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��� <br /> ��. D��D G���O�D �loo �Oo <br /> 56o i0—KLOPP&BARTLETT CO.,Printing,Litleographinp and Counly,5upplies;Onaa3ea. � � _ <br /> j <br /> F��� I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical " <br /> -----------J--•-E_._D1��.__1lld--R-lf-e--Rrid----------------- Index and filed for record this-------��--------------daJ of---s�a2�I���!------------ � <br /> .1. D., 19--].�.----, at---- - --- -- -l._15-- -----o'elock,- P_•--✓vI• � <br /> S,_0._Hu�t_o__n_�ns�__cYif�------ ----- ___--- Warranty _, � <br /> ' TO Deed. � ' <br /> --- --- - ----- ---- - --- ---- -- ------- ------ ---- <br /> Re�ister f De,eds, <br /> -------- -- -- -Ada---V._�armire--- - - ----_. .---- <br /> B�----- --- ---- -- ----- --- - --- -- --------------- - --- - <br /> ------- --- - --- --------------- .. -- - -- --- Deputy. <br /> - ---_ ____ -_ ---- --- — — - --_ <br /> -- — -- ---- _------ -----—— <br /> ---r--�-- -- --- --- — <br /> �.�.obn ��r �er� �p ��je�e �re�e�t�: <br /> �i���-------- ----'�-gi-.._J_��_._Ilill--and_�ifa �e-s-�e- r.-Ilill__and.__5.�.-Kus_t_on__and---�i-f-e--�A,xina--A.-I�us��n---- - -- -- <br /> of the Count�J ��----- - ---Hall- - -- -------and State o}------- Neb���_��------------------------- <br /> ---------------------------------------G�rantor-$------, in consideration < <br /> of the sum of--------- Two _Huncired-and__no/100- -------------------- - -------- ----------------- - --...DOLL�IRS, <br /> ---- --- <br /> ira hand paid, do___________________lzereb� GR�NT, BJ1RG.gI.N, SELL, ✓1JV'D CONVEY'unto___________AdA_.V.(�a�ai.re____.__________ ___ <br /> ------------------------------------ -------------- ------ --- --- ------ ------------------ --------- ------ --- ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- ------ <br /> of the CountJ�f------�1�,-�.---- - -.. -- _ -- --and State of------- �T@�I'a��� -- -------- ---------- - -- ---- - -----,Grarztee--------, the followin� <br /> described premises, situated in th,�}County of_______.___________._._Hal_l_______________________________.______and State of,NebreBka, to wi,t: <br /> .:..._.Lot�---�'����e�___T__w__s_�4s---�l��---ans�_._Thirt_s�n----(1.3a---in---�loc�---�Itaznber----T�o_..(�-)---�?_i.l�.__8�_._k�un_�_Qn!a.._Addit.ian_._. <br /> -�----..�.o.._C�r.and--��land,. -�Te_r�_r_aska,---as-�ed,----l�lat-�ed---ansl_.x..e.c.Q�de.d._...- --..- ---�-------------------------------- �---..._�---.._. <br /> .-�----�------------------------------ -- -- -- - - - --- -- --�--�-�---------�------------------.....----------- -------------- --------- -------- ._...----------- ---------------------------�-------------�-------------------------------------------. <br /> � �� -------------------- ---- ----._..._.__...... -- -- - - - ----- ------- -_-- --- ----------- -----__.._..----- -----....----�---�----------------------...--�- ------� ---------------------------��----------�------------------------------------ � <br /> - ------- --------_..........-------------- ----- --�------- -- --------...... ----- --------....._....------------------------------...--�---��--� -.....---------- ------------�----�-------_.--- ...-- -----------------------------�--------....-�--------- <br /> -------------------------------- ----------- ..--._.... - - ------ � - -....... . . _ ..- -- .... . .... .--------------- ----- - - ------------------------ <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,_Ri�ht, Title,Ircterest,Dozve,r, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_$___._,and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or an�part thereof. <br /> ' �D �d��1C �IY� t0 �OY� the above-described premise,s, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rarztee_______.arcd to________�?.8T______ ___ heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. .Flnd____Y�$________hereby covenarct_______with the said Grantee________that______________t�Q___.________.___ hold___________said premises by�ood and !'` <br /> perfect title; that____.__�e___________________hc�.VQ_�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens � <br /> and incumbrances whatsoever_________SLib�_8Ct____�O__t3X88__fOZ'._th8___y881?__1912__aTld__�tib88gLt8Tlt___t3.7s_____________________ ___________________________ <br /> .Flnd_______________WB______________.__.__.___._____-___________.__ covenant________to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful edaims of all person,s , <br /> whomsoever--------8_��.8j3.�_._s'�fl �b_0_V_B,_---- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- --------------- ------------------ -- <br /> ------------------------- -- ---------- - ---- -_------------- - - --- _ -------- ----------- -------- -------- --- --------------- -------------------- ------------------------------------------ <br /> Dated the----------- ---- ---15th------------daJ ��- -OC'�_Ob9T-- - - -------- -- - - -�1. D.,19--12----• <br /> T�7TNESS S.C.HtiBt Ori <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ---- - -------- - ------R�_s_e_..E_�Hanaan----------------- ---- <br /> ------.Anna__A.Hus�fln---------------------- ----------- --- <br /> � ------�_.E_.-Dill---------------------------------------------------- <br /> --------- --- ---- -------J�a.s3-e---�-�l�i ll--------- <br /> ST.l1 TE OF NEBR�SK�, <br /> �ss. ; <br /> ----------------------��l�.l----------------Courzty, On this-------------17th------------da�J of----------------Q�t_flUBS---------------------..I. D., 19_1�-- - , before me, <br /> the uradersi�ned, a Notary Public_________________________.______within arzd for said County, persorcally eame____._____________________________________________.__________ <br /> --------J_�E__.Di_��.---&--wi�_�__�I a��i�---�.�?iT,7.---�nd__�_�C_,_�u�t_Q�_,_�r_�d---w�.f Q---An,n�._A,Hu��on------------- <br /> I <br /> i <br /> to me personally known to be the identical persorc_$.________whose name___E�___ar8_______________________afj"ixed to the above <br /> tSEAL) instrument as�rantor_�.___., and____._______thQ_X____________severally aeknowled�ed the same to be______�1?@lr_.__voluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> INW'IT.NESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto sub$cribed my name and afj"ixed mz� of�tcial seal at____________._________ <br /> ______r�,3X1S�__Z_E3_�_�X1C�.?____N@br_.___ ________________on the date last above writtere. <br /> --------------------------------�Qfl 8---��._��J.Y188ri---------------------- <br /> Notarz�Public. <br /> .My commission expires--------- ------- ----------- -- -� -�L3y �Q----- ----------- ---------19-16------• <br />� - . � 'I _ <br />