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,� � � <br /> � DC�C�D C���O�D �oo �0 0 <br />- -- _ 56`aiU---KLOPP&BARTLETT CO..Printinp.LiEhoyrayhiny and County,Yupqlies;Omaha. . : -- ^ - = __�__ __—-__ _.__ . — __ ._ .. _ .. ___. __._-- <br /> ., , , , ,. _ _ .: __ _ ; ._ --_� - _- _ �.— : � <br /> FRO.M I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical <br /> _ ___ Index and f�led for record this_._._____�.$________.,__daz�of._,Z�,2111c1ry..._________ <br /> , �. D., 19._ 13----, at---- -_--- 4.20-- - ------o'clock- ---�'_•_.NI. <br /> ------------�.illi�__�9cLs�la�-- -�r-it�o�er _ - - Warranty <br /> TU Deed. <br /> ����r� �Gffi1�� <br /> --- -- ------- - ------ - -------------�--------- f <br /> -------------- ----- <br /> Re iste Deeds <br /> -- --- ------�ar-1--S�t-e_ln�all - ----- - - - - <br /> ��------- ------ --- - - - - -------------------------- ----- <br /> ------ --.. --------------- -- - -- - -- ---- --- -- Deputy. <br /> �.�o� �YY �er� �p �C�je�e ��e�e�ct�: <br /> ���t-- --- ----Z,--3P_illi-am -�Ic LellanT_--�ridQwsr, ----- - -------------- -- -------------------------- ----------------------------------=-�----------------------- - <br /> -------------------------------------- ---- --- - -------- - -------�------- ------ - ---- ------------------- ----------- -- ----------- --------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ----- <br /> __ _a�z,d �S'tat,e o ---------------------------Nebr3Ska-----------------------------------.---------Grantor---------, in consideration <br /> I��, of the Countz� of--------------Hall------- f <br /> I� of the sum of_------T:Li_rty-Fiue--�iand�ed--&na�OU--- ------------------------ ------------ ---------- ---------------- -- ---- ------.DOLL✓1RS, <br /> . <br /> , <br /> an hand paid, do---------------hereby GR✓1NT, B.qRGd1IN, SELL, �4ND CONVEY'unto-----�c�l--��_61.�dY3��..�-------------------------------------- ------------------ <br /> of the CountJ�}�--------- H�11 ---. _- -- --and State of_-- ---- - ii8=u�_38�3 - --- ------ ---- ---- ----- -- ----- - --- ------,Gran,tee-------, the followin� <br /> described premises, situated irz the G'our�ty of_.___ __._.__ _.H�11_____-__.__________________..___.___________and State of JV'ebra�ka, to wit: ' <br /> ...............Lot.--N�i�.��_e�---Eiv�----j�5-�---in__B.l.Q-ck__N_ur���Ax--Fo.ur.t.e.en_...(.14.�---in---Ar_nold...and...gbbnt.�!s..-Ad�iiti�n---t.o----ths--- <br />�� � � <br /> --------,..._.t_o_�1n,�r---C-i-�.y,---nf_.-r�and_I.s_land,-----as...said--I� <br /> ----- --- offi�e -Qf- the...Fin�is�er _Qf--��$da---�f.--said__Ha1.1...C.o.�n�y..---------------------�---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ------------ .._----- -------- - _ -- -- --- ----- ---- -----�- - �-----� �--------�------�-------------------------------------._...--- -----........._.......__.....------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------�----� <br />' ------------------� -- ------- -=--------- ----� - - - ------ ----- ---- - -- -- ------- ---�-------- --- --------------------�---�--�---------------�------- �- --------- - -------��------------...-- ------------------------------------------- <br /> ----�--_._.....-------------.._..._._... �----- ----- - ---------- ---- ...-------------------------------------------..--------------��--- -- - --�--------------��------------- ----- ----� - - ---------------------------------------------�------ <br /> ..........................------..__..._...----�-- -�--------- -- - -------- ---- ---.....__... � � - ------- -----------�-�---------....-� ------�------------------�----------------- -----�-----.,__..__....................---------------�---�----- -�---- <br /> --- -------------------- ----...-- ---------------------- -- -.__._..-- -------- - -�- - ----------�----------------------------------�---------...__. <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belorc�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dou�er, <br /> I', Curtesz�,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor.______,and of either of them, of,ira, or to the same, or c�nz�part thereof. <br />�', �D ���1C �IY� t0 �DY� the above-described prernises,with the appurtenartces, unto the said�rantee______.and to_________h�$________ heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. �lnd.__I______________hereby covenant________with the said Grarctee__.____.that__.________.________�__________ hold___________.said premises by�ood and <br /> perfect title; that.___.___._:___�___._________ha_.VB�ood ri�ht and lawful authoritr� to sell arzd convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens ; <br />' and incumbrarcces whatsoever---------------------�------------------------------------------------------ , <br /> .,4nd___.______.____.__.__________I___._ _________________ ._.._____ ______ eovenant________to warrant and defend the said premise.s a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons <br /> whomsoever------- ---- - - - _ _ _-- ---- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- ----- ------- ----------- - <br /> Dated the----------18'�h------------------ ----da�J �1� - ----- JSriL1dT3r- --------- --- -�i. D.,19_13.-----• <br /> W'ITNESS -----1��,.�-1�_�4T_il__2$C�.B�.��T�--------- ---------------------- <br /> ---- -- ------------- .`" Il_.Afl s-s---------------------�-------------- - - ------------------------------------------------------ - ---------------------------- <br /> �-•- -- <br /> ST.<1TE OF eN'EBR.ISK'.g, <br /> ss. <br /> -------------�11--------------_County, On this--------------1$t-h---------------da�✓ of---------aI�s1u�Y-----------------------------.1. D., 19--13. - , before me, : <br /> the urzdersi�ned, a Notary Public_____________________________._.___withirz arZd for said County,personallz�came__.________________.______________________.__________________.__ <br /> Nilliam �cL�llan <br /> to me personally lcnowrz to be the identieal person____._._____whose name___.____________28____.__________afy'ixed to the above <br /> �SEAL� instrument as�rantor________,and_____________h�_________ severally acknowled�ed the same to be______hlf3_.____.__voluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> _ I�l�'W7TNESSWHEREOF,I hdve hereunto subscribed my name and afj"ixed my ofj�cial seal at__________________________ <br /> �x_���___j������_.___j�j_g:���,��a__ ________________on the date last above written. <br /> C .H.�ienek <br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------�----------------------_ <br /> JV'otarz�Public. <br /> ! .My commission expires------- - - -- -- - - --------- ------�-aY---l�---------------------19--13-----• <br /> _ ii <br />