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(c; All app!lcable laws and regulations, induding, wfthout Iimitation, the Americans wfth Disabitlties Act, 42 U.S.C. Section 12101 et seq. (and all �� <br /> . regulations promulgated thereunder)and all zoning and buildng iaws and regulations relating to the Property by virtue of any federal,state or munidpal <br /> authority with�rfs�ction over the Property, preserrtly are and shall be observed and complied with in ali material respects, and all �igMs, Iicenses, <br /> pemiits,and certiNcates of occupancy(indu�ng but not Iimited to zoning variances,spedal exceptions for nonconforming uses,and final ins <br /> approvals), whether temporary or pem�anent,which are rt�aterial to the use and oocupenoy of ihe Property, preserrtly are and shall be obt�Inied, <br /> preserved and,where neoessary,renewed; <br /> (d) Grarrtor has the rigM and is duly authorized to execute and pertorm fts ObNgations under this Deed of Trust and these actions do not and shall not <br /> conflicl wflh the provislons of any�lation,or�nance.rule of law,oontract or other agreemetrt which may be bin�ng on Grantor at eny time; <br /> (e) No action or proceedfng is or ahall be pending or threatehed which migM materially affect the Property;and <br /> (� Qrantor haa not violated and shall not violate any statute,�re�IaUon,or�nance,rule of law,conlract or other agreemern(induding,but not limited to, <br /> T �9eveming Hazardoua Materfals)which rtigM meter(alfy affect the Properiy or I.ender'a ripM$of irrterest in the Properry pursuem to thia Deed of � -,.;. <br /> 3. PRIOR DEEDS OF TRUST. Grantor represents and warrarits that there are no prlor deeds of trust affecling any part of the Pro <br /> on Schedule B attached to this Deed of Trust,whid�Grantor agrees to pay and pertorm In a timely menner. If there are an ��eX����t forth C� <br /> Grantor agrees to pay all arrourrts owed,and pertorm ali obligations required under such deeds of trust and the indebtedness secu�red th�ereby and fu her � <br /> agrees that a default under any prior deed of trust shall be a defauft under this Deed of Trust and shall erdiGe Lender to all rigMs and remedies contained r <br /> herein or in the ObligaUons to which Lende►would be entitled In the eveM of any other default. <br /> 4. TRANSFERS OF THE PROPERTY OR BENEFICIAL INTERESTS IN GRANTORS OR BORROWERS. In the evern of a sale,conveyance,�ease, a <br /> corrtracl for deed or transfer to any person of all or any pert of the real properry described�n Schedu�e q,��y�nterest therein,or of all or any bgnefldal <br /> irrterest in Borrower or Gramor(If Borrower or 4rantor is not a natural person or persons but is a corp�ration,IlMted Ilabil co <br /> other legal erttity),Lender may,at its opUon dedare 1he outstandin nY �Y.P�nership,trust,or <br /> PaYable. At Lender's request,Grantor or Borrower,as the case rr�y�ben sh�all fumlah a fcomplet�e�st�at nemer tssetting forth all of n$to ia;a����� od <br /> Partners,as eppropriate,and the exterrt of their respective ownership irrterests. O <br /> 6. ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS. In consideration of the Obligations, whlch are secured by this Deed of Tnist,Grantor absolutely assigns to Lender all <br /> Grantor'a estate, �i�, title, irrterest, daim and demand now owned or hereafter acquired tn all exisUng and future leases of the Property (induding <br /> extensions,renewa�s and subleases),all agreemerrts for use and oocupancy of the Propetty(all such leases and a <br /> hereafter referted to as the"Leases"),and a11guararrties of lessees'pertom�ance under the Leasea,t ��nts whether written or oral,are <br /> collect and receNe all of the rerrts,income,receipts,revenues,issues, n �er wfth the Immediate and corriinuing rigM to <br /> any nature ooMng due during any redemption perlod)under the Lease�s or trom orearisin�rtout of thenProe now or hereafter due(indudinp any income of <br /> peroerrtage rents, paridng or co►Tmon area mairrtenance corrtributlons,tax and insuran�,ge contributlons,�deficie duding minfmum rents,additionat rents, <br /> defauft in any Lease, al� proceeds payable under an �, 9 9 ncy rerrts, Iiquidated damages foltowing �; <br /> darnage to the Property, all oceeds Y Po�i of insurance coverin loss of rents resultin from urrtenamability caused by destruction or ' <br /> temiination or re' � �y�e� a resuft of a lessee's exerdse of an option to purchase the Property, al� proceeds defired fram the <br /> m �ection of any Lease in a bankruptcy or other Insolvency proceeding,and all proceeds irom any�IgMs and dalms of any Idnd which GraMor <br /> may have agalnst any lessee under the Leasea or any oa,upants af ine Properry(al�oi the above are hereaRer collectively referred to as the"Rents"). This <br /> ass�nmerrt is subject to the rigM,power and authority�ven to the L.ender to collect and apply the Rerrts. This ass <br /> applTcable atate law:the lien rxeated by this aasignment is intended to be spedryc. ��M is recorded in aa�dance wiih <br /> Perfected,and choate upon the recording of this Deed of Trust,all as <br /> pmvided by applicable atate Iaw as amended from time to Ume. As lon as there is no default under the Obligations o�this Deed of Tn�st,Len�r grants <br /> Grarrior a revocable Iicense to collecl all Rents from the Leasea when�e and to use such <br /> may at any tfine requfre Grantor to deposh all ReMs into an axouM maintalhed by Orantor or��.�j�n��$ai�h�ia�.°�jj�tions. However,Lender <br /> of,or in the perfomrence of,any of the Oblipatione,Lender ma ;et its ion take pon defauft in the paymerrt <br /> Property on terms and for a period of time that Lender deerr�s° °� P08�ssbn of the Property and have,hold,manage,lease and operate the <br /> shail have full power to meke alterations,renovations,re ���' �n�r�y�°��t0�°011ect and receive all Rems(rom the property,and Lender <br /> Lender's aole�SS�xetion to P��01 replacements to the Property as Lender may deam proper. Lender may app�y all Rents in <br /> expenses indderrt to taldn and�ret�atin���e�igations or to the paymerrt of the cost of such alterations, renovations, repairs and replacements and any <br /> 9 gpossesslon of the Property period(cal�y and the menagemerri and operation of the Property. Lenc�r may keep the <br /> Property properly insured end may disc�arge any taxes,charges,daims,assessmerris and other Ilens wh(ch may aaxue. The e <br /> actions may bep�d from the Rerrta received,and any unpa(d.amouMs sha11 be added to the ����d��of these <br /> other costs,shali Yecome parl of the Obllgations sep�red by this Deed of Trust. P�'�ndpal of the Obligatlons. These amourrts,together with <br /> , . <br /> Q. LEASES AND OTHER AGREEMENT3. Grarrtor shall not take or fail to take any action wh(ch may cause or pemit the temiination or the withholding of <br /> any payment in connect(on with any Lease or other agreemeM("Agreert�ent")pertaining to the Properry, in ad�tion,Grantor,without Lender's prior written <br /> consertt,shall not:(a)collect any monies payable under any Agreement more than one month in advance;(b)modify any Agreement;(c)assign or allow a <br /> lien. securRy Irrterest or other encumbrance to be aced u <br /> p� pon Grantor'a rigMs, tftie and irrterest in and to any qgreamern or the amourns payable . <br /> thereunder,or(d)terminate or cancel any Agreernent except for the nonpayment of any sum or other material breach by the other party thereto. If Grantor <br /> ��e$at anY time anY written communication assen(ng a defauft by Grarrtor under an Agreemerri or purport��g to terminate or cancel any qgreemeM, <br /> Grarrtor shall promptly forward a copy of such cormxm�caUon(and any subsequerrt communicatlons relatin thereto to Lender. All such <br /> the amourrts�e to Grantor thereunder are hereby assigned to lsnder as ack#tional security for the Obligations. � A9��ms and <br /> 7. COLLECTION OF INDEBTEDNE33 FROM THIRD PARTY.1 Lender shall be errtilled to notlfy or require Grantor to noti an third <br /> not flmited to,lessees,Iicensees,govemmernal authorities and�insurancecompan�eg to �Y Y party(induding,but <br /> respect to the Properry (currxilatively Indebtedness") whether br not a`defaufl existspunder his Deed of Trust S Gra n�shall diligerril G�je�W�h <br /> Indebtedness owing to Orantor from these third parties until th� ivin of such n Y he <br /> 9 9 otiflcation: I <br /> any instrumerns or other remittancea n thd eVerrt that Grantor sses <br /> wfth respect to the Indebte Po ses or r�ceives ssessi <br /> �ess followin Po c�n ot <br /> con the fNn 'of <br /> athute the e 9 g g such�notifl <br /> Pr paymeM of any Indebtedness or the catlon or If the Instrur�ents or other remittances <br /> remlttances In trust for Lender apart from fts other o��M�f�Y�nsuraince or condemnation proceed's,Orantor�ttall'hold such ins{ruments and other <br /> poasession of the inslruments and other remlttan,re�s,�Lertncfer sha�ij�eM���notd°t��1���tb�nder,and fmr�ediately provide Lender with <br /> �me br PaYn�em,compromfse,exchange or release any obligor orcollateral;or�otherwisel�settle griX�f the Indebt�ne�s�'s w�hbther or not a�n esveirt ofend�th� <br /> exists under this Agreement. L.ender shall not be liable to Grantor for�ny action,�rrur,mistaks,omssion or delay pertainfng to the actions described.ln this <br /> parapraph or anY damages resulting therefrom. Norivithstandi�g �the;fo <br /> mortgagee-in-possesslon. -,• ' , , ���9.; notfiing hereln� shall cause �tsnder,:to be ,deamed a <br /> 8. USE AND MAINTENANCE OF PROPER7Y. Grarrtor shall take'all�actions and make an re . � ' , • <br /> Grarnor shall not comnt or pem�it any waste to be comrritted Wfth respect to the pro Y ��$n��to maintajn the Properry in good cundition. <br /> appliceble law and insurance polides. Grantor shall not meke ��• G�or shalf use the Properry so�ely �n compliance Wnh <br /> ca►sent. Wlthout limfting the foregoIng,aIl alterattons,additions,dyi�erations, additions or imExovemerrts to the Property without Lender's prior wri�ten <br /> to Lender,shall not be removed without Lender's �°Ve�^�S��io the Property shall be subject ta the benefldal irrterest be�onging <br /> prior written oonserrt,and shall be made at C3rantor'a sole expense. <br /> 9. LO33 OR DAMAGE Grarttor shall bear the errtire risk of any loss,theft;destn�ction or damage(cumulatNe�y�Loss o�'Dama ' <br /> pallon thereof trom any cause whatsoever. In the event of any Loss or Damage,Grantor shall,at the option of lender,re ���t0�e PrO��or.any <br /> previoua condition or pay or cause to be paid to Lender the decrea�e In the fair merlcet value of the affected property, , P�r the affected property to fts <br /> 10. INSURANCE. The Property will be kept fnsured for its fulf insurable vaCUe(replacemeM cost a � • <br /> flood,earthquake,tomado and flre, theft or other casualty to the exterrt requlred by Lender. Granto�r$mtay obt�insudrance9on$therPr�rgtye��� <br /> compeniea aa are axeptab�e to Len�r in fts sole dfscret�on. The insurance'polides shall require the insurance company to proy���nder wftF�at least <br /> bsso3 0 days'written notice before such polides are aRered or cancelled in any rnanner. The insurance polides shali name Lsnder as a loss <br /> deme�gev of the Property.r In the event Gr�antor fails to a�ire o�r melntain in uran�Lende(after �ng nottce snr� be r i <br /> in ita diacretion approp� P►xeeds Pertaining to the <br /> described in Parap�raphfe23 d �e insurance ooverage upon'the Properry and the(nsurance c�st shall be an adyance y ����W��y <br /> as attomey-in-fact for Orantor in meWng and sett ing dai��under in�^aneoe po��d s�ca�n�lltn gS��indicatin the �y�e�d�ng irrterest as <br /> 9 requ�red coverage. Lender may act <br /> negotieble Instrument drawn by any Insurer. All such insurancepoIides sh�ll be(rm�ediatel �Si �p°li or endorsing Grantor's name on any draft or <br /> for the ObligaUona. In the eve� of loss, Grantor shail Irmie�atel y � ���d delNered to Lender as further securtty <br /> Insurance corrpeny is�rected to rtreke Y 9�e �ender written noUce and Lender is authorized to make proof of loss. Each <br /> paymeMs�rectly to Lender instead of to Lender and Grantor. Lender shall have the right,at its sole option,to <br /> ePP�Y�d�monles loward the Obligations or toward the cost of rekiutlding and resforfng tfie Propert�; Any arriourrts may at lsncier's option be appUed in <br /> the krverae order of the due dates thereof. t � <br /> 11. ZONING AND PRIVATE COVENANTS. Gramor shall not fn�late or consent to ge / <br /> use of the Property without Lender's prior w�tten co��m. If Qtamor�s use of the Pro�� �n the zontng provisions or private covenarrts affecting the <br /> Crantor stiaN not cause or pem�t such use to be cisoontinued or abandoned without the��becomes a nonconfomitng use under any zoning provislon, <br /> Lende►wflh written noUce of�Y ProPosed ahanges to the zonin9 Prov[sions or P�written consent of Lender. Grantar wifl Mm�ec�e�Y Pr�de <br /> 12 CONDEMNATION. Orantor shall imr�atel � , P�e�ovenaMs eifecdng the property, �, . :� , ; ,. . ,: <br /> pro�e�ng pertaiNn to the P y �°� �n�� �� notfce of�any actual or threatened conderrnation or eminern domain <br /> 9 roperty All monies payable to G►arttor,from such. <br /> fl�PeY►nern of Lenders anomeys'fees,legel expenses;and othe�costs(f�rmaUon or taldng are hereby aasigned to lender and ahall be� <br /> Proceec�ngs and then,at the option of the payrne�f of the Obligatlona or the�restoration or rep�ir�of the P�roperty��O�°r, <br /> ;� � .�� . , . ; <br /> ,.�_ , .. .. . • . ,, ._ '' , <br /> ir' � �� '. . ' � . � .. � � , � � , . <br /> NEDOTB Rw.297 '' � <br /> �_� r , <br /> ,�,.,� _ ` , ' . , , . _ <br />