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<br /> �.z D�C�D �C��O�D �Joo ���
<br />— ._ . . _ � . _ _ . :_ _ _ _
<br />� 5d�iu--KLOPP&BARTLETT CO.,Printing,Lithopraphing and CounEy Supylties;Omahw.
<br /> n_ , _ _. ___ . __ —_- . —:--...— .__ -- _,_ _� . __.�___.�,------_ ____._._
<br /> �'R�� I hereby certifz� that this instrument was ercteTed on Numerical
<br /> _ Index and fcled for record this_____2______._____________day of____J8riUc1I'_�7'___.__._____
<br /> . .1. D., 19_1�-----, at- -- -- 4..3Q- -------o'clock---p�__.M.
<br /> -------- --�dzrn�ncl� �.ao���-�r�3- w�f e --- warranty �- •
<br />' TO Deed. - ------- -----�-/�'o�� �-r�-��� ---------------------
<br /> �r�.
<br /> Re ' er of Peeds,
<br /> -- ----- ---1.8_BaC--�_1�1113Y1d--r1TlC�__R(1�E_ --- ---- . .
<br /> ��J------- - ----- - -- - -- -- ---- ------------------- -----
<br /> __ _ Deputy.
<br /> �r�ob� �.Y� �er� �p ��je�e ��e�e�.t�: :
<br /> ����---- E_dmund G.-Janas-ar�-EditY� �.dones,----Y��sb�x�.---��---wi��:------------�-------------- --�----------------�------------- - --_ --
<br /> --- --a�l:c�? tSYtate o --- -- Neb��S.k�-------------------------- - ------------- -------------------Grantor-8---._, in consideratiorc
<br /> of the Count� of___._____Hc'111----.----- f
<br /> ofthe sum o}�--------- --�i-ne---��.o�sand--- - ----_ --- - - -- ---------------------------------- - ---- -- --------------- -- ----------------- ----- -----------.DOLL✓�RS, .
<br /> in hand paid, do-------------------hereby GR.g.N'T, B�RG./IIN, SELL, ✓1✓1"D CO.NVEY'unto------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- ;
<br /> ---------------------------- --I�aaa--H�i�hlan;:t ax�d---Sar-ah--.A.Hi¢llland--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------
<br /> of the Count�J��--------- -Hckll - ---- -- -----and State of------- -- - I�e��3.8,�--- -----._---- ------------ --- --- - ---------,Grantee---=----, the followin� :
<br /> described premises, situated in the County of_____ ____...___..._��_�1___.___.______________________________and State of NebrB�Yka, to wit:
<br /> ....._..._LA L$.._Five--and.-.S.ix---in__Block--.Diumbe-r---Ei-ght--in--H.-G..�-lar-k-'--$---A;�c-la.ta.ox�-.-t.o.__��and---Is�.€�nd,---Ne.b�.a�.ka----.-
<br /> -- --....��....st�_ve.y.s.d.,....�?la.t.��d--anci._r_e.c.or�cl.-----_.----- -��- -�----------------- ------ --------��--�----...---...........- -�- -- -------------------------- --------�-------------------
<br /> �- --- --- - ------------ -- -- ---- ------�-------- --- ------ --- �. .................... � -�--------- ----._................_.........- ------...------------------------�--------....-----------------------------_..-- -------------------�
<br /> -----�---- - - -- - ---_.__..- - - ------------- -- ----�- -------- -�--__�------------------------------------------------- - � - ---- -- -------------- -------- �- ---- - ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ------...-- --- - -------------------....--- - -- ---- -- - ---- ---------- _-�--._.- --------------------------�---� ----..__._..__...-------------�-----�---�---------- --------------- �------- -----�-----------..._......_..--- --�---�
<br /> ----------�------- ---- ------- -- - - - - -- - ---- - -- -- ----._ ._- - -- --�- .. . . -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditarnents, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dower,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor8._____,and of either of them, of, ir�, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> �0 ���1e �IY� t0 �OY� the above-described prernises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�'rantee.__.____and to___�1@_�_________ �zeirs
<br /> and assi�ns forever. .gnd_______YYB______hereby covenarLt________with the said Grantee__._____that__.____�flL�______________________ hold.___________said premises by�ood and
<br /> perfect title; that__________��___._____._______ha_�l_�__�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and elear of all Ziens ,
<br /> and incumbrances whatsoever--------�X�H��---�-up���-�---t-�----tB.�C�S---f Qr--Zy1.2---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------
<br /> -------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- ----- -- - ---------- - --- -- -- ------------ - - -- -------------------------------------------------- --------------- --- --- ---
<br /> ✓lnd__________________.__.____�8- ._.____._ __________.____.._ __ covenant________to warrant and defend the said premises a�air�st the lawful claims of all person.s
<br /> whomsoever-----6-XCept-�8 ub0�@--Stat-BL�.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------•---------------------------- -------------------------------------- ;
<br /> ----------------------- -- --- - -- -- - - --...- - - - ---- --- - --- - - ---------- --------- --- - ------------- ---------------------- ----------------------- - - ------------------------
<br /> Dated the----------Se-C-QI�.d------------- -da� ��- -.IE1riLiary-------------- -- -.g. D.,19-13-----•
<br /> tiv'rT�ESS . -----_E.cimunri---�_._Jszne$------------------------- - --- - --- ;
<br /> --------.s��:.e�s---�_t_i?i��.1-------------- - - -----Eraith---L-._�ane-s------------------------------ ---- ---- -
<br /> ST✓1TE OF NEBI��SK'�, )
<br /> }ss. .
<br /> ------------------------------H�.17�---------County, ) Ori this----- ----,�_G'_C4X1�---------------daJ ��-------��n�'r�----------------------------_.__..I. D., 1923___. , before me,
<br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Public_____________________________________within and for said County, personally came____.___.____.____________________.__________________._______
<br /> ------------Ed�und- �'�_J aneg--and__Fd.ith---�_._Jszn�B---hi�_..�cif�---•------------------------------------------------------------ -----
<br /> to me personally known to be the identieal person__g_._____whose name_g._��6_____________.__.______afj'axed to the above
<br /> instrument as grantor._g___, and______________�_hgy__________seaerally acknowledged the same to be___�Y19_lr_____voluntary
<br /> (SEAIa� act and deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> IJV'W7TNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afj"ixed my o�"'icial seal at_______________________._
<br /> --------C�T�3'1�1---�-g-�ariC'1---]�gb�.2s,kct------------orz the date last above written.
<br /> � � ------ - -- --------------------J.E,D-l��-------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> ,Mz� commi.ssion expires------- - _ ----------- ------- ----- - -------Jul3t-1-6-th------------19--13----•
<br />