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� � � <br /> ��._ D�C�D C�C��O�D �Joo ��o <br />—. : B6�iU-KL01'P&BARTLETT CO..Printine,Lith phinp and CounlY suyylies:Ontaha. � _ _ _.4: - _ _ ._s_— �_____- __ __- ._..._ .-. - -_��__._ ..� <br />,. . _, _ . _ _ __ --_- _- . ,r-�_ � � v �__ _ <br /> ,il <br /> FR�� , I herebz� certif j that this instrument was erztered orz Num,erical <br /> ► <br /> ------ - -------- ----------------------_ __ --- - - -- ----- <br /> Index and fcled for record this______._____4___________day of__I��_�u7�'t��z'_________ <br /> .1. D., 191�;---- , at -- --- - __--- -Q-------o'cloek----- A.-✓YI. <br /> ------- ----__i:annah_ Bo��rruu.n--------- -------- Warranty ' <br /> �, TO Deed. • <br /> - - --------- ---- -���_ _ <br /> �------ -------------------- - --- <br /> Re ister of Deeds, <br /> --------- -- -----P�t ric�__Ilc�y_�-- - - - ------- - ----- <br /> ��---------- ------ - --- - -- ------------- --- --- <br />' De ut ' <br /> ----------- - ------ -- ----�--- - -- -- -- - <br /> -- - ----- p �• <br />� ------- -- -- -__-------------------- - --- <br /> — -- - ------ ------ <br /> �oi� ��� �er� �p ��je�e ��e�e�.t�: <br /> ����------ - I�-- =��rr�h�.--F- _ la�.�n,.__a ��=��0--'?�-- -- - - --- ------- --- --------------- --------------------- ------- ----=----- -------------------�---------- <br /> �T - - - --crnd Stat.e o �'�'.�:�_�..� ' ' ' <br /> of the CountJ of------ ,���.7� -- --- f-- --- -- � '�-�-- - ------------------ ----------- -------------------Grantor-- - ----, an coresaderatzorc <br /> L r �"T ''"'� ' ------ ------ --- -- - <br /> ______.DOLL.�IRS, <br /> I' of the sum of--------- Ear L=�--.,1X--.aunc;�._.��_-2�.riLi--n��1C� ------ ------------ --- - ---- -- <br /> in hand paid, do__,--------------her•eby GR�dY'T, B✓1RG�IN, SEI,L, .qJV'D C,ONVEY'unto------..--------P_atri_ck_.�IoYe----------------------------------- ---------------- ` <br /> ------------------- ------- - --- --------------- -------------- -- -------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------_�_---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - <br /> of the Count�J o}-- --------i�2.�1� - - - --- -----and State of----- - -- - -- -:��'�T�S�:�--------.--- - ---- - ---------------,Grantee--------, the foZlowin� <br /> described premises, situated in the G'ounty of___._________________?���7..__________________________._.___.____and State of NebrlBka, to wit: <br /> ._._......._ahe-----..or. h._�:_�xu. ...;�u�.�-t-�r----�1'k-•- -.;� '' ,_ �.a...__...--- � <br /> m ,T t „��r� n .,-� �T � � _ °-� - -�-?�e- -�outh...e�_�t----�=u�r�er-----(�:,.�. - of <br /> _ n a- c , �- _�c�ion.--�'hi.rty.-one -(31� - <br />'� �------i.n._To��rn�hi�-.Ei.�u_a_rl---{-11�--��s�r_th-- o.f...���.n:g.e._.E.le.ven---��7-)-- ��P.s�....c�f. -thP..._�:�.�.h..?�r�.nci�?��...r.1_e.x_i.�i.�,n,----�------ <br />'i - ...... -- --- -- - ----------- ----- - --- ----------- -_....------------....---------- -- -- �--�----� --� � --- --- .._._,......._......_....- ---------�-�----------------�------------- ------------ ------------------------------------------ <br /> --------------------- -- ---- - --- - - ---- - - - --- ---...----�- --------�--------�-�--------------------------------..._......------ ----�-------........------�-�- ------�------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ <br /> --- -------- -- ---- ------ -- -- ----- ----- ---- - -- ----- --- -- _.---- ----.._._.. ---------------------------------------------------------------�-�--�-- -----------�- ------- ----------------------- ------------- -------------...------- , <br /> ----------....-- --------- ....... -- --------- ----- -------�--- - -----------------------------------------------�-----------------------�-��------ - ------------��------�------�--------...._..-�---._.......----------------------------... ------------�--------- <br /> -------------- ................. -- - -- -- - ----- -- - - - - - - - -- - - ------��------------------------------------ -------------------------------------�------ <br /> To�ether with all the teraements, hereditamen,ts, and appurtenances the�•eunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dou�ei•, , , <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor._______,�-a��ae��-��ee�, of,ir�, or to the same, or arey part thereof. <br /> �D �A�1E AIt� t0 �OY� the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, urcto the said�rantee____.__.and to___.�L1_S______________ heirs <br /> ` and assi�ns foreveT. .flnd_____I___________herebz�covenarct__.__.with the said Grantee______.that.________________�____._____..._ hold______.____said premises by�ood and <br /> perfect title; that.______�_______________.____.ha__v_��ood ri�ht and lawful authorit� to sell and convey the same; that they are free and elear of all liens ' <br /> and incumbranees whatsoever---------------------------- -----------------------�------------------------------ <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------- ----- <br /> ------------------------------------------------------- -- ------------------ --- ---------- - ----- ----- - -- - -- -- ----- - - -- - --- -------------------------------- ---- --- ----------- --- - -- --- <br /> .,4nd.__________._�__________._______._______________ ___________ warrant and defend the said premises cc�airest the lawful elaim,s of all persons <br /> whomsoever------------ - -------- - - ----- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ------------------------- ---------- - - ---- -- - ---------- - -- ----- - ---- -------- ----------- --------------- -------------------- - -- ------------------------------------------- ------------- - : <br /> Dated the---------�`'�c ona----------------------daJ �f -- --L!e c en.'�Br--- ----- -- -�1. D.,19---12--• <br /> i�'ITNESS __..__.rian_r_._ah---Ro;.�r?an-_-_----_--- <br /> ------------- - -------�"�-'-I?-._��.''_;�'_�;.��16--------------------------- ------------------------------------ --------------- ------- ----------- <br /> ST.1TE OF NEBR.ISK'.,4, <br /> T �ss. ; <br /> -----------------------F��1�---------------Courct , Ora this-------�Tld-----------------------da o I�eCe��,er---------------------------✓1. D., 19--1�?-- , be ore me, ` <br /> � - - �J f---------------------- ------- f <br /> . <br /> the urzdersi�ned, a,N'otary Public______________________________.____withirz arzd for said County, personally came________________________________________.__________ __ <br /> --------- ���-�?''__Tl�'i--hO�tls'��1- ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------- ---- ------------------- ----------------- --------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_______.___whose name________.__________��__________._.afjaxed to the above <br /> (�'F�L� instrument as �rantor__.._,__, and_______________��@_____________severallz�acknowled�ed the same to be__he_x____________voluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein ea°pressed. <br /> IJV'W'IT.NESSWHEREOF,I havehereunto subscribed my name and af�ed my ofj'acial seal at_______________________ <br /> ;70od_�1_��_�t____r�'9�x_._.__�_�1__Sai�i___COLt���_y'_orz the date last above written. <br /> --------------------------�'7...�_,���?ra�ue------------------------------------ ;, <br /> ✓Y'otary Public. <br /> ,. _ ' <br /> . . . ; <br /> .My eommassaon expares----- ---- - --- --s:iux�---j' ------ ----------- <br /> ---------19--Z�----• <br />► �� <br />