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��� <br /> �� <br /> � D�C�D ���O�D �oo �d� <br />=_ _ � __ : � ._ _- _ _ __ __ <br />� . 56a iU---KLOPP_dc BARTLETT CO..Printinp.Lithopraphinp and Coun[y,Yuppliea;Omaha. - __ ,�_ ,_J____�_� <br /> , _ _ __ �__ ,. . _. <br /> FRO.M I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical !' <br /> ------ - - --- ----- -------------- ---------- - -�-- - -- - - -- ----- <br /> Index and filed for record this_______�Q_____._._______day of___D¢C@Tilber._________ ,� <br /> . .1. D., 19_12------, at.-- ___ __ -- -3_--o'clock----P-1--�• ;. <br /> -- I,.enare--L-.-Posds-r-�---s�-r�g-�e ----- Warranty <br /> Deed. � <br />� T� ----------------- -- - -- - ,, <br /> - ------- ----- - ------------- ------- --- <br /> Re�ister nee.ds, ' <br /> _Fa�r�.�_-I?�hlstsom__Adtninis_�_r_atx ix-•_-_-- <br /> �?�----- - - --- -- --- - ---- -- - -------------------- <br /> , _ Deputy. <br /> �.�.o� ��Y �ett �p ��je�e ��e�e�t�: <br /> ���,�-------Lenore--L.Roec�er--(--a---sirg-le--woman) ---------- - - <br /> --c��ad �Stf�t-e o -- --- ----------�$12r 38k3---- --- - -- --------- ------ -------(3rantor--- ------, in consideration <br /> __; <br /> of the Countz� of_-----H�tll_._----------- - � <br /> of the sum of_--------�'�rsllty---B1X--HLlridr_@d-- - -- ---------- ---------- --------------------------- --- - -- - - - -- -------- --------------- �---------------DOLL.gRS, <br /> in hand paid, do____ ___________lae�•eby GR�✓V'T, B.gRG✓IIJU', SELL, .<IND CONVEY'unto________F8,2triy.__D���trOiT�i____,�:�3.��8'�T_�,'�T��C______________ ` <br /> -------------------- -------- - - ----------- ------- - -------------------------- -------------- - ---- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- --- <br /> of the Count�J�}�--•------- -T�111 --- -- ----and State o�--------_N_@1�r8��k�--- ----- ----- -- ---- ---- - -- -- - -- ---------,Gran,tee,--------, the foZlowin� <br /> described premises, situated ijz the County of..____._____H�11__ ____________________________,_________.____and State of�Y'ebre��Ica, to wit: <br /> --�n�.s...number.---Thr_e_e..-.-�3.�----an�l._.Four---�4�----a,n---�x�etiQn�1...Block.--Number_..T.��21-)---of--Palmer.'.s .... ----.- <br /> _Subdi_vision._.of_._Lot___�TZamber___Seven___{7.)_.of__the._ Count�r_._Subdivision of Southeast quartsr of Southwest ' <br /> .�uax,ter--o-f---��c.���x�---Si��e-s-n---(�.e�----o.f---TQ�ns.hi.p...�ium�.er...�.�.�_v�.x�..._���.�_...of---N�r.tla,----.Q.f..R.ang�_--N�unl�ex__N�.ne---- ' <br />,' ---��.�----�Veat----af_...ths---6t _P...�i.._._in...Nebr.ask_ in �xand-...Z.s:]�d.-- ----- --...-�------------- ---�-----------------�---------------------------___.--------------------------- <br /> -�, �----- - -�-- <br />� -------------- ------ - ��------ ---------- ------- ---- ---------------- -------------------------�----.-------------- �--------------------�---------------....---�- ------- -�----------------- --------------�------- <br /> --------------------- ----------�-- <br />� ----- -- ------------- . ------------------ -----...--- --- --- ------------------�---------------------------�-----------------------........--- -------�---------..._----�--- __...------�-----.._... �--------�--�---�----------------------�-------------- <br /> ----------------- --------------------- ---- ---- - �-- --�---- ---- ...... --------- ----- � -- ------- -------��----�-------�-------------------...-----------�� �--�-------------...-------�-------- ----------------�----------� -- --- ----------- ----------� -- ---�--� <br />'', --....---�-- --- --------------- - - - --------------- - ----- - -- ---- __._ - ------- - - - - ----�----- -- � -- - - --- - - - --- -------�-----------�--------------------�---�---------------------------------------- <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dou�er•, <br /> CuTtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor___.___,and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. ; <br /> �0 ���IC AIY� t0 �OY� the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee______and to_______YIB_r._________ heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. .Flnd_______�________hereby covenant____.__with the said Grantee________that________.__1____________________ hold____________said premises by�ood and <br /> perfect title; that__._______I__________.________ha__Y�_�ood ri�ht and lawful authoritz� to sell and convez� the same; that they are free and clear of all liens <br /> andineumbranees whatsoever----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------�------------- ---------------------- <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------- ------- ----------- ----------- - ---- ---- - - - ----- --------------------------- ----------- - -------------- --------- - - <br /> �nd_______________I____________.___..:_________________._____ covenant.____.._to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of alZ persor�s <br /> whomsoever----------- - - ---------- - - - - - - - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------•------------ ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- <br /> Dated the-----TW_�Sl��---�e_V_gil�h__-_day of_--------D�C�2�t$er----------------.g. D.,19---1�'----• <br /> W'ITNESS -------L@IIS?_x8---1►��9@S�@x---- ------ ----------- ---- <br /> ------ ------------- ----------�I ams s--E--I?i�.�.------------------ - - - ---- -------------------------------------------------�------------------------ - - <br /> STJITE OF NEBR�SK�, <br /> ss. ' <br /> ----------------------------H2�.��----•-----County, on thzs---�'vren�y_---.Seven�rkia� �f-------Deeember_----------------=-------✓�. D., 19_1�_ ._ , before me, <br /> the urzdersi�ned,a✓Y'otary Public--_.-_-------_--_--_-__--_-------_-within and for said County,personally eame-_-_-_--__---_--_-_--_.----_---_---____.----_-___--____.-_- <br /> -----------L_eno�_s__L,13�_edex----�.--�.._single__wQ�a.a��-------•--•----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_$.._.____whose name____.____3_s_________________________afJ'ixed to the above <br />' (SEAI,} instrument as�raritor________, and,__.___��lA______________________��p�acknowled�ed the same to be___�@�.___________voluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN W'ITeN'ESSW'FIEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and afj"'ixed my of}ieial seal at__________.___________ <br /> ___.______rx_�,d.__I��,R2�S�___.Nebraska____on the date last above written. <br /> -----------------------------------------------------��'_._�'..Di 1�'----------------- <br /> JV'otar�Publie. <br /> .My eommzssion expires------_------_- ---Jl�ly-__-�.�2��--_ <br /> ---------19--��-----• ; <br /> - --------- - - ------ <br /> � Y <br />