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��� <br /> . D�C�D a��O�D �oo ��n <br />� _ _. . _ _ _ � <br /> GGJ�O-KLOPP cE BAI�TLET'1'CO.,Printing,Lithographing a�ad Caunly Supplies;Omaha. �" _ �' '� <br />� . _. _ _-...____ : . __ . . _ . . �__...�.��_.---- ._.:-.°.- _ -_. _ - __.�_.-.__._ __:- <br /> FRO.M I hereby certifi� that this instrumerzt was entered on .N'umerical <br /> In,dex and filed for record this______________F_____.__.___day of____,Is1rit1�'y'______.___ ' <br /> ------.__Pe�er_ .H_.Br_�w-n.-_and-wi�a - . _ --- Warranty <br /> .1. D., 19--�3----, at--- - 8 �30 -- -__- - ---------o'clock,-----P_._,M. <br /> I, TO Deed. ' <br /> --- _ �%%��_ <br /> _ - ---------------------- <br /> --------- - <br />�I Re�ist r of Deeds, ��� <br /> -•-------- -----------'�--a����---�_.�1�.�}�fl-- -------------------------- <br />�' B�J------------ ------------ - -------- ----- -------------� ----------- <br /> ------------`.----= --------- -� --- --------- - --- -- - - - --- -...._ Deputy. <br /> �Y e� � � ' <br /> �.�o�n � e�e �e�enct� . <br /> � <br /> p � � <br /> ����------ -- ---!��� �?eter -H�Brow���i _���y-.Ro$an�--BroT�v�----husband---and__wife--------------------------�----------------- - <br /> of the Courzty o}------��,11�------- ---------.arid Stn,tn of-------Nebr�Ska.-----------------..---------------------------------------------_Grantor---B------, in consideration <br /> of the sum of--------- - N_ine_ty-�ix_Hundr�d_ _and--n4�1Q�.-------------------------- ---- -- -------------- - -- ------------- <br /> ------ ------- -------DOLL✓lRS, <br /> in hand paid, do_.__._______.__3aereb� GR.FINT, B./1RG✓IIN', SELL, .IJV'D CONVEY'unto__________�3It6r_._C,DU,bbB______________________________ <br /> ---- - -------------- <br /> of the Count�J of-------- - Hd11. -- -- -_and State of_--- - -- --N@bT3�k3--_------ -- ----- ---------- -- ----�-------,(�rant,ee------_, the followin� <br />', deseribed premises, situated in the� of____ ______._H�l_1_.__________.______________________.____and State of JV'e.brsaka, to zvit: <br /> _...___,The...Nor�h..E�s�_..Q�z�.r.t_@r.___�N.._E,..�,�___o_f__Sec_ti_on___Thir_t_y___�30�____in_,_Township__.Eleven__.(11_)_._North_..of_________________ <br /> ......_.Aang.e---Tj�relvs -�1�-�--�.e.s-t--o-f.--��al_.m� -- --� --�-�- ---- -- ------- ---- ------------------------- ------------------ -------�-----....._.._ <br /> -- .._._.. - - - �.��a.�C�---t-Q--�a.--�o��g-�-�-- -f_Qx.--*4r._�_04._._QO...i.21...��Y9x__of. -I..F_�_�ber.san,.....�!hich.-��h-�---Said--gran�-ee- --... <br /> a�_�_um:�-s--an�--agree�--�Q--PaY•- --- -----�------------------------------�-------------------...---------- -------------�--�-- ...----�----..._---�----------- ---------------�-�-------------------------------------------�- : <br /> -------------..._.._- - -- _ - --- --- ------- ---- --- --�------ ---------------�---�-�-------�--------------------------------�---------�-- --- ........------ ------- -----�----- ---- -- - - --- --------------------------�------------------------ <br /> --�--------�- -__.......... ..................... ... ..... -- -- - ---....._- -- -...--__.....------ .._-�----------------- -----�-----�------------- ---- ------....-------�--- -----------------��---- -�-�-- ---------------�-------------------- <br /> -- --...- ----- -------- ------ - ---- --- - --- -- - -- ---- --- - - -- - _..__ ._ �------------------------------�------------------------------------------------------ <br /> To�ether with all the tenerrzents, hereditaments, and appur•tenaraces thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dozve�°, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor._$____,�cebh�o�-��ae�a, of,in, or to the same, or anz�part thereof. <br /> �D ���lE AIY� t0 �0�� the above-described premises,with the appurtenarcces, unto the said�rantee________and to_________h��____ ____ heirs <br /> i <br /> and assi�ns forever. .,4nd____'r'Y_�_________hereb�covenant_._____with the sa-id Grantee_______.that_____�f18_______________________ hold____________said premises by�ood and, ' <br /> perfect title; that___._____I+Y_�______.__________haZtE___�ood ri�ht and lawful authoritz� to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens <br /> and incumbrances whatsoever--------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- ' <br /> ---------------------------------------------------- - ------------------- -------- ----- ---- -- ---- - -- ----- -- - - - ---- -- ----------------- ---------------------------------- --------------- - <br /> -----------.._- --- - - - - -- - -- -- ---- ---- --- -- - - -- ---- ------- - ----- ------ ------------- --------------------------------------------- ------------------- ------ - - ' <br /> .Flnd_________________.._. _____?N_2______________ __.___________. _ covenant__._____to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all persons <br /> whomsoever------ -- - -- - -- - -- --- .--- - ------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ----------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ ---------------- - <br />'I Dated the-----------.4th ------------------ --day �f�---J3�71Llary ------- -- ------ ---- -.F1. D.,19_�,.,�------• <br /> I W'ITJV'ESS -----P_��_�r--H_�Br QWri----------- --- ---- ------ -- ------ <br /> ---- ------- ---- ---- �_�._I�.S�x�gaa.�-------------------- - - --- <br /> -----��ar__y_--84�ana---Br_��rn-------- -------- - - ------------- <br /> ST.1TE OF NEBR�SKfl, , <br /> II �ss. <br /> --------------------Hall------------------County, On this----------4th--------------------da�J �f-----------J8.T2Lt�y--------------------------.1. D., 19--13-- , before me, <br /> I tyze ur�dersi�ned,a Nota�y Public.__ _________________within alzd for sczid County,personally eame________________________________.____________.___________________ ` <br /> ---------Pst_�r--H_.�o�n---an.d..-�"�Y--�o��.a..Fx4��:,,_a3.�o. �no�rr� �s..�a�y--R.Brown---------------- ----- <br /> --- -------- ------ ------------------------------- h�sb_a.ns�---ansl._�ti�e---------------------------------------------------------- ! <br />� to me personally known to be the identical person__S.______.whose name.8.__8.r_@_______.._________________a�"ixed to the above <br /> I� <br />', t�EAL� anstrument as�rantor__�___, and__________�xlf3y___________________severally acknowled�ed the same to be____�_hQ�.x______voluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. ' <br /> INW'ITNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and af�'ixed my offtcial seal at____.____________________. <br /> i�00d Ri�Z_�s�____N�.hr�.s.k�____�.Sl___as��d___COU onythe date last above written. <br /> ----------------------------------�-.�_.�n�-�gia.e------_�_---------- ----- <br /> Notarz�Public. <br /> .Mz� commission expires.--------------------------------------------1�+118.r�h-�_7_ -------19._18.----• <br /> �------------ <br />