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<br />_ b8��+i—FCLOPP c0 BARTLETT CO.,Printing,Lithographin0 and County S'upPldea,.Omaha, _
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<br /> __,..�_� � .. ....__ __- --- _ . � –:- --�._..�. -_r_.�.__–_=
<br /> FRO✓11 I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on �l�'umerical
<br /> Index and filed for record this.______�__._____________daz�of._.__J�1xt11a.ry_----__
<br /> ✓1. D., 19--a-�---, at-- - - - _--4��� - ------o'elock-�----.M.
<br /> --------r�m� �.-5�-����c�mb Q-n��b�n1 --- Warranty �-
<br /> TO ' Deed. /�
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<br /> ---- - -------------- - --- �r�.:-_�/_'�!�- -------------- -
<br />� �� � Re�i er of Deeds,
<br /> --------C-1-aude--A_._Truckenmi_ller.--------------- -----
<br /> B�------- - ---- --- - -- ------- - ---------------- ------
<br /> --------------- --- -- - - - -- - ------ --- - - ------- Deputy.
<br /> �.�o�n ��� �er� �p ��je�e �re�e�ct�:
<br /> ����----------Erama-B-._S t incl�ao_mb.._and--C_har_les---S tin�hc_or�b-,---vcii�----ar�._hus:�z�nr.l--.--------------------_---------------------------- --
<br /> of the County of----- ��?���- - - - - -- r�nd b'tc�te of------- N°�J�c���.----- - -- - ------- ---- ------------------- --------Grantor-s-- ---, in consideration
<br /> o the sum o __________ ' --
<br /> f f ��-�C��a 1�-i�?a�1:�.r-P�-��� �A�-�==--_=____--------- --------- - -=----_.DOLL.IRS,
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<br /> in hand paid, do__.-__-----__-f�,ereb� GR✓1NT, B�RG,�4I,N, SELL, v4ND CONVEY'urato-----_---_�-�-d�;�g---�.,�-����-1�;;;;,j��,1��-__-__-------- ------------------_
<br /> ----------------- --- --- --- --- -- - -------- - ------------ ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---
<br /> o the Count o ---------�-' ------- -----.arcd State o ----------------,iu�'i��3:3Ka------------------------------.._-----------------,Grant,ee------_, the ollowin°
<br /> f � f h��:l -- - - f f �
<br />�, described premises, situated in the County of___._._ _________-ti�l-i------_---_____.___--____-_-_________and State of,N'ebrq�Cka, to wit:
<br />' ._...,.._�,.�.�_...t��:mb��--�a��---(--�-�--:�-n--�1-o�i�--i�u:��i��x- -Fur.t;�_.FiVe..--(-4�-�----�z�.__Fcuas�l...�ths�l.ex_!.s_..A�i�ii.t_i_Qx�.--t-s�---�he_..C;��y_
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<br /> --- -------- --------------- - - - �- ----- - - -- -- ----- - --- � ---------
<br /> To�ether with alt the tenements, hereditaments, and a�purtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,If2terest,Dou�er,
<br /> Curtesz�,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Graretor___g___,and of either- of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> �D �A�1E AIY� t0 �OY� the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�'raretee________and to___.________�i_��___ ___ heirs
<br /> and assi�ns forever. .�4nd.__�.��________herebz�covenarLt________with the said Grantee________that_______�g______________________ hold..__________said premises by�ood and
<br /> perfect title;that_____________1'Y_8__ __ha_Y@__�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that the�are free and clear of all liens
<br /> and incumbranees whatsoever----------------------- ------- ---------------------------- -----------------------------------�-
<br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- -------------- ------- - - -- - ------ ----- --------- ------ -------------------------- ------------------ ----- -- ---
<br /> .,4nd_________________.__"4r�________.________ __. _______________ covenant_._____to warrant and defend the said pTemises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons `
<br /> whomsoever------ -- - _- -- -__._ . - -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------- ------ --- ----------------- --
<br /> ------------------------- - - -- --- --- ---- -- ---------- -- -- - - ----- -- - ---- -------- ----- - -- -- --------- ---------------------------------------------------- ---------
<br /> I< Dated the--------�-�a----- ------------- ---daJ �1--- ._.Janu�zry- --------------- -- -�. D.,19--�'�----•
<br />' W7T�v'ESS ------�;axama---�s.-S-t-ixu:haamb--- --- - ----------------------
<br /> ------------- --- ---- I,_._�_._�r_ini-n�e-�-------------------- ------ ------C����-�-s----��-�����o-r,�'�-------------------------------
<br /> ST.1TE OF NEBR.lSK�4,
<br /> ss. -
<br /> Count On this----------�rid----------------------da o --------Janua��--------------------------------.1. D. 19.�,'�_- .. , be ore me
<br /> ------------------�;a-��-------------------- ✓, � f ------------ , f ,
<br /> the urzdersi�ned, a.N'otary Publie______________,____._______________within and for said County,personally came__________________________________________________________________
<br /> --------��a__L�,._�tinchc_or�---an3__C�as1��---���._xl�.}��o�,ib---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br />�
<br />' - - --------- ------- ------------- ------------------- --- -- ---------------- ---- --------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
<br /> to me personally 7crzowri to be the identical persong___.___.whose name__S___�T_B_______________________a fJ'ixed to the above
<br /> F t ;EI�L� iristrument as�rantor___S__, and_________�71�y_______ severally acknowled�ed the same to be_.�he ir_______„o�untary
<br />! aet and deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> IJV'W7TJV'ESSYVHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name arcd af�'ixed my ofJ`Leial seal at_.________________.___.___
<br /> ______(����,_.I_g],�_rii_�.___I�te_hrR___ ______________on the date last above written.
<br /> --------- -----------L-._L,Br_�ni-n��--------------------
<br /> ✓l�'otary Public.
<br /> ,,
<br /> i .Mz� commission expires----------- --- ----------- ------ ---- --�����_h---1���--------------------191- ------•
<br /> _ �
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