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��� ' - <br /> �� D��D C�C��O�D �oo ��o <br />_ . � _ _� __ __ ,_ _ _. _ <br />_,__ t 5fia7U—KIOPP&BARTLETT CO.,Prinling,Lilhogr¢phing¢nd County Supplies;Ornaiia, _ � ^ _ _ ___ <br />_ � ; _ � . _� .____. � _ , _,_ � , <br /> FR�✓� I herebz� certifi� that this instrument was entered on JV'umerical <br /> Index and filed for record this____._____23___________day of__D8C_��1J8�_____.__ <br /> , .1. D., 19--12---, at- ------_ -__ 2_.�Q- - -------o'clock,- --P_...M. <br /> --------------Fx_sd_.�ei_er_--and �if a------__--- -- Wananty <br /> TO <br /> Deed. - <br /> - ------------- - - - - ---- <br /> -----�-------- �------ --- - <br /> Re iste o Dee.ds, <br /> --------- Jenn��__C��nb�r 1_ain- - -- --- - ---- - --- <br /> B�------ - --- ----- ------ - _ - - ---------------------- <br /> Deputy. <br /> �.�o� ��Y �e� �p ?��je�e �re�e�.t�: <br /> ���t----- �r�-,--Frsd__��aie_r_and--�athar-ina__�aier3 -- husl�and--and_�rif�----------- �------------------ -------- <br /> of the Countz� of_-------i�311._------------------a.rz-d State of----------Ide_�b�_SSk&----------------- ----------- ------------_Gra�tor---B-----, in consideration <br /> of the sum o�------F�Ur--�iundr8d- -az1d -Fif t�'--�.d-x1t1�1QQ-------- -------------------------------------- -------- ----------------- ----- -----------.DOLL.IRS, <br /> in har�d paid, do___.____._____.____hereby GR.1NT, B�RGd4IN, SEI,L, .�Nn co�r�E�unto._.___J__ennie__Chamberlain____________________________ __.______________ <br /> -------------------------------- ---------------- -- ------ ---------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------�-------------------------------...-------------------------------------------- ------- <br /> of the Count�J�f-------�ia.11 - - - - - -- -----and State of_---- N@b���k�. _ - ----- ----------- � ----- - - - --- -----------,, th.e followin� <br /> described premises, situated irz the County o�________ ____________. __Aall_________.___.____._________.__.___an-d State of Nebre�ka, to wit: <br /> ._...�9t...H�azrab�.x_._Se�ren...���--in---Bl��k_.�Iwnbe_r__�igh�----C$�,-----of.._.�alli�hs'.---Acl�li�ian_.t_�._.the...�i.�-y.---o-f---��i......_ <br /> -�---I�lan�l�--- �Tebrask�,. -- as.--�he- -e-ame---i�---sh_Q�tn --Qn...t_�tQ--x��oxded---p.�,.��...o.�...s.a�.�.._�d��t.�.o�-•--------------------------- ------�---�------- <br /> ------ ----- ------------------ --- - -- _- ----- --�- --- - ------ -------�-�------------------�------------------ ---------�--- ----------- -- .._..------..._..------------------�--------------------------------------------------------._._ <br /> -----�------ ---------- . -----------... - --------- - --- - ------� -----------� ---� ----- -- ------------------------------------- -----------------..........__...-�--------...-----------------------------------------------------�----------... <br /> ------- -------- - --- ---------- - ------ --- --- ---- = ------------ ----------------�----------------------------------------- --- ----------------- -._....----------------� �--------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ----------- -------------------------- -- -- � �- - ------ -- - -------- - --- - -- ---- ....- ---------------------------------�--.... ----- --------------------- -------------.._...-�---------------- ----�------------------------�-----�------- <br /> ___�--- ----_._....- ------- -- ---- -- - - --� ----- - ------- _. -�--- -- -- - - --- --.. .. . ..._._ . .. . . _ _ <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, ar�d ccppurtenaraces thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Doz��er, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demared whatsoever of the said Grantor_B____,arcd of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �0 �d�iC �lY� t0 �OY�' the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee.______and to______her_______ .__ azeirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. ✓lnd________�!�_____h,ereby covenant.__.___with the said Grantee_______that_________.,.We__________________ hold____._______said premises by�ood and <br /> perfect title; that_.____.____��________.___ha9e___�ood ri�ht and lawful authoritz� to sel,l arzd convey the same; that they are free and elear of all liens <br /> and incumbrarcces whatsoever----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- <br /> �nd______ �ICQ______________________.___._._-_____________. covenant______._to warraret and defend the said premises a�airast the lawful claims of all person,s <br /> whomsoever---------- -- -------- - - - ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------- -- ---- ------- ------------ <br />� Dated the--------------------�r-� -------------------da�J of- ---------- I�_S�8�I�8�--- - -- --.Fl. D.,19�.2------• <br />'� YVIT.NESS ----Fr 8d__�61 @�----------------------------------------------------- <br />�' -----Cathar_ina__Me_ier------------------------------------------ <br />� ---------------------- T_.�'_R;�o�hm------------------------- - <br /> ------------------------------ -------- -------- -- -------- <br /> ---------- - <br /> ST.1TE OF NEBR.ISK�, <br /> �ss. � <br /> --------����---------------County, Ora this-------3--------------------------da�J �f--...---���Sb1U_BS----------------------------.1. D., 19--1�- - , before me, <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Public____________________________,_..__-withdn and for said County, personally came_________________._____________. . <br /> ------------F red__�d e i er_and__��th�r i na_�d e i$r3 ---husband__and--wi f e----------------------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identieal person_�..._____whose nameJ�___�@_________.______________afj"'ixed to the above <br /> �SE�+� instrument as�rantor_8____, and_______._�he_Y_________..___severallz�acknowled�ed the same to be_.t2?8ir____.voluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IeN'W7T.N'ESS GT�'HEREOF,I haveheTeunto subscribed my name and af�'ixed my ofJ`Zcial seal at________________________ <br /> ___.____�T3i1d:_I$lAI1C1�_________________ ______________an the date Zast above written. <br /> Theo P.Boehm <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ✓V'otarz� Public. <br /> .Mz� commission expires--------------- -------------- ------ --- - -�r1T��'L--�-6-------- --------19--�-----• - <br />�— - <br />