�T_a.Ska - ----- ---- ---- - ---------- _ - - ----- -------,Graratee..-----, the followin� <br />'I o the Count o --------------,H�.11------------- - - <br /> j described premises, situated in the County of________________ ._._H�l�.�._____�__.______.________________..___and State of Nebr.y�ka, to wit: <br />', ..'�he...�.1�zrt.harly.._o_ne.-third.---4�.1/3-)---of--Lo�--Eivs.---�5-).__in.__�lc��k...�ne.__h_un.d,.x.��d._..s.�y-e-n----��.SJ.7.�---9f...F�a� :` <br /> � <br /> _..��.uit.a:on_..t o...��,----�Ieb�aska,--_-��ed,..--�la�_'�..e..c�...�n�..._rec orded.�...the.--same__,being--a.--rec_tang= <br />' -u?ar._._�i�c.e-_�f--gz�und -r,.at�i-ng---a--Nes.t.e_rl.y..__fr_�nt-age---Qf__.44---f-e-e-t---Qn...Fddy.._�.��.��_�t,.---a...�.��t-h---of__.�6---�'eet.,.__ ' <br />� ._and---ba�nded-on.-�he---I�at-tY� -�Y---the.._�7.1e��c.---------�--�-�------� <br /> ---�--��----��-�---------------------- --------------��---------------------------------------------- <br /> I ---------------(...Tla�__.Grunt4�---r.e_s_e.r.vQ_r�.._th�_.x.i�htr---..f_Q.r.---the---ber�.�-�-�.-'�---of---himQ�lf....�nd:._,�he_._fu�ure_--ownerg.. 9f_..the_... <br />� <br />�r----t�v_o.-thir�is---of----s.aid_..l�t,_.._�.o_._mak�--cQnnec�_i.�n..w�_�h_..t.�e__._s��ve r.._in...s a�d.:..���eY-,-.._.ac_ro��----�h-�---- <br /> _�ract...hes.eb.�r...c�nvayeci..-) -- ----�-- ---- _---- ------�- �------ -----�----------------------------�------_.....----��----------------------��-- �----------�----------------- .....-------------------------- ---- � <br /> -------------.. ------_.- --�� ----�---- -- - _..-� -- - - --- -- -- --_ . _.. . --- - ------ --- - ------ --------�- ------------------�---------�---------�---- <br /> To�ether wi-th all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dou�er•, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor._____, ' of, ir�, or to the same, or anz�part thereof. ;' <br /> �CD �dY1C �It� t0 �OI� the above-descTibed prernises, with the appurtercances, unto the said�rantee________and to____,._____Y?_�r__.____ heirs ;' <br /> and assi�'ns forever. �[nd_.__I________Tzereb y coveizant.__.___with the said Grantee_.______that________________________�__________ hold_____.__,___said premises bz��ood and, ;' <br /> perfect title; that_.__.______�__________________ha__Ve_sood ri,�ht arcd lawful authoritzj to sell and convey the same; that ther�are free and clear of all Ziens ," <br /> , and incumbrances whatsoever._______.__.___�__._____ !' <br /> ---- ---- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------- � <br /> --------------------------------------------------- - - -- ------------- -- ------ ---- ---- - ---- --- --- --------- - -- - ------- ---------- ------------ ------------------------- - ------------ , <br /> ,� <br />' ------ - - _ --- --- - ---- --- ---- - ----- - - ---- ---- ----- ------ -- --- ----- - --- --- ------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ; <br /> .gnd__.___-_____._____________I,____,____._______ __._ _____.____...__ warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaim.s of alZ persons `: <br /> whomsoever-------- - -- - - - _- -_ ----- - - ---------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ----------------------- ---------------------------------------------- --------- ----------------- --- . <br /> ------------------------ -- -�- - - -- -------------- - - -- -_ _ -- ---- --------�--------- ---- ------------- -----------�------------ --------� ---------------------------------------------- <br /> Dated the_ l�t---------�------------da�J �f�- - ---F�'�1t1,a.ry ---- - --- ---✓1. D.,1913--�---• <br /> W7TNESS ----��chol�e---L_�h�nn- ------- --------- ------------------- <br /> - - �-------J Qhn---Allan----------------------- � - - ---------------�----------------------------------- ------- - -- ------------ ------ <br /> ST.1TE OF NEBR�SK�, <br /> �ss. li <br /> ' �; <br /> --------------------------•-�1-�-------------Courzty, Ore this----------------��---------------da�J �f-----------�'_�_��'_Lt�'Y-------------------------.g. D., 19_1�. ._ , before me, <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Publie.___________._____._ _________within and for said County, persorcally eame_______�!11_Ch_41_�f3__��.��.71T1_____.______________ � <br /> -- ---------- --------- ------------------------------- ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------�----------�_-- ----- <br /> to me personally known to be the identieal persorc___.._._____whose name_______.___________i8______________af�"ixed to the above '' <br /> (SEAL} instrument as �rantor________, and_______________11e__.______ .______7fi�acknowled�ed the same to be_____hi8___�__.___voluntar{� <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> I<N'W'IT�VESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed mz� name and a�j"ixed my of�cial seal at_______________________ <br /> Grctrid _�S��I7,C3y_____7��i___S�ld__COLiTity�______________on the date Zast above wtitten. <br /> ---------------------------�I_�hn---A11an------------------------------- ; <br /> Notary Public. <br /> JVIy commission expires------------ ----- -------------- -------------- -----,T_STL.---5�--- --------Y9.1$-----• <br />� i __._<_ �: <br />