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� <br /> 1 �� <br /> . <br /> � DC��D ���0 ° D �oo �da <br />- . �.._ _ _ ; _ _ _ r �. _ _ _ _ <br />_ „���O--KLOPP&BARTLETT CO.,Printing,I.ithogr•¢phing a�zd CounEy Supplies;Oneaha. � �� <br />- i ,_ _ _. ._,_. ._,.- _-- �___._______..__,_ __._.__.__.�_._.-�...-- :— ---�-��___�.. ___ _. _��.__.� <br /> FRO.M I hereby certifz� that this instrument was entered on JV'umerical <br /> Index and fcled for record this.__________lta.-_._______day of__ZI�VeIll-b�r___._______ ` <br />' ------ A-•---2,�C�I�1-r--P'- �V1f-�- _ _ �1. D., 19--1�----, at---- -- - -- --- - �.��- ----•---o'clock,-----P,_.M. <br /> ---- -------- Warranty <br />' T� Deed. ' <br /> ------ ------------- - -- - - - ------------------- ------------- - <br /> Re�ister f Deeds, <br /> --------- -rr��_��_?�1�1.�--�'�_�U:BS _- - ------ ----------- . <br /> B�J------ -- - - --- - -- --- --- ------ ---- ---------------------------- <br /> ' _ -- - ---- Deputy. <br /> ��o� �.YY �e�. � ��je�e �re�e�t�: <br /> p <br /> �i��t.---- --�er -A,�_i_�T���.S----�.�d__��z'-�--:w%CiJ�.i�- -- ------ ---- - -------------- ---- --------------- -------------------------------------------------- -- --- <br /> ----------------------- ---------------- --�---- ---- --------- -- ---- ----- - --�--hus_�;_�ncl---and__tiYi f e-�--- ----------------------------------------------------- --------------------- ---- <br /> -------a.n-d b't�r.t,e o ---------_i�_k�z'381C-�----------------------------------------------------------Grantor---B-----, in consideration, <br />', of the County of------------Yaall------------- }' . <br />!, of the sum of_--------�`_�.X_.�Ll�ld�8�1--12��3.--ri0_/�.1.Q� -- - -- -- - --------------------------------- --------- ----- ------------------------------------------------ ---------DOLL�RS, <br /> / <br /> an hand paid, do_____________.___hereby GRd4NT,.B�9RG✓1IaN', SELL, ✓1ND CONVEY'urLto_____j�T@_B_C827.�1$.__StaL188 <br /> � 1 ' ' ' _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _._____"___"__'_"_"____"._____'_ '____"'___'____""" <br /> of the County of_------�_a�l------------------------------and State of_--------_Tv�'�1'��kc'�_---------------------------------___ _- -----,, the followin� ' <br /> described premises, situated in the County of___ ___._______.__ __ __"!�i��l_l________________________._____.___arz,d State of Nebr�Bka, to wit: <br /> --------LO--�---i_,u�a�?�x_.�'_�..vQ-�-��-�----a.n..�lo�-k--�rur.�uu�--Si,x- ��� -:�1ix�cio_�,�2Z�,s--Ada�,tioz�.._t�a_..�x.�xzcl._.I_s.l.�.nd,----.a;.�.uxaska........- - <br />,._...�lat-t-e-d---ar�cl-�'->caxcl��..---- ---..._..- --�-�-- --- -............................�---.........--�-----...... ---� �--....-�----�----------------------��----------�-------�------�-------------- <br /> ....._.._..-- ---- -- --------- --- - -..--- ------ ----._--------------.._------------�- -- ---------- ..... --- ---- -- - -----------�----------------------- ----------------------------------- -----------_... - - ---- <br />' -------------------------------- - - -- ------ -� - - - ---- ------------------------�----------�---------------------------- - ---- - --� -...--- ---------�----�----------------- - ...---�--- -----------------------�-------------------- <br /> ---------------------- - - --- ------ --- ------- - - -- ---- ---- ----- --- - - ----�- .....-----------------------------------------------------�----�---------------------- ----�------ -------- --------- --�---------------- -- <br />'� - ----�---------- --- -- _... - - -�- - ----- ---- ------ --- ---- -- __--�---�--�-------------------------------------------��-- ----- ---------��--�------...---� -..._-�------� ------- -----------------�----------- -------------�------ <br />' �-------------------- ------- --- --�-�--��-- ---- --- ----- - .- -- - ---- --- -- --------- ---------�---�----------------....._... -�-------------------�--------------------- ---------��-----�----�--�-�--.......--��-�-----------------------�-----� ------ <br />' ---�----- -----�--------------- ---- -- - -__-- ---- - --- - - -� --�- - ------ - - ---- ------------- - - - --------- - -- - - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�sht, Title,Interest,Dozver, <br />�i, Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoe,ver of the said Grantor.s.___,and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or anz�part thereof. ' <br />'�, �0 �d�IC �11� t0 �OY� the above-described pre»Zises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee________artd to.__.__h@T _ heirs <br /> and assi�sns forever. �nd__'s3��____._____hereby couenarzt___._.with the said Grantee_.____.that______�S!�______________________ hold___.______.said premises by�ood and ; <br /> perfect title; that.___.______y�Cs�_____________ha'St�3___�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free arzd clear of all lieras '; <br /> andincumbrances whatsoever--------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----•---------------------- <br /> -------------------------------------------------- --- -- - ---------------- ------ -- ------ -----__- -- - - --- -- - -- - ---- ------------------------ ------ ----------------------- ------ ---- --- <br /> d4nd___._________,_____.__��g____.___ _.____________________________ warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons <br /> whomsoever--- ------ -- - ------- - - -- --- --------------------------•------------------------------=-------------------------- ----------------------------------------- -- ----- -------------------------- -- ' <br /> Dated the----------------��_�h------------------da� �f--- - --Tdo_VBTrib_�r-- ------ - - -----�1. D.,19�'------• ; <br /> W'IT.NESS -----�_�:R_��?ai r----------------------------------------- <br /> u .C.�ust on -----��ra,�.._2.���dair---------------------------- -- ---- ---- -- -- <br /> ST�1TE OF NEBR.lSK�, <br /> ss. - <br /> --------------------����.�-----------------_County, On this---------1Sth-------------------da�J �f---------------NOSrer1'bar----------------------.�. D., 19__lti ._ , before me, � <br /> the undersi�ned, a�Y'otar7�PubZie------__-__-_-_----_-_-----__-_--within and for• said Countz�, Aersonally came------_-_-_------_-_-_-_-_--_--__---_--------_----.-_-- ---__.-- <br /> ---------- - A:,;-�;_�a�tair--�n�i_ ��_ah__�a�i��.is------------- --------------------------------------------------------_------ ----- <br /> -- ------- --------------- -------------------------- -- -- (--hus E�ancl._�nd__i�if e---.�-------------------- -�-------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person.s____.___whose name__8__ar6____________________�f�xed to the above <br /> �SEAL) instrumerat as�rantor__�_._, and___.____._�he_Y_________________severally aeknowled�ed the same to be____�helr___voluntar� <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. ° <br /> IJV'W7TNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my r�ame and afj"ixed my offieial seal at______._______________. <br /> ----------'-7 rand__I s lunc�-----r1e-r='r• <br /> _ ________________on the date last above writterc. <br /> � ---------- --------------------------�_._C._�us_t_Qn--�------------------------- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> .My commission expires------- -- ---- --- -- - - -- ---- --__ST1�.ly --�-�----- ----------19--�8-----• ; <br />