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� ��, <br /> � � D D ° 0 ° D o _ <br /> D��D a��O�D �loo �0� <br />_ ; _ 56"aiU—KLOPP&BARTLETT CO..PrinEin9.Lilhographing¢ttd County Supplies;Onaaha. �. . -� � � ~ - _. .___ �....s <br /> . .. , _ _. _ ...,..- -,_— _=-___ _._�.-_. .__. _.. _-; _ _ <br /> _ . :-g� <br /> FRD�l I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical <br /> Index and fcled for record this___________��____.______day of____S19V�It?'�u1__.___ <br /> . . .1. D., 19--��---, at- _ _ 11._�0 - -------.o'elock,-----A_._.M. <br /> _, , <br /> ----- - =3'a'"i�-'-- "-.-=�i1��-n �.__.�a��� --. --- Warranty <br /> Tp Deed. � <br /> ------- ---- - ----- ---- - - <br /> ----------- ---- ------- - <br /> T �' ��1.11 R: a.(�. °y Plf'fS . Ex r'Fu R isterofDe.e,ds, <br /> --' .L. _r3u_.a�on------ -- ----- <br /> -------- - ------- - ----------- -- ----- --- - - ��.�T.P�u 1 R;at r. <br />' ��- ----__ _- - - ------ --- -- --- --------------- ----- <br /> I, ------------------ --- -- -- --------------------- --- - -- --- -- - - -- Deputy. <br /> ------------ <br /> -- ------- <br /> --- ---_--- - — <br /> Othr,lan A.Ab'pott, Jr., <br /> �.r�o� ��Y �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�t�: �x "�" <br /> _ nffici�l Court �e�^o'rter <br /> �=ranci Island i�Te��r�sKa . <br /> ����----- --���ulic_a__�_.�tilson and- Era--H.=a7-i-lsQn------- ---------------------- ------------ _------------------------------ -----.. <br /> ---�--nuN'��.rcl--un�.__;rif e---)-----_f4z't�°_r_-�-�----- ---------------------------------- -- - . <br /> of the County of_-------?"��1.�.---------------cr,r�,d State of_----a.�-� ---------------Grantor�--------, inconsideratiorz <br /> _ ,.. <br /> x�� �----- -------------- ------- ------------ --- <br /> of the sum o�---------- -_Uns- D_Q_�l�.s- -�nd--Qthe-r--v�lu�b1-�--�.�on�:i��.ur_��_i�ox�-- ----------- -- - -- ------------------- ------ - -------�,�� <br /> an hand paid, do. hereby GR.1NT, B�RG✓1IJV', SELL, ��'D CONVEY'unto____�_._�_._l�;1.11____dI1Cl___,�A_�/_�_fk12.S�Qri_________________ __.__.__________ <br /> of the Count�J��-------- !��1� - -_ - -- - ---artd b'tate of_-----i1��t?_'t_'�_S$a- - - -- ------------- ---- ----- - - ---- --- ----,Gran,tee--------, the followin� <br /> described premises, situated in the Courcty o/"'____._ _____________.�ictll___________________________.___._______and State of.N'ebrsaka, to wit: <br /> ...._their..unaivide�_.C;.ne__h�lf___�nte�est__of_.Lot_.'tur.:���r__.FUUr.___��_)____of„_;�ilson!s._..�u'r�-�.�j:ivi_sion.__Q.f_._a__�art____ <br /> II -----4� .t��.:�i�3.017...�;ui::�:�.e.r--11�_r-e-�----��a--in--T_o;hlriSill;�...�d.Ll1i1�:.?��._..T.J..�Y.@.Tl---.�.1�.�-r ..isS�.l.�-�.1�---..0.'i.. _�'_ �'�_._.T'•j. r"k:.°x...�r1Ylg---4�l------ <br /> . <br />'r ----�.e.�t...o_f._V_na-- �a.�tk�-- �..:.��..----�s----�-��'vK��-� ----'?lat.���:---�rcx_...xr.�or.�z?_r� �z�.�o...��.1.--�'un-- -t-�.t.�-�- ----��'��---int_�xest,- -- <br /> � '°�----- s r <br /> I ----1-n- -�.nd.--�o._��Q�t--Thru== �f ��i�._.=T�i1.sQn'-�..._"ul�_��;.vi�_i..�.�.-------------- ---- -- ---------------------�------------------------------��-- <br /> ------------------------------------------ <br />' ----- ------------ -- ------ --------- -----�--- - - --- ----- -- ----------------- - -� - -- ---�- ---------- --------------------------------------�-�--...---- -- ----------------- ------------------------------------------�---------�--� <br />'', - ------ ----------- --- --- ---� ------...._ -- -- -- ------------��-------------- -----------------------------------��- - - -- -----------._........-----------�------ -------- -------.._..------------- --- -_..---------------- ,. <br /> ---- ---- - <br />� -------------- -- ------------�-�--� ------ --- �--__---- - - - - --- - ---_.__.._ -- --- - --- - ---- �--------------------------..-----..........-- ------ -------�--------------�----------...-----�- ------ ------------------------ ---.....----..... <br />, ------------------------------- --------- ---------- -- --- -- ----.. _ . _ .---------------- - - ------------------------------------------- <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Douler, <br /> Curtesr�,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__g___,and of either of them, of,in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �D �A�1C �IT� t0 �OY� the ccbove-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee__�___ar�d to_____�-1?@_1S__---._ heirs <br /> and assi�res forever. .Flnd._____;1�.______hereby covenarct______with the said Grantee_S____that_____________,Y�____.________.__ hold.___________said premises by�ood and <br /> perfect title; that____._____.__��!@__________haY_@__�ood risht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens <br /> and incumbTances whatsoever--------------- --- ---------------------------------------------•-------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ----------------------------------- --------------------------- <br /> . <br /> -- - -- --- -- -- --- -_ - - - --------- ------------ - -- <br /> --------------------- -------------------------------------------------- <br />' �nd__.____._____...______=�Y�______________ ____________________ covenarct__.__.__to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all persons <br /> whomsoever----------- - ------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- <br /> --------------------------------------- ---- ------------------------------ <br /> Dated the------------�t�,l----------------------------da�J ��-- - ------- --- ---��u-�t--- --- --- -�. D.,19.�Q------• <br />' W7TNESS -----�_��ul i C-�----�-��1��.�_4� -- -------------------------- <br /> - I3enson_C�.H:�rr------------------------- --- --- -----��-a__�.�.i_l,�on------------------------ <br /> .-, 'A -.,' <br /> --------- ���_._.r_..T����-- ----- _ - ------------ ------- <br /> ST.ITE OIK��i�'F;1..���',i, <br /> �ss. <br /> __J e�_f_�_x�sczn---------------------County, ) On this-----------�----------------------daJ �f-------------------.ALi�t1S-�---------------------..1. D., 19__1Q - , before me, <br /> the urzder�si�ned,a:': COLZT1.u�T;�C1�7Ck_.__ __._..____within and for said County, personally came__._________________________________________.__________ <br /> I - --- <br /> .___;_i�uz_i_cs___�.Nilsan_ ancz___Er�___"r_i„Vilson�___ilis._.�rife <br /> ---- ------------ - -------- --------- ----------------------------------------------------- ------ ---------- ----------------------- --------------------------------------- <br /> to me personally krcown to be the identical person__�____.__whose rzame___$_________________________________a�j"ixed to the above <br /> �tiEAL) instrument as�rantor__8___, and__________________________________.____severally aeknowled�ed the sarrae to be.___th_Q�,..x_____voluntary � <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> INW7TNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my rtame and afj"ixed my offbeial seal at_________________ ______ <br /> _____I�O_u1�Vill6__ri_y______________________ ________________on the date Last above written. '' <br /> ---------------------------------------------�'-�-�- �uy--------,----- <br /> �ounty ;�Ierk <br /> �arrtiseie»,exp�rres.---- - - - - --------------- --- -------- - ------------------- ------�-----------• <br />