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<br /> � ���D ���O�D . �O❑ �lln
<br />_ . , :;6��0-KLOPP��ARTLETT CO.,Printing.LithopraphingandCount7�5upplies:OmaYia. - _ _ _ = - ' ,_.______ ��_ �._ ___ —
<br /> _._ , ,,: _, _ -- , _ _: _- -�._._ �---� ---
<br /> - __ . . _ . ..: _�. ,
<br /> FRO.M I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical
<br /> Index and fcled for record this________.______lI.___._.dat�of____._D8C 8TT1bQr______
<br /> .5t. D., 19-�2-----, at-- -- - - - __ ---�-�-------o'clock,---P�__,M.
<br /> --- --------xaip�i__B_��hitea &- ��-fe- - - -- --- wa��� ���� ��
<br /> TO Deed.
<br /> ----------------------- ---- ------- - - -------
<br /> --- ---------------------------
<br />' Re ster of Deeds,
<br /> -------- --- ----J-._J.Shamb-at,igh--- --- ----------------------
<br /> B�--------------------- -- -- -- - --------- -- - -------------------------
<br /> -- ----- Deputy.
<br /> — -----_---- ---------- —
<br /> .
<br /> �.�.o�a �Y� e�. � � e�e re�e�ct� .
<br /> � p � �
<br /> �e Ral h B '
<br /> ------------------�------------------------ - - -- -
<br />� ���t------- � ---- --I?- -�`�Phi�ec� .and �1_�ie__�'h�ted�- -huso�nd__an�l--�±���- - --�----------
<br /> --- -un.cl AS't,crte o -- - ---- - ---------�T@`�2T8$�� ------- - ----------------- -- --------Grantor-�-----, in consideTatiora
<br />' of the County of----- ���.1 --- f
<br /> of �he sum of_______Slx_Hund�Sd__f iVe___a11d_..r1g�_.1Q0_____.________.______. ___.DOLL.-4RS,
<br /> • � J.J Shambau h
<br /> an hand paid, do--------------h,ereby GR✓1NT, B�RGd4I✓�, SEI,L, .g✓l�'D CONVEY'unto-----------------'-- ------------$------------------.-----------------------------------
<br /> --------------------------------- --- ------- -- --- ---------------------------------------------------- --- - ---- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------
<br /> of the Count�J a�---------� H31.1 - - - - ____.and State of------- -NAbr�8k41- -- ---------- ---- --------- ---- --- -------,Grant.ee--------, the followin�
<br /> described premises, situated irz the County of_.__. _._____.____Hal�..__________._.____.____________._.._.__and State of JV'ebrA�ka, to urit:
<br /> --._La:�...Number.--.T��....(3,5�.}..__�.x�__Bl.ov-k--Nunb.��-- �.i$��---(.$)---.of.---R.��..7,.i..Ch!s---�A�is��.�.�.9x�---�0---���---�i�y- -of---.��r_a��i__...-- --- .
<br /> --��Isl�?�i,- -Nebr�.sk�_..._�s._.+�u�vey-ed,-�--pl.�tt8c1._._a�.d....x.�_cor.�e.r�...----�-- ---��--�-�................ - - � -- ----------�------------------------------...--��-----...----- --�--
<br />'� ------ ----- -- - --- --- - -- -- --- - -------- ------- - - ----------...---�--�--�--------�.......... ........ ...�--- -- -- - -------�-- ----...------------��---------------------------------------------------�----------- -------
<br />�� -----------.....- --�--- - --------- - -- ----------- -- - --- -- -----------...----------�----------------------- ------------------------------�- -- ---------- -- -------------.....-------- - ------�-----------------�--------------------
<br /> --------------- ------- ---_.. - -- - - ----� ----- --- - - _..- -- - �- -- - - - .. _--- -------------- �----------------------�----------------------------- -
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Ircterest,Doz��er,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor___�__,ar�d of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or anz�part thereof.
<br /> �0 �A�IE �IT� t0 �0�� the above-described premises,with the appurtenarzces,unto the said�rantee._.____and to______h�$____...____ heirs
<br /> and assi�ns foreveT. �Irad______47t@______hereby covenarct._____urith the said Grantee________that_____________._._____➢�@______ hold__________..said premises by�ood and
<br /> perfect title; that_.____.We_______ __ha_Y6_�ood ri�ht and lawful authorit;y to sell and convey the same; that they are free ar�d clear of all lieres s
<br /> and ineumbranees whatsoever--------------__-_--__-_--_------------__---------------
<br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- --- --------------- -- � --- ----- -- -- ----- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------ ---------
<br /> - - ----- - - ------ -- - -- -- - -------------------------- --------- ------ -- - -------- ---------------- ------------------ --------- ---------------------------------------- ---------
<br /> .Ind___.____________.______lY8____...______.______ _______________ . covenarct._____._to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawfuZ claim,s of all persons
<br /> whomsoever---------- - ------ - - - --- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- -------------------------------------
<br /> ------------------------ - - ---- -- --- ----- --- - ---- ---- - -------- ----------------- ------------------------------ -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Dated the--------------�-Q_��-------------------.day of-- -----D8C$iAbeT------------ ----�1. D.,19--Z-��------•
<br /> W7TJV'ESS ------Ral�?h---Fi.�Phited---------------------- ------
<br /> --------------- ----T-�P.:B98�m---------------------------------- - ------ ---- E-�.�;I�B--���-�-�d------------------- --------------------
<br /> ST.S(TE OF NEBR✓1SK.f1,
<br /> �ss.
<br /> ---------------------Hall-----------------County, Ori this-------------lOth----------------da� of------------DeCember---- 2
<br /> -------------------✓1. D., 19�------ - , before me,
<br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Publie._________.______________._._______within and for said County, personally came______._ _ _________.________
<br /> _____Ralnh _B,�Phited_and__Elsie__.�hits� husband and avife
<br /> to me personally known to be the identieal peTSOn.__F�.____whose name__�__��5�__________________.____afj'ixed to the above
<br /> t��Aj,� instrument as�rantor__..5�_, and_.._._._.#�16-�__._____________severally acknowled�sed the sarrie to be_____t.'rj,g�,r____voluntary
<br /> act aizd deed for the purpose therein ex�ressed.
<br /> INW'ITNESSW'HEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and af�'ixed my of�`Leial seal at_._____________________
<br /> _________�rSlld_S�lElT1S�:____NQ��?��.@��_______orz the date Zast above written.
<br /> -----�---------------Tha Q---P.�_o ehm.---------------------------
<br /> �'otary Public.
<br /> .My eommission expires-----------------------------------------iuS3rB11--2-r�-----------------------1913------•
<br />