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�� t ,l <br /> � o ��D �C�C�O�D �oo �0� <br /> D <br /> . _ _ _ _ _ — <br /> , LG��O—KLOPI'&$ARTLETI'C0.,1'rinting,LitTaogr¢phing and County Supplties;bmaiea. ' � v � _ _ <br /> _. . _ _ _ :__ _ � _ �___._ _ ..__._._._ <br /> —=- ______. ..____ _-- —-------� r.. _ _�__. � <br />. . _. I .. <br /> FRO✓VI I hereby certify that this instrume,nt was entered on, N'um,erical � <br /> Index and filed for record this_.___..___._�.Q___________day of__JST1L13T_�t_._.____.___ <br /> .1. D., 19_13-----, at----- - �._.�Q..- -- ------o'elock,--- -�-..M. <br /> - -----Et_�_3_�.S1Qan__._ .------------------ ------ Warranty . <br /> TO Deed. <br /> . <br /> -------- ------- -�GG��------------------------------- - <br /> Re�ist of Deed.s, <br /> ---------- ---------Laura_Johansen -- ---- --- -- --------------- <br /> B�------------- -- -- ----- - - ----- - -- - ------------ <br /> ------------------------ -- -- -- -- -- - - - ---- Deputy. <br /> �.r�oi� �YY er� � � e�e �e�e�t�: <br /> � <br /> p � � <br />' ����----I� - Et_�_�__�.:_S.l9�n �-a-�ida�r�--- -- -- ----- ----- --------------- <br /> - - -------- -------------------------•-------------------------�--- ------------------- --- <br />' ------------------------------------------------------ ----�- fo�l�er_�._X-Et_t.a- M=�4�x��--�-- -- ----------------------- -------------- <br /> of the County of_------,�31�--L�,kB------__--a-rr,cl b't,ute c�f----_UtSh---------------------------------._------------------------------------Grantor. , in consideration <br /> ofthe sum of--------- Fif t_Y___and---n0�100- ---- ------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- - ---------------.._._.DOLL.IRS, <br />' irz hand paid, do______.. _____h,ereby GRv4J�°T, BARG.RIN, SELL, .IJV'D CONVEY'unto__.__.Laura Johansen <br /> --------------- ------------------------- - ----- --- - ---- ------------------- <br /> -----_.�--------- ------- ---- -- ----- - ----------------------------------------------------------- - ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> of the Courct�J a}�------ -- �sLll -- - - � ------- --- ----- -- -------,Gra�ztee.------, the followin� <br /> ----and State o --------------I���l^'s�Sk�,------------- <br /> described premises, situated in tha,C,ounty of______ ___,___ Hc^111____ _______.________________________and State of Nebr��ka, to wit: <br /> ---------------L°�---NLUnb�x----�hxee----���---�.�.---B�vc-�t--�Iu�bex--F�ve__,.t5.)---P�.c lcer.--&._Bar_�_�.�...A�d�,t-�..on---t-o----rrand...I.$lan�.------ <br /> ----�----�--zdebxa.�ka,�e�i,--�l�t.te-cl --and--xecor�tes�...._..- - ------�-- --- ......._�--�--....--- �--- � - - ----------------------------------------- ----- -- ' <br /> ---�--------- ---------- ---- --- -.....------------ -- - - --- - - --- . . . --------... . - - ------ - --------------------------------- <br /> To�ether with ald the tenements, hereditameszts, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Do���er, <br /> Curtesz�,Claim and Demand whatsoeveT of the said Grantor_______,and of either of them, of,in, or to the same, or anz�part thereof. <br /> �D ���lE AIY� t0 �Orb the above-described,roremises,with the appurtenae�ces,unto the said�rantee___.__._and to__________h8r_______ heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. .,4nd.____I________hereby covenant_.___.__with the said Grantee____.___that____________________I_____.______,_ hold._____.____said premises by�ood and <br /> perfect title; that_____________I__._______________ha V8__�ood ri�ht arzd lawful authorit;r� to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of alZ lien,s <br /> andincumbrarices whatsoever------------------ ------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> -------------------------------------------------- - ----------------- --- ----------------- -- -- --- --- � <br /> ------ ----- - - -------- ------------------ ---- <br /> ---------- ------------------- <br /> --- ----._ - - - ---- - - - -- ----- --- - - -------._. -------- ----------- - -- --- ----- ------------ ---- ------------------ --- ---------------- - -------------------------------- <br /> .gnd_______________.___._____I____ ._________ ____________________ covenant._______to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful cZaim,s of aZZ persons <br /> whomsoever------------ - -- - - _.. - - - -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- ---��_------------------- -------------- - <br /> --------------------------- - - ----- -- - - - ------ --- -- - - - --- - - - -- - ------ --- - --- ---- ------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------- <br /> Dated the----------26th---------------------da�J �f�- --D@C@ztibeT--------- - -------.l1. D.,19_12-----• <br /> W7TNESS ------�t_t_s'�_.��,�_7.0�71------ <br /> --- -- -- -- -- - --V_._�_.3�_�_��..J.�ton--------- ----- ---- _ .._ ------------------------ ---------:--------------- ------------ - <br /> ST.1 TE OF .�'��1: �, <br /> �ss. <br />' -------�-4�-1-�---I'��8-----------------County, On this----------------��1�.----------------da�J �f---------�,T_u1X14ta�Y-----------------------------.1. D., 19---�'�._ , before me, <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Public___________________._____.__________within and for said County, personally came_________.______________________________________________.____ , <br />, <br /> -------.�t_t� �d=S-�o�11----�---�--3�(�.G�9�r----�0_��.1_��7�y_ _E�_��_�.,_N0�.�6_._)_--------------------------- ---- -------------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person___________whose name____________�.F3________________________uf)ixed to the above <br /> �SEAL) instrument as�rantor__.___._, and___._________.__��A_________-several�acknowled�ed the sarrze to be_________.h�x_____volurctary <br /> . act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> I✓V'WITNESS W'HEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and af�'ixed my ofJ"icial seal at____________________.___ <br /> ________________Salt___La�e___City_,____Utah.___on the date Zast above written. <br /> , . ------------------------------V.A_,_Betti_lyon------------------ , <br /> JV'otarr�Publie. <br /> .Mz� commission expires------ -- - ------------�u1�-21 -��14------- -- -------- ------�8x---------• <br />