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f� �� � <br /> � DC�C�D ��C�OC�D �loo �0� <br />` SG�7U—IfLOPP&BARTLETT C0..Printing,Lithographing and CounEy 8upplies:Omaha. _.._ —:� a _. - _ � <br />— . _ ._ . _�_ _ , .�_ '^� _. <br /> FRO✓K I hereby certify that this instrument was entered ora .Num,eri,ca.l <br /> Index and filed for record this------_l�_-_--------_-dar�of..DQC.¢�:i�SQ�--------- <br /> -------- - V!.-r-�-.t_��db�ll---4��5.�_��1_g- - --- ✓�. D.� 19--�2-----, llt--- - .__ ___�+�� -- ---°--OrCZOC�(%---P-�--'l�• ` <br /> ----- �AII'clritq oy— _. <br /> � TO Deed. � � �� <br /> -------- -----.�_ - - -- - - ------- -------- --------------- --- <br /> Re�ist r of Dee,ds, <br /> ---------- ----------Cha.r le s---Bryan-- ------------- -------------- <br /> B�-------- ---- --- - --- ---- -------- ------------------------- <br /> - --- Deputy. <br /> ��oi� �Y� �e� �p ��je�e �re�e�t�: <br />, ���t-----------C.a.E._Tidball--anci__�r ac�--Tidb_a1-1----�--hu�_band---�n�l--�i-f-e----)----------- <br /> of the County of--------�B�.L�------.-----------crn,cl �S'tate of------�i_91O rdS�Q-------_--------------- --- -----------------------Grantor.--B---, in consideratiofi <br />;, of the sum of_-------T7�!SIlt_y -TVil-4--H1121dp-�-d S21d--Eif_t-Y'-- ---------------------------- - -----.----- --- --- -------------------------------------- ----------.DOLL�RS, <br /> in hand paid, do_._________.___hereby GR✓1NT,:BJ1RG.f1IN, SELL, ��D co�v'v'E�unto_______Charles___�ry_an_.________._______________________________ _____ <br /> f J f -------and State of-------------- -------------------,Grantee_------, the fol.lowin� <br /> o the Count o -------- H811_. - -- - --- ATBbT&�kel --- ------------- ----- - <br /> described premises, situated in the Courcty of_______.._____Ha�l_ _________________________.______.__________.and State of Nebrt�ka, to urit: <br /> -L-°--t--..�?�mb�x._.FQUr_.,.-(.4�._---in.__fra.c_ti_anal...,�lo�k--Numk��r...E�.gl��----��_)--..i.a;�.._�,am,�.�x_.t'_s....�.di�.i-o-n---�-o--rx�nd--�sland, <br /> _Nebras_ka,_ __as.__surveyed�____piat_t_ed___ard,.recorded�_,_ sub�_ect__.howPver t,o _the_ unpaid__portion..of..s__certain <br /> .mor.t_ga��,----in--�h�---sum--of.--T�re_lus___Hundr.e.d__Dn Ilax.e...m�de---in---f�.vor---of.._t.3a�---��ui_t_�b�..�...�ua.�s��x�g. ._.�_..���.n__.. <br />' __Assoc,iatior�___of_,_Grand __�_sland,___Ne�rask_�.__4,�hich___�ranteE_._as_�umes.__ar:.d._a_grees__to_._pay., as.__�part___of___the_ <br /> --�_Qx�si�ex��ion•------------ --- - --- ----�-----�- --._..._ --- -- -- --------�- ------------- --------------------------------------�-�--�-�-------- <br /> -----�------------------- -�---...---�----------------------------------------... <br /> ---�-- -- -------- ------------�-- --- - .... - ----- - - - ------ ----- --- --- -- --- ------- ----------------------------------------..----�-----------------�----------�-�--�----�----...---------------�-�-��-----........---�--------------�---------------�--- <br /> -------------- ---- ----------- - - -- - ---- ---- ---- -- -� --. . _ _... .. . _-- - --- -------------------.._._ <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dower, <br /> Curtesz�,Claim and Demand whatsoe»er of the said Grantor_8.___,and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> _ �CD �dbE Att� t0 �OYb the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�raretee________and to_��__hi8___._.__ heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. �FLnd._._�8___..___herebz�covenant____.__with the said Gra3ztee_._____that_________.__➢f(8__________________ hold.___________said premises bz��SOOd ared <br /> perfect title; that___.______W@____________ha_Y�_�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and eonvez� the same; that they are free and elear of all liens <br /> and incumbranees whatsoever-----------�XCH}��---aB--abQ_V_�---£'it_atBdr----AZld---8_Li�?�eG�----t-S?--�_BXfl�-•------------------------------------------- -------------------------- <br /> ------------------------------------------------------- - - --------------- ---------- - ------ ------ ---- - - - -- --- -- -- - -------- -�------------------------------------------------------ ---------------- <br /> .11nd__:__�_:-________...___W8_________.____-_____________ _____.-_ covenarct________to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all person.s <br /> whomsoever------------- - -- - - - - --- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> Dated the------�'��11�.y--��_V_�Sl�}�-- --da�J �f- --NOVQTt1bGr- - - -- - - -�. D.,191�-------• <br /> W'ITNESS . ----�_._�'_�_T_�S�.r8�.1�---------------------------- ---------- ------ <br /> ----�rae e---TidbaZ 1-------------------------- <br /> ------Loue lla__�'_,.�����t--------- ------�------------ <br /> sT.�TE oF CoLORADC:, <br /> ss. <br /> ----------------------�P61d----------------Courcty, On this----�--------9th---------------da� �f----------D6Celilb�r---- ------------------,-.1. D., 19.12___ , before m,e, <br />' the undersi�ned, a Notary Publie_________________________..__________with,in and for said County,personally came__._________________.____________________ ' <br /> -----------�-.F._T�dball_and--�r��e---T�dba�-lr---his---wif e----------------------------------------------------- ' <br /> --- ----- - ------------------ -------------------------------------------------------- ---�---- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_8._._____whose name8___�_@_________________________ufj'axed to the above <br /> t�EA1,} instrument as�rarctor__S___, and_______th@�__._______ seveTally acknowled�ed the same to be___�_r1����______.voluntar� <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. , <br /> INT��7TJV'ESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my rcame and af�'txed my of)icial seal at..____._____..________ ` <br /> ._________�reeley_..__C410_._________ ______________orc the date last above written. <br /> Charles J.Beer <br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> ,My commission expires------- - ---' ----�------------ -- -------`7-�-"---15�h---------19_��-----• ' <br />