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� � � <br /> �. DC�C�D �C��O�D �Joo �d� <br />�—_ $6��U—KLOPP&BARTLETT CO.,Printing,Lithographing and Counly�5uppliea;Omaiea. � � � � � � _.__-. —T-_� --__,__y= <br />_—_ ,., ,. . ._. _ _._ .:�, --� -- - _ _ � <br /> FR�� I� <br /> I hereby certifi� that this instrument was entered on dl�'umerical <br /> -------- - ----- - ---- - ----- _-- - -- <br /> - ---- In,dex and fcled for record this------------�------------daz�of_-1A31i18s3r------------- <br /> ✓1. D., 19�3------, at----- --__ - - ----4--------o'clock,- -P_�.M. <br /> ----- - -----AlY3��1--��e�- & v►r.i.f e- - - - -- . Warranty <br />', To Deed. � <br /> �����-c���C ,� " <br /> --- ----- ------- -- --- --- ------------------- -------------------- <br /> Re�is r of Deeds, <br /> ------ -------b�oses_Willi�m�on - - ----- --- ------ <br /> B✓---- - ---- - - -- --__ ----- - -------------- ---- -- <br /> Deputy. <br /> �.�o� �YY �e� �p ��je�e �re�er�t�: <br /> ����------ - ---.we� Alvi-n�-E_ager__and _Ju�ia--Ea�gQr,----hu�ba�a�.--an_d_w�.��---------------------------------------------�------------- <br /> of the Courct�J ��---------- Hr�11----- - -.__ccrlcC .State, of----- -T1��2�_21@�C�--- -- ---- ----- ----- <br /> ------------------------------Grantor--8-----, in consideratiorz <br /> of the sum of------------Ths9e---�hs�Lts-2�nd--.TWQ---HL1T1drBd---arid__11T_4,1QQ------------------------------------------------------.-----------------------------.DOLL.IRS, <br /> ira hand paid, do---__-__---_----hereby GR,g,N'T, B�RG.�IJV', SELL, �4ND C,ONVEY'unto---_�4_S@B_-Wf111�Ti18AII------------___----_-_---_---------- -------------------- <br /> of the County of-------H811------------------------.and State of_-------------Id�hTaSkrt.---------------------------------------------------_,C�rantee------._, the followin� <br /> described premises, situated in the County of_______________���.1___._.__________________________._______and State of Nebr�tska, to wit: <br /> _...---..L_s�.t_...rlumbs.r__.Eiv-e-----(-5-�j----i_n._�l�.ck._nuinb-e-r---Tw.e.n�.y--.Si.�._..C�.��--.-Q�----:�he._.q��.g�.x��l...�.o�x�_._4�--�x_�nd---�_�_��ns�------. <br /> _........Ne�rask��-� same_.�..�-- -�hown_upon.._the_..recorded__�lat----thereof-��----...---� -- -�-- ---------------------------------------------------�- <br /> ----- -�-------------------- -- - - -- -- - - - - ----�----------------------------------------------------�--------�------------- ----- ---- - �-----�------�--�---------------- ---- -----------�--------------------------------------------- <br /> ..__..__�--��-------- -- - ------------------ - - ---- -- ------ - ------�-- -- ----�- ----- --�---------------------------------- ------------�---�•-�----- -------��-- ------- ----------._._......----------------------------------------- <br /> __......_....------ ----- �-�--- ------- - --�--- --- - ---- ------- ---- ----- -----------�------�----------------�------...------------�--- ------------------�--.......---------...----....- --- �-�-- -----------------------------------------�----- <br /> -----._..-�---- --�------------------------ ._..._.. ..--- ---- -...__----- ------- -- ._..__..._...._.. ---------�------- --------��---...._...----......-.__.___...--�------------------- ---------------�----------�---�------------------------------------- <br /> -- ---------- - ----------_ ---... - ---- - -- --------. ._- �- --- . . ,. . ... ----------------------------------------------------------------�--------------------- <br /> To�sether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Ir2terest,Do�ver, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Granto�5_____,and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br />'' �D �A�1Q AIY� t0 �O�b the above-described premises, with the appurtenances,urLto the said�Srantee_____.__and to___.______r?�13 ______ �aei�•s <br />' and assi�ns forever. .11nd___��_g_________ILereby covenant___.____with the said Grantee._____._that___________._._�P.Q______________ hold._________..said premises by�ood and < <br />��, perfect title; that__._________W8_________._._haY@__�SOOd ri�ht and Zawful authority to sell and convey the same;that they are free and clear of all lien.s <br />'� and incumbranees whatsoever----------------------- ------- ----------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------- <br />' ---------------------------------------------------- - --------------- -- --- ------- - --- - --- - -- ----------- ----- - ---- ----------- ------------------- ------------------- ------ --- ----- <br />' --- - - - --- - ---- - -__ . -- - ----- - - -- ----------------- -- - - --- -------- ------------------------------ ----------- - ------------------------------- -- � <br /> .�4nd._____________.._.________VPe____________ ___________ __ __ __ covenant____.___to warrant and defend the said premise,s a�ainst the lawful claim,s of aZZ persons <br /> whomsoever----------- - - -- - - -- -- - -- ---------------------------------------------------- ' <br /> Dated the----------------- 26th---------------.da� ol'- - DeCember-------- -,1. D.,19_12-----• <br /> u�'zT�ESS ------91yin--EagQ-r-------- --- --- -------- <br /> - ------ ------ - <br /> --- - -- -- - ------- - -----L?avid---�±ckerman---- -- ----- -----�Iulia-Ea��------------------------ <br /> ST.gTE OF NEBR.ISK',g, <br /> �ss. ' <br /> Hal l da�J �f----------------------------------------------------------.1. D., 19--12-- , before m,e, <br /> --------------------------------------------------county, on th�s---------------6th----------------- December <br /> the urcdersi�ned, a�V'otary Public____________________._________within and for said Countz�,personally came_____________-_______________________ _ <br /> ____.._.___Alvin___Eager__and___.7uli�_ Eager,..__husband___ar?d_.wife <br /> ---- ----------------------- - -- -------------�------- ----------------------------- ------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person8__._.____.whose rcame_13-_�8______.________.______a f)ixed to the above <br /> instrument as�rantor8._____, and__..____th�_y______________..____.severally acknowled�ed the same to be_____�h@�,.r______voluntar� <br /> (SEAL} <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN W7TNESS GVHEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and afjixed my o}}"icial seal at.______________________,__ � <br /> _______�iT2lrid_._I_S.l3rid_�_________________ ______________on the date Zast above written. <br /> David Aekerman ' <br /> -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> JIIy commission expires---------- -- � ------------- ------ ----- ------Feby_---19��1--------- -------19--�----. ' <br /> i; <br />