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�� � <br /> ,�w_ D��D �[��O�D �oo ��n <br /> ;� <br />" . ub���=KLOPP&BARTLETT CO.,Printing,I,ithogro.phing and CounCy SuPplies;Omaiia. ' �� � _ : <br />_ , , _ _.. _. _ ._ _ �— _ <br /> FR�� I hereby certifz� that this instrument was entered on, dY'umeTical <br /> _ ___ In,dex and filed for record this________7_______________.daz�of__.___�L'c1rila.3�y_____.___ <br /> .1. D., 19--�-�----, at---- - - -- -- -- 1- - - -------o'clock,- -�._..M. <br /> -------------Haxr iat--J.-Na-r�-i s & �u�b�c�--- Warranty �O� � <br /> TO Deed. <br /> --------- ------- - - -- -------- -------r'G(----�---�----------------- - <br />, Re�is r of Deeds, <br /> ---------- -------------.I�_���-er ------------ ------ <br /> 8�----------- ------- ---- --- --- ---------------------------------------- <br /> __ Deputy. <br /> �.r�oi� �Y� �e� �p ��je�e �re�e�.t�: <br />�'� ����--- -- Harr_i_et--�7_,_N�rr�.s -az�.c�._Ch��_1Q_a__.B_,_No�x�_s, ---at.�fe- -�n�--�us'���c� ---------------------------------------- - --- <br /> of the County of_---_---_-_---H�.11-_---_-_-___rr,rr.d St:�rte of----_--__NB��s'��_�S�-_-------_--_-------_ _Grantor- _----, in eonsideratiora <br /> I� of the sum of_----------E1ght_@_eri__hllridrBd--14c-nQ-�=------ - ---- ----------------------- - --- ---- --- - -- - - -------DOLL�RS, <br /> in hand paid, do________ _ _______i2-ereby GR.F�NT, B.FIRG�IN, SELL, ✓1,N'D COJV'VEY'unto___.._______Ha.Tr_y__Bd111T1�@T,___________ <br /> - - --- ------ ------------------ <br /> _-----and bYtate o ---------N@brSSk�.---------------------- --_----------------------Gran,tee-------, the ollowin <br /> of the Countz�of-------- - -��1 - � ----- -- - f � <br /> described premises, situated in the County of.___________.H11__l___________________________________________.____a,nd State of NebrB6ka, to wit: <br /> i <br /> ._....._._The..Easterly--one..ha�f----(E--�-�----of--Lot_..S$ven----(7-)---i.n---Block---Sevent.y...Five....-�75-)---of.--�-he.---or.iginal.---_..._ <br /> --...------t-°--�'?�-- now.- �.�.t.y.,._ o�...sr_ans�--��landy._.__I�s.b�.a�l��-� --be_ing----a�._�.�.�.t.��.gu�.a.r.....�z.�.ece---of.---g�.QUn,d_.h�vi-n�--��--------- <br /> ..- --._ f.e-e-�--f_��nt -�n_Fir-s-�---S��-in--�.aid�--C-i��y---and- 132---fs�ot--in_._dapth..------------------------------ ------- --- �---- ------------------------------------- <br /> --------- --------------- -- -- ----- --- -- - -----�--------------�------.._....-------------------------------------------------------- - -�-----------.._..----�-----------�---------------.._..--------------------------------------------. <br /> ---- ----- ------ - --- - --- ---- --------- - - --- - - - ------- ----- - -- -- ----------------._..._._.._..-----------------------------------------�•-�------- ---- �------�--------...------------------- ---------------------��------------ <br /> --- ---------------- ----------------- -- - - -- ---------- - ---- - -- _. --- <br /> ----- - - ------ ------ --- -- --- - ----- - - - - - ----------------------------------�----------------------------------------------------- -- <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenarcces thereunto belon�sin�, and all the F.state,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dorve,�•, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor.8_____,and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �0 ���lE Alt� r0 �O�b the above-described premises,with the appurtenances,unto the said�rantee_______and to_._____.�?i�__________ heirs <br />�� and assi�ns forever. �nd____._.W g_______hereb9 covenant___..___with the said Grantee._____.that_________.__YY9_________________ hold.___.____._said premises by�ood and <br /> I� perfect title; that_______.__�e_________________ha_4Q_�ood ri�sht und lawful authoritz� to sell arzd convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens <br /> II and incumbrances whatsoever----------------- ----- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ------------------- ---------------------------- <br />'� --------------------------------------------- ---------------------- - ------------ -- - - ------- --- -- - ------------------------ -------- ----- - ----------------------------------------------------�-- --- - <br />'I, ---- -- - - ---- - - - - - -__ - -- ------ -- - --- - ------ - ---- - ------ ------------- - -- --------- ----- - ------- ------- ------------ <br /> .,Qnd_______________...___._��s__ .____.___.________._____ ____ _.. warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all person,s <br /> whomsoever--------- _ - -- - - -- - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />' ---- -------------•---------------------------- -------- -- --------------- -- <br /> ------------------------ - --- -------- ------ --- -------- -- ---- ------------------------- -- - ---- - -- --- -- - ----------------- -- --------------------------- - ------------ ---------- <br />', Dated the-------------7th--------------------- ---da�J ��-- -�T�21U�3t -- ------ --- - --�. D.,19--1�----• <br /> II W7TNESS ------H�x l@ t---J.NO rr 18------------------------------------ <br />�' ------ ---- - -- --- - --L.R_.Bririn�er--- ------- --- -- -- <br /> ------Ch�rl�-�--B_,_No�rri-�------------- ---------------- - ° <br />' ------------------------------------------ ---------- -- ' <br /> ----------- --------- -- - - -- - - - -- -- - --- - - - <br /> ST.1 TE OF NEBR�SK'�, <br /> �ss. <br />' ----�-----------H���----------------------Countz�, On this----------------------_�_t�l----------da�J �f----------sJ�S1tl3S-y----------------------------�. D., 19_�.�_ ._ , before me, <br /> the undersi�ned, a,Notarz�Publie________________________________within and for said County,personally eame.____._.__ ___.______.______.______________.___ <br />'� ----------��riat J_._Norr��---��__Char1�-�---�_,�sorxi$---------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> � to me personally knowr� to be the identical person.8___._____whose name_._B___ct�8________________________afJixed to the above <br /> �SEAL� instrument as�rantor_�_._, and.___..______�hs_y______.______severally acknowled�ed the same to be__��1@l�_______volunta�y <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN W7TNESS tiVHEREDF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and af�'ixed my of�"icial seal at___________________________ <br /> ________.___zTSriCI__I_S_1_8,riL1___id�br_. ________________on the date Zast above written. <br /> ------------------------------L_.R,_Br i_nin�er---------------------- <br /> ,Notary Public. <br /> .My commi.ssion expares------- - - ---- ------- ------- !R�_Ch---1C�--- <br /> ' ------------ --#�----- - - - - 19_14------• <br /> _ .. <br />