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<br /> �: ` D��D ���O�D ��o �LJn
<br />�J` 5u�i0—KI,OPP&BARTLETT CO.,Printing,Lithographinp�nd Co2�nfy SRipplies;Omah¢. - '- --� � `' �` `- ; --' _-_
<br /> _._.:- -
<br /> . _ _ . . � .-_,__, . _., .-..�-- _- --_ ,..
<br /> __ _—:-_____.�____.�_.��_—..—.
<br /> � �__.__, _____�--
<br /> FR�✓� I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numeri,cal
<br /> Index and�'iled for record this_______._I.�_____________day ofJ1rii23r�________________
<br /> ------------ - - ---- --- - - - - �- -----_ -- - - . ------ ,
<br /> � �1. D., 19---13-- , at--- -- . _ _--1.4G-- - --------o'cloek----P_• --,M.
<br /> ----------John_E.F'_arle-y--&-atife ----- _ �- - Warranty .
<br /> TO Deed. -
<br /> --- ---- - --- --
<br /> - ---- ---- - --_ --- ------------ ------------------- --
<br /> Re ' er of Deeds,
<br /> -------- -------�-- -Alvin-Eag�� ---- --- --- --- ----
<br /> ��- --------------- -------- ---------- -- ------------------------
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> �.�o� �Y� �e�. �p ��je�e �re�e�t� :
<br /> ����---- .- �-��— �Toh�r�,__F_:F_arl��r-ancl.__I_s�ara Eax-leY-- ---------------- -
<br /> ------------------- ---.--------.---- ----------------------- -----------, - --
<br /> --- ----�-husband__and__wif e---)_-�------------------------------------------------------- -
<br /> ___________________Grantor.8_.______ in eoresideration
<br /> of the Courtty of_._.LO-$----�1�@�.98----- ---.ccncl State of----------__C_211�.fIIT111S------------------------------------ ,
<br /> of the sum o�--------- -Ti�t�nt-Y--Diixle---Hundr_ad--F_ift3�- 3z'11d_.x�o/1DD------------------------------- - ------- -------------------- --------------DOLL✓1RS, ,
<br />�i in hand paid, do------------------hereby GR.g.N"T, B�F1RGd4I�V', SELL, �4ND CONVEIr urzto.---Alyl I7--��g_@-�------------------------------------------------------------------
<br />', of the Count�J o1�-------- �I8.�1__-- - - ---- --and State of--- ----I1�b�_38�3 - --- - ------- - ------- ---- ----- - - - - --------,Grantee--------, the followin�
<br /> Idescribed premises, situated in the Countz� of___________ ________ _______H311.__________________________._______a�zd State of.N'ebrsgCka, to urit:
<br /> Lot Nurnber Six (6).___in �lock_ Nu�ber One_ _Hunc�red__Thirty__.(130_),__in..Union Pacific Railway__Com��any's
<br /> ................._....._._..._ ......-------- ----- - - -
<br /> --�-----�econd...Addit.i.on.- to �ra�d--I�1_�n��-----Neb�a_�ka -�.-�- -�urve-y.ed:�--PI,��tQd...an�l...re�or_�e-�:-•---------------- --�--�-----------�--------
<br /> - -- --- -- ----------- ---- - --- ---- - - --------- - -- -�------------------------------- -�- ---- -� - -------�_ --------�---�-�---------------------�--------------- ----------�---�------------ ---------._-------------
<br /> ----�----- --- ----- ---� --...----- - .__ - - --� - - --� ----------------- ------------ -----�----------------------------------------------�---- ------�----------�-------------�------------ ----------------------------------------------
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<br /> ----._..--- ------- ---�-- -- �---- - -----------�--- --�-----� --- -..._...__--------------�---------------------�-�-------...--------�-- ... --------�-�-----------------------------...--- --- � -------�-----------------...------�--------------------
<br /> --------------�- ..._.._._......--- --- --- ---- -------- ---- -- - ----- ---- ------ ----------�-------�-�------ -._....._..----�- --------- ------- ----�-----------------...------------ ---�------�----�------------------------�----- -�---
<br /> --------------- ----- ----- --- - --- - ---- --- ----- - -- - -- - _ - - - ._ .._.. ---.._. --- -�---- - -_..-- --- -- - - - - - --��----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditarrLe�zts, and appurtenaraces thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Do�ve,r, `
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__�___,arzd of either of them, of,ira, or to the same, or anz�part thereof.
<br /> �D �A�1C �1�� tD �OY� th,e above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee________and to____hi$_____________ heirs
<br />, and assi�ns forever. .flnd___%�18..____.___hereby covenant____.__with the said Grantee_______that________________YY_�_____.________ hold.___._._._said premises bz��ood and
<br />'', perfect title; that__._._______Y�8_______________ha__VQ�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that thez� are free and clear of all liens
<br />�
<br />� and ineumbraTZees whatsoever----------------------- ------- ---._-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
<br /> ----------------------------------------------- ---- --- ---------------- -- - -- -------- -- ------- - - ---- ------ --- -- ------------------------------------- ------ ---------- ----- --- ------ ----
<br />' --- ------- - -- --- -- __ -- __- --- - - ---- --- --- -- ------------------------------ ---------- -------------------- ------ - - ------------------------------------- ----------
<br /> I'' ,qnd______,_____.____.____,____�V6___._______ _______________________ covenarLt_______towarrantand defend the said pTemises a�ainst the lawful claims of all person,s
<br /> whomsoever---------- - - - - _ _ -- _ -..- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> -- ----------------------------------------------------------- -----------,------- ---
<br />'� ------------------------ - ----- ---- ---- ---- -- -- --- � ----- ------------ - - -- ------- --- -
<br /> Dated the----- --------3�.��----------------- --d��J �/�- - ---1?@CeIIlbBr-- ------ ----__.Fl. D.,19_1,�------•
<br /> w'zT,NESS � -----�ohn__F..F�ley----- --� ------------------------- ---
<br /> ----Isas��s_a__�ar_le-Y----------------- ----�--- ------------
<br /> ----- - ---- -- ------J szhn_r._O�inga------- ---------- - - - ------ •
<br /> ST.�TE OF C�lifOrnia
<br /> �ss.
<br /> L08._A??�Q�B$------------------County, Orc this---------Tflri�h------------------daz� of------._sT..�.Slt,l32y_-----------------------------✓1. D., 19._l�_._ , before me, ,`
<br /> the urzdersi�ned,a Notary Publie____________________________----_-----within and for said County,personally came__________..__________________________________.
<br /> ---------John _F,Farley_--and---Isadora__Farley----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> -- -------- - ------- -------------------�--husband--and--�¢if-�-- )------- ---------------�---- --------------
<br /> -----------------------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical persoro__g..____whose name.g______��g__________________._czf)ixed to the above
<br /> tSEAL} instrumerat as �rantor__B.___, and__.____th8_y__________________._severally acknowled�ed the same to be__.___.��1@�.2.__volunta�y
<br /> act c�rcd deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> INW'ITNESSW'FIEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and af)ixed my of�Gcial seal at__..___________________ ,
<br /> LOB __�.27,g_E��.Q4r__�31].�Q�riIFA_______ _______________or� the date Zast above written. - •
<br /> J.R.Keller
<br /> ---------------- ---
<br /> ---- --------------------------------------
<br /> .Notar�Public.
<br /> Jtily commission expires------ ---- ----- ------- -------- ----- - -------------DI4Y----2-9-------------19--1-4-----• '
<br /> i
<br />