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� � � <br /> �,�. D�C�D �C�C�OC�D �oo ��o <br />_ _ _ . _ _ _ � _�_ _ __ _- ___ <br /> � �56e70--KLOPI�dc BARTLE7'1"CO.,Printing,Lzthograph.inp and County Su7�plies;Omaha. . �� . � � , _ , _ <br /> ._.. .__ . ._ ._.. ...� .. ---' ..:-�, . .._:=- .___� -..— .:,...- ..�.p ..._ .��� �. <br /> FROJVl I hereby certify that this instrur»ent, was entered on ✓V'umerieal <br /> Index and feled for reeord this_.___�.$___________._day of__D9�_61ril�IIT___._______ <br /> .1. D., 19--��----, at---- - -_ _ --- --- _ ..- ��------o'eloek--P�----.M. <br /> ------------Albert--Hsyde_-�--z3rife----------------- - warranty �/� �j� <br /> TO Deed. U' ' ( // <br /> --- ------------- ------ - -------�J�`�----------- <br /> --------- -- - <br /> Re�sister o Deeds, <br /> --------- -----------John---Cr_ossley- -- -------------------- <br /> B�----------- -------- - ------ -- - ---------------------- --------- <br /> Deputy. <br /> ��.o� ��Y �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�.t�: <br /> ����---------.Albert---q._D,Heyde__�r�d__Eu�ilie---Heyde,----huaband__and_wif s-------------- <br /> of the Count� of------------HAIl,------------._urad b"ta,t� of-------------NebT 38kE�-----------------------------------------------------Grantor--$-----, in consideration, : <br />, of the sum of--------- Five-Huncired_.Fifty- -&--00�104---------------------------- ------------ ------------ --- - -- ------------------ ------------------DOLL�RS, <br /> in hand paid, do---------------herebz� GRd1NT, B.qRG�IN, SELL, .�.�D coNVE�unto.-----John__Cr o�s�,.eX--------------------------------------- ----------------- <br /> H311 -----arcd State o --------�VT6'Or38TSA----------- - --------------,(�, the followin� <br /> of the County of_-�-------- -- - -- -- --- - <br /> --- � ------ ------ -------- - <br />'�, described premises, situated in the County of.____________.__H�1],__ .__________.____.__________________and State of Nebr�+�ka, to wit: ' <br /> ..Lot._.T'�o....(2�----in---Blo-�.k-_Two-,-�2�-,-o-�---Arno�.d--&---Abbo.t t.!_e...�:ddit.i.on--�o---t��...�9�t�..o�_._�r_2�:d---I.�.�.�x��l,--.--�t�l���tska <br /> --a_s....�,_- �latt�rl--an.d--r_e_c_�•------ - ----�-- ......- ------------------------�-----............-�---��--�--...- � - - ---------�----�..-------�------------�-------�--- ---------...------ � <br />� -------- <br /> --�------------- ---------- - -- - ----- -- - -- �--------- ----------------------------------=--....---- ._.....-------------------- -- ----- ---- -- --- -------------�- --------...--------------------------------------------- <br /> . <br /> ----------- - - -- ...--------- ---------� --- - -------- -...--�---- ------------�------------------ -----�-------�-------...--� ------ ------------ ---------------..._--------------------- �--------�-_ <br /> -- ------------ ----- -- ----- - - - ----- - ---- - --- -- - - .- - - - . . _.--- ---------------------------- - ---- - -------- <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belorz�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dowerr, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_8.___,��,c�•e�-�edt,Tv�er�ef-�ae�wa, of, in, or to the same, or ar�y part thereof. <br /> �0 �A�IQ AIY� t0 �OYb the above-descTibed premises,with the appurtenances,unto the said�rantee__.__,_and to._____.__h�a_.___ ___ heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. .Flnd_____4Y@_______hereb�covenant_______with the said Grantee______that.______??ffQ_______.____________ hold___________said premises by�ood and : <br /> perfect title; that_______________'4_B__..________ha__Va�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell ar�d convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens <br /> and incumbranees whatsoever----------------------------- -------------------------------------------- <br />'� -- ------ - - - - - --- --- --- -- - - --- -- --------------- --------------------- ----- ------- ---------------- ----------------------- <br /> ----------------------- ----------------------------- ` <br /> .Flnd_____________._____WS___________ __.__--_-__-____-----_ covenant________to waTrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons <br /> whomsoever-------------- -- - ---- - - -- --- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------ �' <br />, Dated the--------'�Q_��1---------------------------_da�J �f-- - --Sfl�p�@Tri��T---------------- ---.R. D.,19---1�---• <br />' �'zT.NESS � -------�i�.b�r�---�sD-•-HeY-��------ ------ ---- --- <br /> -------Em��.�.-�---�_ey_de---------------------------- --- ------- �. <br /> --------------- -- --------L.._�.-A11z�n.------------� ------------- -- - - -- ---- <br /> ST.1TE OF ,N'EBR�?SK�, <br /> �ss. <br /> ------------�Is'��.�-----------------Courzty, Or� this---------1.S�h---------------da� �f-------•-----�QCB�I��x---------------------✓1. D., 19----1�. , before me, <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notarr�Public____________________________._______within and for said County, personally came_________________________._____.____.__________________.____.__.. ;' <br /> _._A�.kzext __V.�?_.He�ds--and_--Fmilis--He�r�a,- --husb.ancL--and--�rif-s---------------------------------------------------- <br /> to me personally knowrc to be the identieal persor�____8______whose name___B__A�8______________________af)cxed to the above <br /> ��E�� instrument as�rantor.�..___, and________.___theX____.__________severally aeknowled�ed the same to be.__��1Q��___.__voluntarz� <br /> act ar�d deed for the puTpose therein expressed. <br /> INW'ITNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and a�'ixed my of�Leial seal at_______.____________.____ <br /> • county <br /> r3r3riC1__I_$_�2t�iCly.____�T@l�r_:___��_._Bs'���1h_____________orz the date last above written. <br /> -------------------------L-*-�-*-�l l�n----------------------------- <br /> .Notarz�Public. <br /> .My commi.ssion expires----- -------- ----- ------ ---- ---S ept--�4t-----------19_1�------• <br />